I have 2k guys
Which one do I buy
I have 2k guys
You love guys don't you faggot
Enigma is due to rise in the short term, REQ on the long term
Enigma. Lower market cap so more room to grow, and has way more utility than REQ. I hold a large amount of both but ENG is my favorite bag
Enigma for sure. Its been shilled far less than REQ and has more room to run. It also has bigger uses cases (its like monero mixed with ethereum)
ENG - $20-30 EOY 2018; REQ - $5-8 EOY 2018;
Either way you are in the same boat although ENG has the potential to go even higher due to low CIRC. I happened upon a rumor that Vitalik has communicated with the team but take that for what its worth. One tweet can moon a price.
req faguito
ENG, buy in the dip
REQ for sure, 10x your money in max 3 months
I'm starting to think possibly more than 20 or 30. Market cap and alot of room to grow and the potential is ridiculous with privacy coins in 2018.
I would not be shocked 50-150 eoy
ENG is a long term. Want to make day to day money fast? ENG not for you but FOMO will happen.
medium.com/ @talkcrypto /why-you-should-buy-enigma-coin-today-eng-d46f8d7bffb4
> more room to grow
this meme isn't dead yet? it literally doesn't matter when the brainlet squad jump in
req is maxed out
ENG, easily best choice
you'll make profits on both
ENG has an impressive team but the product isnt revolutionary.
REQ on the other hand, it it succeeds, it sets a new standard on world trade.
eng is a good entry right now, haven't looked at req
I've been holding XRP since 0.22, should I finally take profits and move to ENG when it dips a little?
There are 3 types of crypto assets
Cryptocurrencies are absolute crap and will be the first ones to go away Bitcoin,LTC,Raiblocks are some of them.
Cryptocommodities are ETH,NEO,Enigma and LINK. They provide a platform for others to build upon. They are the second generation of crypto and have more value than cryptocurrencies but only a few of them will survive in the long term.
Cryptoproducts are things like REQ,SALT, Walton and any other coin that actually wants to offer decentralized services. These provide the most value in the long run and will have the highest long-term success rates.
What you want to invest in is your own choice. Enigma and REQ both have high potential but I would suggest REQ over Enigma simply for it being a dapp which will have a better long-term survival odds post-bubble collapse.
t. old-time dot-com daytrader.
fuck off oldfag
Enigma is the better choice and sounds cooler
Has that gamer type name which normies will eat up, req will make you reqt
>fuck off oldfag
>Enigma is the better choice and sounds cooler
Thanks for the analysis user bro, more intelligent than most of the shills in Veeky Forums
>t. old-time dot-com daytrader.
i was probably wearing diapers back then
The fuck you think?
Great analasys, I agree with your sentiment.I started trading less than 3 weeks ago with 1.3k$, then added ~1.5k$ 2 days ago to increase my holdings.
Kinda feel bad for not having more money to put into this, but eh, this is still an enormous investment for 2nd world college student.
You cant expect Enigma to "moon" until Q2-Q3 unless the rumors surrounding Vitalik ammount to something. If your in it to make a quick buck, its better to place your money into new shitcoins that pop upp all the time like Tron for example. Enigma has a good chance of surviving a mass altcoin holocaust due to the solid ideas behind the coin, so its rather good for long time investement, ie until Q1 2019
None, just dump it on POE or CND, still room for a 1000X. DYOR dammit.