Sell or hold biz? Will this get dumped? No idea what to do. Hands getting weak. Wasn't expecting to hit the 10$ mark this fast. Surely this isn't a healthy growth?
i'm not invested in ICX but i would hodl until a market downturn
We're 3 weeks away from mainnet. You'd have to be full blown retard to sell this early
You can try and trade to increase your stack but this coin is pretty unpredictable. I'd just hold Man, it's going to at least 3x eom
don't sell user
pls don't sell, you wont dump the price, but you will neck yourself in two weeks if you sell now. I love you for being involved, but for your own sake, don't sell yet
It’s a good hold but if you like to daytrade feel free to sell and buy the dip later. There will be a dip. Personally I’m holding til eoy, but that’s for tax reasons. Real good coin, play it smart.
not invested. hold for a few more weeks.
alot of news about icon coming in less than 3 weeks.
i had 250 of them and missed that $10.00 money shot. ..
now i'm bag holding for a couple weeks.
Dude, it's the NEO of Samsung. Take a look at NEO, that's where this is headed.
Of course not in a matter of days, but mid-term, we'll be there come summer if all goes well.
Koreans think it's going to $30 USD after mainnet, and this is their coin, so they are probably right. I recommend holding. Also this growth is perfectly fine, it's not like it did 300% in 2 days or whatever.
You fucking weak handed nigger faggot, not even gonna convince you to hold you'll likely sell anyway. Just know that you'll not be allowed in the Icon gentleman's club ever again if you sell. Smell ya later loser!
*Drives off in Mustang
None of the shit coins are health growth. Theyre pump and dump schemes. Make your money on it while you can.
>Surely this isn't a healthy growth?
last thing he said before it crashed
not seeing the obvious
Not your financial advisor nor do we have the same goals as you. If you want to get out then get out, it's all down to if you're happy with how much you have right now or want more, we don't know that so don't expect us to give you advice.
just take profit if you want to be on the safe side. There are two big upcoming event so this will go up
>not waiting for ICX to get listed on coinone for the real gainz
I sold. I'll buy again in 15 minutes.
Thanks for everyones comments and suggestions. I have iron fucking hands. ICX GANG.
dont be retarded user..we went sideways for ages. shitcoins mooned left and right
you call the ada 30 billion pump in days healthy? or tron?
and we actually shit on both projects so hold you faggot
dat whale wall
icx never gave a fuck about walls.
yes, sell them to me you silly faggot
>*Drives off in Mustang
more like spins mustang into a crowd of people
This, icx is really undervalued if you compare it to vaporware like trx and ada.