Post telling people this will start to moon beause it's extremey undervalued (1M instead of 50M) and volume is picking...

>post telling people this will start to moon beause it's extremey undervalued (1M instead of 50M) and volume is picking up

>get laughed at and called an idiot

Sorry I didn't make a thread on a shitcoin like TRON.

Do your own research, but one look at the website, alpha, market cap, and order book, and you'll realize what I did a few days ago.

Other urls found in this thread:

I actually bought 200 just from that thread.

turned my $30 into $66

th-thanks OP

This will be going much fucking higher.

Feel sorry for the sadfags missing the easiest 100x ever.

Shit lol I still have like 1K of these from the ICO. Any news?

people seemed REALLY mad at this coin, i think it was just two idiots that sold at the bottom or something.

after this shit is launched on the main network im gonna shill it so hard lol.

i think people are finally realizing it will all come together. too many people were worried it was a scam but with the alpha being finished they realize the potential now

No news but alpha available to test, full release and marketing yet to come but people are stacking in anticipation, buying from idiots who don't like making money.

Nice, might throw another 1 ETH at it. Low financial risk for nice potential.

Yeah. It hasn't ever lost much in USD value but dropped 80% in ETH value while ETH went 3x in the meantime.
Definition of 'oversold'
Can't wait for the platform to release and watch all the shitheads who sold scramble back to buy high.

I have literally never heard of this.

Was shilled to fuck pre-ICO thanks to $1.5m cap.
Had a brief 70% pump and died for months.
4ggots figured the Dev was just scamming but he's been putting in the work.

If you want to see potential just look at the other gambling shitcoins.

You are obviously too new to remember the ICO. It was SO hyped on Veeky Forums because of it's low cap and ended up in the shitter for months

Guess I didn't notice. I only got into this in mid November and haven't ever actually bought pre-ICO. I'm not 'gambling' on shitcoins per se, I'm just holding a couple I think are kinda good. Guess I didn't pay enough attention though.

Developer is also user, and he delivered.
There is no way this is getting regulated.

Easiest 100x in ages, possible even 1000x if it goes to a better exchange

this is what im thinking is

1. get this shitcoin to 5x or something

2. exchanges will see price and volume and list it

3. enjoy another 5x

I think we if shill it to an exchange after it goes up a ton more it'll go well, that's my plan at least

I'm only placing my bet on one gambling coin and it won't be your shitcoin.

t. Funchad

I think by "buying a gambling shitcoin" he's clearly a stinky linky.

yes. fuck LINKers.

It's at half ICO price in terms of eth, lol

i see this as a good thing. I missed out on most of ETH so while it climbs back up and past it I'll be able to recoup those losses.

This was shilled at the same time as LINK ICO and I bought both. Accept this went -80% and LINK 400% So guess which people kept talking about?

I did and bought FUN at 2 cents

Hey nice I just found 160 EBET I must have forgoten to dump, nice, kek

to be fair link was 20x the size and also didn't 400% that well, a lot of people lost on it too. EBET pumped post-ico too and some people took their profits

What coin are you guys talking about?

ENJ eventually did me well after being -90%
Now it's up 500% from ICO

gonna throw my MTL bags into this "nostalgic" shit coin I reckon Even though I hold the superior FUN

click OP's image, spoilers.

Thanks. I can’t see it from the Chan app.

maybe you shouldn't be using shitty phone apps.

also watching this on hitbtc is great even though it's kind of slow the moves are huge % wise

>post on Veeky Forums

>price is up 100% since

is Veeky Forums the market?

No one not on Veeky Forums is actually buying these shitcoins. You realize that right?


this entire board is shitcoins, user.

where do you think you are?

We are the shitcoins.


not even a joke, why is the liquidity so low?

is it this easy?


to both of these.

I sold 1372 at .10 a week and a half ago after holding for MONTHS. I thought it was dead for good.

just never sell, anything, no matter how shit it is

people got burned who sold DOGE even, the market is just stupid

>tfw over here penny pinching XMR's fluctuations while you guys make it

It's headed at Edgeless' market cap.
Dev is a great guy.
You should follow the Discord.

This, I got burned on fucking EBET of all things.

Literally everything will make you money if you don't buy ATH before a crash in this market.

