He hasn't started accumulating OPUS yet

>He hasn't started accumulating OPUS yet
>He is still playing games with shitcoins that are full of technical mumbo-jumbo language
>He doesn't realize the normie hoard will invest in the Apple Music of coins


>10m market cap
>working demo
>q1 release
>not only any major exchanges

Other urls found in this thread:



how is this 13 million dollar market cap when shitcoins are at a billion

you have to pay for each song so whats the fucking point

Same as on any streaming service no?

No you don't. They moved to a streaming model a la spotify but better. Keep up to date you fucking pajeet,


I saw that posted in the bitcoin talk thread but didn't look much into it.

I'm just thirsty for quality 10m market cap coins. These are the millionaire-makers.

how is this better than spotify



All of these coins will 100x when the normies arrive. Is your head in the fucking game?


What's the purpose of the token? Just another way to get rapid crowd funding?

>Get 100% of the revenue
>Get 100% of the revenue
>Get 100% of the revenue

That's how, anyway, to answer your question.

First off, Opus can take a much much lower % of the revenue therefore the artists get much much more which gives them good incentive to put their music on Opus rather than Spotify. The music itself is stored on IPFS/decentralized storage so the cost of the service is also much cheaper to the user.

Not only that, because this is decentralized and stored in smart contracts, ANYONE can build their own player that interacts with the Opus platform.

They also have huge ties to the Chinese market which Spotify is barely even present in.

Its at $14m and is a no-brainer for going to 140m+ so buy in if you want but either way this is going to moon.

>Get 100% of the revenue

Fee-less music streaming. Strong demo, strong team, low market cap.

It's a fucking no brainer for 100m.

lmao the market cap was 12 last night I think.

It's increasing 1 million every 6 hours

do we have to buy on EtherDelta ?

What exchange is this bollocks on?

hitbtc exchange = shit coin = bb

The market cap more than doubled since Wednesday.

HitBTC. Very safe, very solid. If you can't get on there I'd trade them using a contract or some other way. I love this coin. I put down another .5BTC. Such a gem.

>he only buys a coin once it's worth 1 bil on binance

I'll give you a ride in my lambo one day, user.

HitBTC and Etherdelta for now. That's one of the reasons the price is being kept down. Once the binance/cryptopia listings go through then its straight to 10x.

>I'd trade them using a contract

what's that ?

>or some other way

so ED ?

I wouldn't use ED. It's very hard to get your money out of ED without a lot of extra ETH+GAS after your purchase.


How is Opus different than Musicoin?

where do i store this token. Help a brainlet out

get up to speed faggot. they are switching to a streaming model.

>it's cheaper.
>it has a demo already that plays when you click on it
>better website design

Musiccoin has already reached 50m

The earlier you get into the low market cap the higher your proceeds are. Do the math on your investment.

Don't split hairs, just buy.

you will never make it

its not going after spotify at this stage. more like soundcloud.

I'd like to know this too

Don't worry about that kind of shit yet man. JUST BUY IT ON HITBTC leave it on exchange.

I have 30k on exchanges.



its more than just streaming, its a platform, bounties for promoting gigs, lower fees for music, exclusive content, patreon for musicians etc

Chinese investment?

Chinese tend to use Chinese products/companies.

China/Asia is a huge % of the volume in crypto.

The CEO is Chinese I think.

This is probably one of the best early stage tokens you can get into. At $14m marketcap WITH A WORKING PRODUCT is unbelievable chance for you all. Get ready for 10x

you will FOMO buy my bags on binance in Q2 at 10x what it is now.

it doesnt have to be different

thats not how i evaluate projects. for me its more about growth potential and can it be marketed to normans. i invest exclusively in ~10mcap or below coins.

what i look for is:
- sound use case
- good technicals
- professional team
- stealth mode (so typically no marketing, or very early stages)
- working product is a bonus but is not neeed

at the moment OPUS ticks a lot of those boxes. look at more established music coins, or media coins:
VOISE - 50mil - 5x OPUS
VIBERATE - 100mil - 10x OPUS
POET - 450mil - 45x OPUS
MUSICOIN - 50mil - 5x OPUS
AUDIOCOIN - 10mil - about equal to OPUS

this tells me that with more marketing and community engagement OPUS has about 5x-8x room to grow. and thats conservative. a binance listing or really any major exchange will skyrocket this. team already has committed to prioritizing exchange listings in Q2.

