Raiblocks falling

What's happening? Are the whales dumping, or driving price down to get fatter bags?



Exchanges are still clogged up you moron. You grow 15k% in one month eventually the mass adoption is going to pump the breaks.

This is only going up tho so don't be stupid when you should be stocking.

It will drop more on binance. But expect a pump afterwards, maybe 48 hours later. There will be an initial panic

It's gonna get done to $23 after binance dump If it doesn't get above $30 by then again. Then it'll project to 75 over a month or so after binance.

Who knows how much the new update on the roadmap and the supposed rebranding.

$150 by summer is healthy, $600 EOY based on the market cap shifts

Buy the dip on Binance or be forever poor.

Veeky Forums - BUY HIGH SELL LOW

>whales can finally cashout

the absolute state of raifags

You should sell user, your hands are too weak.
Only those with a strong grip can hold onto the rocket once it takes off.

Why is this ~$30 on kucoin but $26 on bitgrail?

Way too conservative, this coin will enable arbitrage utilities like no other. That alone (and Being the first real digital currency) will send this to $250 end of month. The only thing holding up this rocket are the slow and incompetent exchanges. XRB is a top 5 coin.

got 300 XRB, buying the dips hoping to get atleast 500 of these bad boys i also have a feeling itll be 100+ eoy

there wont be a dip on binance lol

Kek. Everyone knew Bigrail was using arbitrage between ETH, BTC, and XRB to drive the price sky high and pocket those fees. Went from $3 to $35. Now that their monopoly is gone, will go back under $10...

>coins with 30 million and 100 million dollar market caps
>vs coin with 4 billion market cap

>What's happening?
If this is a legitimate question you should probably kys
>whys my coin that 100x’d in a day crashing??

so we are still holding XRB? getting discouraged watching everything else skyrocket.

>muh bitgrail conspiracy

It went 40x or some shit, if you didn't take profit you deserve to get fucked.

holding til end of year, this is definitely going to be big

The recent hype died down with exchange issues, and superficial traders are moving on. Anyone who was able to buy on Bitgrail/Mercatox has had the chance to cash out there or on Kucoin, so I don't expect a Binance dump. This is one of the high potential coins to hold for the year (if you're into diversifying).

you see what happened with APPC yesterday?

i've been buying in throughout the process.. I missed the cheap stuff. so no profit for me..

If you weren't doing this too, you're an idiot. Buy XRB with BTC, Sell XRB for ETH, Sell ETH for BTC, Buy MORE XRB than had originally. KEK. Worked every time.

>fall for the Veeky Forums shilling and buy into something at ATH

buy high sell low you stupid fuck

so should I be trying to do the arbitrage between bitgrail and kucoin? Kucoin has it almsot 10000 sats lower


Where? At Kucoin?

I did it on Bitgrail. Usually a $2+ dollar spread between BTC and ETH price for XRB. For advanced traders only.

simmer down newfag, this is the nature of crypto, why the fuck would you sell at a bottom? buy more on a bottom and sell at a high. you need to strengthen your hands. you are either a pussy or just have no understanding of what you are invested in. a good way to strengthen ones hands is to read the white papers, and actually understand where the company is going, what they are trying to do and there expectations.