Just downloaded Brave browser and it is unbearably slow and shit, this is going to flop.
Just downloaded Brave browser and it is unbearably slow and shit, this is going to flop
pardon me? its fast as fuck
Yeh, I downloaded it on my phone and it's by far the slowest browser I've used.
I used the iPad version and it's pretty bad
Idk about the desktop one, chrome is the best thing ever, better than any open source garbage
Yeah no shit. BAT is a really stupid idea.
Shut the fuck up Pajeet. Nobody believes you.
Yeah its clunky as shit, thats why i sold my BAT
seem to believe me retard.
no one will ever switch from chrome again
Same fag.
Who needs BAT for ads when you have PRL that completely eliminates ads anyway?
The desktop version is running faster than Safari on my Mac.
Definitely samefag
lots of people would be willing to sell their personal information for money.
Lies and slander, it's great. On mobile I don't use anything else anymore. On desktop, I'll have to wait until they improve the add-on compatibility, which is in the works. It's the future. Get on now or be left behind.
Depends on what you're looking for.
BAT has a better business model behind it, as the advertising industry's shekels are going to be put towards anything that gets people to watch more ads. It's win/win for the advertisers and the userbase.
reminder to believe nothing on Veeky Forums
Clearly I must be doing something wrong or my phone is just shit. Brave takes forever to load pages, while everything else I've used was pretty much instant.
The fastest thing I've used by far is Firefox Focus on mobile. Granted you don't get tab support.
Why the fuck would i give up my regular adblock program for one that botnets my system into mining shitcoins for some jew? Are you legit retarded?
you're not even selling your personal info, that's the beauty of it. Your personal info is tracked locally, which is packaged securely inside the BAT transaction with advertisers. They don't get to see what kind of person you are, but they still get to sell you ads that you're likely to be interested in.
So there's literally no need for Google to spy on you 24/7
Low quality bait
except good luck getting people to voluntarily do ads
Its not a new idea and it wont be successful.
Remember NetZero? People dont want to see ads, even if they get paid for it. People will pay to avoid ads. Thats why we have DVRs and paid hulu.
The target market is teens and NEETs with no income. But when you get .003 cents to watch a video, the novelty wears off. I bought in for the gains, doing ok with it, but its not going to work.
>inb4 omg its teh jarvasskrip inventor
wrong. I have a friend what only watches the ads of youtubers he supports because he thinks they actually deserve the money from him watching the full ad.
You think mobile users are going to give up some of their processing power? You don't think advertisers are going to still try and find a way into the market even if not does (it probably won't) succeed and head straight for BAT? Just lol @ you pajeet.
An example is not a proof. You should have learned that in highschool. And surely you know your friend is in the .00000001% and isnt worth the marketing money.
>i have a friend who licks tires, hes never had a flat tire
>licking tires prevents flat tires
its an old chrome fork
just use chrome with ublock
An autistic way to read my reply. I can use your own fucking argument against you faggotron, just because you skip ads and hate them, doesn't mean everyone does.
tested brave on desktop for the last 2 days, it's a piece of shit, would use chrome, firefox or even fucking edge over it any day
Ok kiddo.jpg
i use brave. i feel my personal hygiene has improved since switching from (((chrome))).
go back to plebbit, soy boy.
this is accurate info.
This is why I sold. It's awful.
I use it on android phone (pale moon on pc). I haven't had any issues. Not invested in BAT though.
This is exactly what google is doing. They are not selling data to advertisers.
would you if you were a normie?
BAT != Brave
BAT is being built into many other services and browsers so fuck off with this low tier FUD
BAT already flopped when it was conceived slowpoke-kun
>working in the year 2 0 1 8