How much REQ to BUY a woman like this in 2019?
How much REQ to BUY a woman like this in 2019?
I had sex with a girl like this once, everything she consumes just goes straight to her thighs and ass
really weird shape
why is the rest of her body normal proprtions but ass is like 150 lbs?
probably just some niggercoin, you nigger
i hear she takes BAT and i want a turn
bags of xlm in her back pockets
>you like crabby patties, don't you squidward
Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.
genetic abnormality. your genetics determines your body's primary and secondary fat storage location. Unfortunately for her, her body only wants to store it in her ass and hips.
So basically if that wasn't the case she'd be a disgusting chubby.
sounds like she should stop consuming so much
Ay yo hol up dat be some xman evolushun ting man
Made for bbc
around 100 req
buy why? you would literally need to help her poop by spreading her ass cheeks for life
get a reg gir.l feed her some kfc q4 18 you have ass like that
lol i wouldn't call it unfortunately. She's got like a million instagram followers and making money off of it. Nogs love that shit.
Wow that’s disgusting, she even has an Instagram?? There’s so many users on there what’s her ig though