Got 600 yesterday.
Selling at around $15.

does it have any plans of hitting the bigger exchanges???????

I dont got that much time nigga

and is there a walllet

Q2 when platform launches

>i invest exclusively in ~10mcap or below coins
What's your average hit/miss investing in all tiny caps? How many go to 100M+ and how many just shrivel up?

its erc20

Altcoins hit newspapers 7 days ago bro.

None of these coins have "shriveled up" yet.

i dont hold them that long. when i hit my price target i move on to the next one. go all in on two or three.

pretty good. my initial win was ANTshares
then Elix, OPUS is a current one that im banking on, INXT is another that did well for me but has room to grow. Starbase is another one

but ive lost major bank on SIGT and XCS

go chase chink binance pumps

Sounds good im interested. What are the Tokens for thou?

What do I get from holding them?

normie alert lol.

It's the currency used by the product.

>it isn't a stock share
>it isn't a "vote"
>it's literally a % piece of the revenue to be made by the musicians

You aren't taking their cut, since the value of the currency is in its foetal infant stage, you're buying into a currency.

It's like if you arrived in America in 1688 and bought a few thousand dollars worth of USD. That's what crypto is.

I think this thread shot the market cap up 2mil again

Or are we fluctuating?

user I hold 7 coins and 4 mooned. Just because I ask important questions without blind fate because lol bull market doesnt mean im normie. I bought Request and Link at their lows damnit.

I ask this because they say its a 100% artist revenue. So I assume I get no dividends on the Token. I also see no resson to use OPT to pay, if this app is ever gonna become relevant it will need to either accept Fiat or another crypto that does it for them ( sup, REQ).

Since token value isnt company value in crypto, and I won't require in OPT, what are the benefits of me holding it? You could even say its completely unrelated to the app and its use case.

Im asking this because im interested and not pajeet fudding.

Fair enough, sorry for the jerk reply. I try to inject cruelty and humor into my posts to keep with the culture of the board.

It looks like it's just used to pay for the streaming and has some voting rights.

I was 10k in REQ but dumped it when I realized I'd have to 100x from a billion, and never saw that happening. Nice pick at ~10c.

>You could even say its completely unrelated to the app and its use case.

That's true for many coins. It's unfortunately true here. It isn't like REQ where you're seeing the token used up on fees for exchanges and purchases.

Good con/downside, by the way. I hadn't seen one besides the other competition.

>I try to inject cruelty and humor into my posts to keep with the culture of the board.

pure unrefined autism

its an utility token. this is just the reality of SEC regulations. profit sharing schemes fail the Howey test so no exchange will list them. official version is that you can use OPT on the platform. but we all know that the value of OPT is tied to the success of the platform.

>>I try to inject cruelty and humor into my posts to keep with the culture of the board.

Jesus user. Dont do this. Or admit to it.

In any case, tgis is actually a real problem down the line. See we here are mostly opportunist investors, lookin to dump after a 10-100x and be one off millionaire after the bubble pops.

When that happens, only the strongest and useful shall remain while the meme coins will fade into obscurity. Its why I bought tonsa Link.

Until then, this bull market will allow downright scams to thrive. And you come to me with a decentralized system that promises near total profits without any staking or interest to miners/hodl investors, what exactly stops this from being another PnD?

Because ehile I definately dont mind it in a short term, I eould probably take less risk and better use on a similarly low Marketcap moon that actually tskes csre of itself.

Note this is not me invalidating the app, only a rather pointless token. I feel like alot of Blockchain-related apps are pointlessly pushing their own token ERC20s just because they are on the blockchain and decentralized, and it really doesnt do them justice much and obfuscates the good from the scammy.

$14m market cap. Tell me again why this can't go to $140m easy?

You're all being told about a solid and easy 10x token so don't blame us when you FOMO in.

can anyone help with etherdelta? i've used it before, no problems, now messing up.

i deposited into the etherscan wallet, says it's confirmed, but etherdelta is not updating. i've tried setting the gas to various amounts to no effect. any help?

