How much RLC do you own

How much RLC do you own


Only 300, but thinking about buying 1-2k more. When are we gonna moon?


We might get a little pump tomorrow when they release the partnership but I think the biggest catalyst will be when we get onto a new exchange which should happen anyway now IMO and of course leading up to May when v2 comes out

few weeks

101, no joke. poorfag

81 but I'm also a retard

its fine you will get nice 5x

Almost 4k comfiest hold

4.7k. future millionaire here

441. Not enough famalam.

I hope so,Using practice money on bittrex. Also have 1 ZCG waiting for the fork. All my money is in LINK and REQ.

what 5x at the current price

14 $?
no way man
all obscure shitcoins are mooning and the useful ones are going sideways

> t. poorfag studentfag

I have 2k to spare but not sure if I should but this into this shitcoin or something else. I have like $500 in it, but the volume is so low and I don't know why it would go up in the near future

Poorfag here went half in at

what price did you guys buy in at?


Went all in at 50 cents back in October. Wish I would have bought something like iota or cardano first tho. My stack would be at 1mill by now

3100. Held since april. Waiting until 20 usd to sell.

More than 6k, and I'm not selling any until it's a household name (same goes for the rest of my portfolio), but I'm having doubts about its growth potential, and hesitant about buying more since the recent rise.

You realize the only reason it hasn't grown to its full potential is because of accessibility right? Think about it, I've seen 3-4 guys on Veeky Forums alone make accounts on liqui just to get some rlc. The second we get added to poloniex bitfinex or binance (which the devs say "big exchange(s)" will happen soon) our volume spikes to 20million, what do you think happens next? Not to mention v2 slated for may..

You can also assume the majority of rlc investors are long term holders which only further limits supply and increases demand. I've spoken to the lead devs and believe when I tell you they ain't selling their stash for a quick 20% pump. Those guys are notorious hodlers

Veeky Forums doesnt like getting into a coin early. they wanna FOMO after it 2x's

Is it worth buying ETH to buy into this now, with ETH being so high?

i also asked devs about ku exchange and they confirmed that the application is in process. 2018 will be huge for rlc holders

5.2k. Hopefully they market the shit out of this after v2.

I believe in the project, and I'm patient.
I like that they're not hyping up their project.
I just meant that I'm unsure of its relative long-term growth potential compared to a more general project like Ethereum.