There are people that don't own ChainLink on this board

>there are people that don't own ChainLink on this board

I just don't fucking get. Did you guys believe the Ethereum FUD last year too?

You're not retarded are you user?

Other urls found in this thread:



holding 225k :)

Lol let them stay poor. This coin is for the enterprises. Pajeet and neet money will not help it pump.

>had over 10k links
>sold after 2 months of hodl
>lose money anyway
>it's over dollar now
I just can't kill myself enough

Should buy that fucking Ledger and put it there, then stop coming to binance everyday

no product is a dealbreaker, even though the idea is god-like

This. Also Mobius Network on Stellar will make Chainlink obsolete.

mobius isn't blockchain agnostic fuckwit. try again

Lol did you really buy high and sell low?

>no product

There is a product.

Okay, so we have 2 retards here.

Anyone else?

Just buy back in right now, all will be forgiven

Well, where is it? Please convince me otherwise

You're gonna be punching yourself in the balls every day of your life once this moons if you don't get in now

You lazy bastard. You can go to their website and create a ChainLink right this instant.

You can create a eth, town crier and Bitcoin oracle on their website already. You can setup a node on a Linux VM already

What wallet do yall keep your coins on? Mine are just sitting on binance and starting to feel anxious about it.

I'm sorry. I was wrong.

I'm shocked. This happens on the internet?

Myetherwallet through my ledger

Please...I’m a poorfag who just wants to live comfortably as a wagecuck. I trust Link but can’t bring myself not to chase moons like XLM or FUN...

Do I become stinky?

holy fuck lad you're set for life.
I'm a poorfag sitting at 1100 ..

>he didn't dump link for master race OCT

What are you even doing? They're hinting at an Alibaba-Tron partnership.

Lol XLM has already mooned to the shithouse. it was 0.01 when I started.

Just makee sure to buy in under $2

Link is kinda lazy. Keep building your stack as much as you can before it hits 1.50-1.70 range.

i-it’s an honor to know y-you sir


>Mobius Network

waves don't lie

What exactly was Sergey's company doing for 4 years? They didn't have a product? So he just went around doing presentations while steve was fucking around in Ruby and that took 4 years? I guess they ran out of cash and had to do the ICO?

Kek now this is a rare sight

>hating on dogecoin

what are you doing


Please someone call That post spooked me hard

They have product but it isn't decentralized

Honestly I just don't want my pride getting in the way of fruitful discussion. I'll be getting myself some linkies once I've done my research properly


ur kiddin right?

Cool picture

I no longer recognize this world.

What the... Well okay, glad you came to your senses my friend

don't listen to these shills and their scam coin, this coin is 100% controlled by whales who shill here to find new waves of bag holders

this coin has continually plummeted in BTC terms.. the shills try to entice you by always talking about its USD price, but if you trade your BTC or ETH for this you will ONLY LOSE LONG TERM

there is no need for this erc20 token to exist. oracles will just be added into ETH and Bitcoin Cash

i dont think that there was anywhere near as much FUD as there is with LINK.

I've tripled my btc amount since december

Yeah buddy don't think you understand what a oracle is if you think they can just add it as a feature.

>this coin has continually plummeted in BTC terms

Depends when you bought in. November or later and you'd be way up vs BTC. ICO bagholders are still down though, which is quite a feat in this 100x overnight world.

I personally got in at $0.30 (and whatever that is in sats) so IDGAF.

I think it's safe to say that ChainLink is the only coin/token trading far below its actual value, rather than trading for a hyperinflated price as per usual

godspeed you beautiful bastard

Just made it to 20k LINK. See you at the ChainLink millionaires luncheon summit.

Salt is definitely undervalued. I have suspicions DBC is undervalued but don't trust the chinks enough to risk it. I have enough Link to retire so who cares.

gratz bro

Jelly, wanted 20k link, but only got 17k, if FUN or REQ moons before link, I'll sell and buy more, looking to get that first liutenant promotion.