Lol did this piece of shit just x2 in the course of this thread?

yes. I just made 1 ETH doing literally fucking nothing hahahaha

now im going to buy back in lower

Very limited amount of coins, and people are holding since ico not selling till this goes to 10 dollars each

>before a crash in this market
This is the scary part.

Not everyone is poor like you.


Yeah, I lurk their discord and Blake seems like a good guy, he could have easily exit scammed without getting caught particularly when a lot of people were expecting it and instead he just kept chugging along working.

been holding 18,500 since ico

soon lads, soon

Goddamn i fucking love blake now. EBET has the potential to get to a 200m market in no time. Thats 23 dollar a coin

If it gets to 10 usd I will brand the EBET logo into my taint

gonna be a lot of EBET tattoos soon

it's gonna moon for so many reasons

1) only gambling coin with real privacy
2) half the price of ICO, undervalued as shit
3) dev team actually delivers

in for 10k, will have one on my ass

Where can you buy this ?

or etherdelta but just use hitbtc imo

hitbtc, etherdelta

more exchanges coming soon, longer u wait higher the price. This shit will be 5 dollar next week. fucking low marketcap right now

I think this will be a slow burn personally, it'll still take a while to get on other exchanges as Blake's not wanting to pay the exorbitant listing fees. I mean even COSS wants $200k apparently.

Ill just gamble my ethbet for more ethbet then ;^)

Someone should tell Blake to get it on Bancor. Despite all the hate they get their decentralised token exchange thing has been pretty useful since the exchanges shit the bed.

I posted help, for someone to loan me some ETH to sell my EthBet when it was at 0.10.

Thanks for being assholes guys.

?? what

poorfag here, all in for 2k

yea i turned 40 bucks into 90 thx user. keep shilling us people are listening.

Lets compare this to an other edgeless crypto which is less developed by far.
market cap of 219.356.462.
(219.356.462/5.182.622)*0.609= 25.7761583535 per token. this is the easiest x42 you will ever see, especially when it gets to big exchanges. All we need now are people to adopt it, and when the plaform comes out next moon you will have a comfy space on the moon rocket.

Exactly this, edgeless is so fucking shit


edgeless is literally pajeet galore. such a bad project that is overvalued.

I didn't have enough money to get GAS to move my ethbet from my wallet to the exchange.

So I asked for some GAS here, and no one helped me, that's the only reason I held EthBet at that particular time.

5600 here. It’s been a tough hold.

Ice In before 300 a pop, gonna make it rain on the hoes in my lambo. Fire

oh. just in case you dont know

the worst holds are often rewarded the best. I held eth from like $12 to $6 or some shit over months and months. fucking hated that but it was so worth it.

in case you dont know, moving ebet just takes like 0.01 ETH, not the 'gas' token that is for neo, but maybe you meant that

ico buyer here, hands of steel until it gets on a decent exchange.

all or nothing


jesus how much was that in eth lol

200ETH, there were a few people that bought that many.

wow, you must have had a lot of eth i hope.

the only thing i dislike about what you did is you bought 3% of an entire coin, so selling is super hard, you're forced to kind of perma-hold or you'll crash the price since you're by all means a whale if you own 3% of it all

I only bought 2ETH worth, I was just answering your question.

ah okay, you just did the math.

same question stands for whoever bought that much, but i did see you can sell OTC apparently in the discord? wonder if anyone did that

This shits gone up 200% in 24h, is it too late?

What's a realistic market cap for this thing once it gets noticed/ put on a larger exchange?

here's what I would do is, put in a kind of low, but not super low buy order. if it hits that, you win, hold for a long time. if it doesn't then stay out.

or just buy idk lol

Nice, I bought 10k today and yesterday when it was low.

Only the people from day 1 will remember him!

$400 million seems very reasonable to me as this is superior to edgeless and should be at least double its marketcap but its not going to be some fast pump. I'm holding till at least September as that will put me in longterm holdings tax rate for this.

>paying taxes on shitcoins that are on exchanges in the middle of nowhere

all taxes on these coins are longterm if any term at all :^)

Easiest x42 of my life. get in now!

I have bought my tickets to the moon rocket

WTF I love ethbet now

mooning soon, so glad i bought in

when will i be able to actually use the platform?

what price did you get in at?

alpha is now, ask in Discord. after that idk

soon (tm)

mark zuckerburg in EBET, big if true

Blake buying FB once EBET reaches it's final destination.


See you on pluto.

when coinbase


can someone crash this so i can buy it at a reasonable price?