Veeky Forums NEEDS FLAGS


they will just use vpns
physical removal is the only way

Agreed. I've actually been forwarding LINK and BZC memes to Trump for months now with the tag line "Poo in Loo or Nuke in Poo???!" hoping he gets the idea.
If anyone else has suggestions, I'm open to trying them.

bumping for vote.

arent pajeets afraid of touching cows or something, use cows for op images and pajeets wont enter

10/10 idea right here too. Rajeesh won't post in threads if we convince them its against their religion or something.

Bump and a vote

MODS, fucking ban the pajeet spambots.

You ban me for posting goatse, the most vanilla image on the entire internet that only newfags (like you) even notice, but you let pajeet shit up the entire board with spam and scams.

Fuck the janitors are worthless and the mods are too busy watching cuck porn to do anything.

Just make it more difficult for them brainlet.


ban everyone not from america or china

I support this.

huh? i think you forgot europe you amerimutt

Keep bumping this up anons, we need to rid ourselves of the brown-skin subhumans who infest this board.

Europe is literally dogshit, worse than India and we didn't even realize that was possible.

fucking christ. what happened? a normie with $150k to invest hears about biz and decides to just follow the most-shilled shitcoins


>(add the period)


well they pass the basic civilization litmus test--you can drink the water from the sink. notice how once chimps took over detroit the water became toxic? same idea

Fine they can stay but not the French. Fuck France they are worse than niggers.

>Fuck France they are worse than niggers
i went to france last summer and from my experience the french are all basically niggers now anyway. same with germany. i fucking told my gf that europe was a shithole but she didn't believe me. on the plus side, she really hates niggers and slimes now.

Arent the French all niggers now anyway?

I hope you enjoy leaf memes

So we agree then. Ok
Canada still not welcome, application pending, kindly fuck off to mooseville.

/k/ has been asking this for years, it'll never happen

They won't, the only reason they spam Veeky Forums is because they can do it for absolutely free, a VPN for them is like 2 years of their salary so it would cull their numbers big time

What could pajeets possibly do in /k/?
Dude, the idea is to make it harder to pajeets to spam in here.

If i had to guess, I'd say people from non-American shitholes spam /k/ about gun rights and dmanding gun regulations or something. I could be wrong though.

i do

mook really just should range ban india. literally nothing good comes from there.

no that'll just turn Veeky Forums racist

oh wait

explain what's wrong with this

Do mods even have the ability to add flags?

It seems to me that if we want this we should go one step up in the hierarchy and contact the great chink owner or whomever admins the site on a higher level.

Get the fuck out you absolute normie

I'd love to see you actually go live in a middle eastern country.

>Not realising Veeky Forums and /pol/ share the same audience

There is a reason all the headlines are saying that nazi’s cash in on crypto, you know.

i'd love to see a single one of these faggots go virtue signal somewhere that matters--not in western countries where subhuman shitskins and women are pampered beyond belief. let's see them talk about toxic masculinity in a mudslime or nigger country and see how long they last

spoiler alert: pic related, you won't even make it through roachland

i'm still waiting you fucking cuck

What if we just hijack /int/ with crypto threads and abandon Veeky Forums?

If enough of us make the switchover, pajeet shills will have no choice but to follow and get flagged

The day we get rid of the cancer called women’s suffrage is the day we can finally fix our culture.

this has to be a rich dude who did it for shits and giggles

>women’s suffrage
agreed. the second you begin to research what wymyn have done since gaining the vote is the second you oppose women's suffrage.

take this shit bak to pol pajeet

>whines about /pol/
found the redditor