I bought because a friend of mine likes zelda

This will moon so fucking hard. Beyond any imagination!


will I make it with 6100 LINK?

bought 1.2k at 20 cents, wish i bought more but eh i've made a fuckton off of shift and upfiring

Please remember us common folk who only have 10k once you have two Lambos and one of them isn't your favorite color

I bought it first day it was on binance silly

Top bloke

How many of you plan on staking once the mainnet goes live? Run your own or join a pool?

i have 1200 dollars in crypto

just bought 220 link on binance. should i just all in or keep the rest in btc ltc

please be gentle. im acoustic

Don't worry little frog, I think we poorfags will make it too.


made 4x on bnty so wondering should i put some of that into link now or hold it a while longer

How many link do I need to make it?

1800 here. We'll still make bank, user. Buy dips and praise surgey.

BLUE is a better investment for short term, especially since their new wallet is coming out today.

I'm gonna start off running my own node buy also look at pools to see if any are more profitable and go by that

I chewed into LINK pre-sibos FOMO. Threw down 1BTC. It plummeted. Iron hands, kept buying.

Now poorfag is sitting on 75k link.

Never sell, always hold, linkboiiii

well done

Outstanding marine!

ok Veeky Forums eli5 me what is chainlink and how can I buy. I can invest around 1k and hodl for a year without problems.

I too have held since pre sibos. Probably avg buy in price of 35c. It was rough. 250k reporting in though and feeling good.

Anons how many should I buy to make it and how much will 1 link be in 2019?

basically timmy you are a fucking retard and there is no saving you, get in here

if it isn't $100+ then the apocalypse already happened


Brainlet. Read the thread. Just posted.

no problem if you cant explain chainlink to me coloanal damu, someone smarter will do it.

Yall think ripple has peaked?

Been building my stack to come in on link with it. Im awful at timing these things.

read this over and over till you understand

Ironically it will be TC that propels LINK into the stratosphere. I am thinking $100/LINK by eoy

Stinky Linky! Stinkky Linkky! Sttinkkky Liinkkky!
Stinky Linky! Stinkky Linkky! Sttinkkky Liinkkky!
Stinky Linky! Stinkky Linkky! Sttinkkky Liinkkky!

thanks. When I get my lambo I will give some back to the community.

Do you honestly believe this or are you just shitposting?

ChainLink is the brain child of Sergey Nazarov, this motherfucker has been developing smart contract technologies BEFORE Bitcoin even existed. This about that for a second. Also, is already in business and HAS BEEN for YEARS offering centralized oracle services. There is a fucking product already you dumb fuck. They hype surrounding LINK doesn’t even take account for what they are already doing.

Daily reminder Sergey Nazarov = SN = Satoshi Nakamoto. You are smart enough to trust in Nakamoto, right Veeky Forums?

How much LINK do I need to make it?'d be better off buying verge.

Saints Sergius the secret christian
Nazarov from root nazar, of nazareth

Nothing to see here, look busy

The last of that handle is forming nicely

Stinky Linky! Stinkky Linkky! Sttinkkky Liinkkky!
Stinky Linky! Stinkky Linkky! Sttinkkky Liinkkky!
Stinky Linky! Stinkky Linkky! Sttinkkky Liinkkky!

I want to invest 1000 dollars in LINK. Should I wait for the next dip or buy now?

Thats the truth right there. Jesus from Nazarov

why are you nice

I went all in a while ago and it really fucked me being attached to this coin. Ever since I got out it's been nothing but money.

Sure I could have doubled or tripled my investment if I would have just held instead of selling but I've managed to 8x it instead diversifying into other coins.

Unironically hate this coin, it set me back so far in crypto because of my delusional attachment. Not even larping, only someone else that was a Link fanatic and finally cut their bags would be able to understand.

If link hits $100 I won't even care because I will have probably made 10x that just holding and trading other coins.

Screencap I made of AssBlaster's post yesterday

ahh yes, the fabled soup ladle will be upon us

include me in the screencap

Sure, you could go that route. But for someone like me who only like checking on my jewcoins once a week, LINK is a pretty fucking safe bet.