moon mission started boys. u want miss 200$ coin by mainnet live in march. lan balina saying 6 bill mcap on the card with in no time.
Google for blockchain arrived-Fomo Kicked in
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?circulating supply. screams scamcoin
they not yet listed in cmc nigga. circ supply is 35 mill. dyor before calling it scam. read below to understand what it is.
>founders of NEO started Nebulas
>testnet already launched
go to and DYOR
FUUUUCK was waiting all day for a fucking dip FMLLLLLLLLL.
Fuck it gonna go all in, anw gonna hold for long
Still super under the radar.
Looks really promising.
so its just a blatant cashgrab then
please stop posting this, let people accumulate before it blows up prematurely
bought just before the moon
feels comfy bros
If you mean in the sense that it will not only make us, Hitters Xu, and the rest of the founding team rich but crypto as a whole more valuable (and therefore more wealthy) then yes it is a cash grab
I got in at 2$, lot of biz told me drop this nas from pf and get some other pajeet tier shitcoins for moon but I did not listened them . look here. my HOLD meme paid off. look famous ytubes calling it as google for blockchains, 6 bill mcap by mainnet, which 200$ per coin. current entry is steal.
I am not sure I understand this coin, there are so many great moons recently I haven't had time to properly do my research on this one.
So it will allow you to query blockchains? Am I understanding that correctly? If so, it might be interesting to get in. This along with ARK/LINK can tackle the same interconnectivity problem from yet another interesting angle.
look at their wp, what problem it solving, they already ahead of schedule, test net already live. if u think its cash grab u can stay away. but 200$ coin on the card by mainnet.
with that supply, the coin is not so under the radar, but it sure has grow potential to be a top-20
Why do you only post this after it's gone up 80% on the day? I was on biz all day yesterday and didn't see a single thread.
dude, I am posting this from November. but My post always get zero replies, and it get archived. even I posted few days back but same response again.
Frankly I have no idea what it does but
>google for blockchain
>neo founders (mainly hitters xu - explain below)
>not properly listed on CMC yet
>will be listed on binance/kucoin
Also, hitters xu is huge. Hes literally an advisor for tron. Da Hongfei has nothing on this bitch
fuck you nigger why didnt you post this earlier
I try to help since nov/mid dec. posted sevaral times, but my thrds disappeared while u guys chasing bunty..etc other pajeet thier coins, neglected this gold mine. but this is top 10 coins. 200$ coin by mainnet. it can hit binance any time soon
Literally what the fuck are these exchanges? Sorry, I wanted to buy but I'm out
i'm going all in on this, pray for me
get it from , but u know if it hit binance u already late. smart ppl accumulate gold mines in unknowns exchanges. stay ahead of curve nigga.
all in crypto is risky. but this is potential XRB kind of moon until it hit 4-6 bill mcap.
this shit is non stop mooning. heading for top 50. this moon seems wont stop it gets in few bill dollar mcap
>just bought
>starts crashing the same second
dude, no worry about short term corrections,this 3 month hold coin. mainnet is in march. so u still early entry.
What wallet do you keep it in?
>3 mointh hold coin
>in crypto
sorry I dont buy chinese shit, best of luck
NAS is a HODL. No moon missions, no massive pumps. The coin isn't listed on many exchanges and normies cant pump this.
you're probably that nigga that made me buy this before mooning. thx my hero
Can it go on a fucking real exchange???
ya'll need to chill about these exchanges. nothing wrong with them. be happy its not on some shit like etherdelta