>Because ehile I definately dont mind it in a short term, I eould probably take less risk and better use on a similarly low Marketcap moon that actually tskes csre of itself.

Name one. For 10m? All I've seen is garbage. I'm sure there are ICOs though.

BitBoost, Coss when it was under 10M, pretty much... any token when it started?

Had this yesterday, took an hour, but showed up eventually. ED is an absolute shitshow.

If tX has confirmed then just refresh the page. Happens sometimes.

Thing is they have a legit team that responds well to input. I'm in the discord and today they decided to switch to a streaming service. We just grilled them on the whole 97% of payment goes to the artists as too high. As for the tokens I see it as a way for them to get funding. Your criticism is valid, but join the discord, telegram, and read their weekly updates and you'll see something is going on here.

yes, tx confirmed, refreshed multiple, still nothing

also, i'm unable to cancel/make orders now? what should i set my gas price? i left 30$ of eth in my personal, shouldn't that be enough? my gas is set at 40 gwei atm

I was doing trades on there with 23 gwei about 2 hours ago and worked fine.

Odd that it's not showing your eth deposit. May just be a bug but I wouldn't worry too much. Your eth is definitely there somewhere.

I joined the Discord because Discord is always the best option bht I asked a question about the token and kinda got ignored.

They seriously need to solve this problem after the initial mooning which I think will happen because of the aggressive shilling because once people sober up to the fact the IPFS network does not use the token in any meaningful way they might dump it totally. If you wanted to collect money why not just accept ETH donations? So people will get duped into thinking it actually has a use like other tokens and FOMO buy en masse?

Ill hang around and see what happens before I drop loot on it.

so just wait?

Payment is done through the OPT token. The OPT token is also required to upload music to the UMRN.

I love how discerning you are. I was taking the same approach initially. I liked Dragonchain for that reason, and REQ. But I haven't seen anything low market cap that truly incorporates the token except maybe RLC? Everything is basically a "buy this token for ETH, then buy something else."

Which cryptos embed the spirit of the token into their product? Something like LINK or what? Enigma, Monero?

ZRX is a great token for what you're referring to.

The token is embedded into the system they're building, and is part of every transaction. It's not just a symbol of USD value, it's part of the overall machine, like a cog.

I liked Dragonchain because it was normiebait and it works.
Request is investing in the future.

Do I believe it will become king? No. But I do believe everyone sane hates paypal and credit companies and would jump on a chance to dump them.

ChainLink is also an investment in a future. I dont believe shit like IotA will catch on for the same reasons we dont have autonomous cars yet.

I look for coins that will become behemoths with more use. Ethereum is such a behemoth.

The problem for me is seeing how using OPT makes it or the network stronger.

I'll look onto that thnx.

My problem with LINK is that the technical language surrounding what it even does is completely over my head, and I've been doing crypto stuff since 2011-2012, maybe a bit earlier.

It's very hard to believe that normies (our gods and saviors, now) will support LINK and push it forward. I like that it is infrastructural, but it's unclear why we need a new coin for every piece of ETH infrastructure. It seems completely chaotic.

We're moving towards a parsimonious ecosystem. Everything ETH everything ERC.

It's a utility token, used to pay for songs. Supply and demand for the token will eventually determine the price. Even if people will pay with fiat, they'll buy the token behind the scenes. They could've used REQ of course, but then they wouldn't have that sweet ICO funding.

OPUS predates REQ

You get my point. They didn't have an ICO because they're tokens are such an integral, crucial part of their idea. They just needed funding. Doesn't make the token valueless though.

Link in very simple terms would allow programs not made to communicate on the blockchain, to make smart contract agreements on it while keeping them private and secure.

Swift found potential in it so its not a pipe dream and orobably does have support slowly accumulating. Its a project 3 years in the making.

I understand that. And while the same could be said of Bitcoin, there's certain expectations one comes to expect of specialized Tokens. Benefits, so to speak, that you dont expect from sctual Coins only made for the explicit purpose of trading.

In general, why hold an ERC20 token and not just Ethereum. A use of a token is a use of ethereum after all.

Pure speculation on the success of the platform. If there are more users, the demand will cause the token price to go up. The product is their product, the token is just an afterthought. Not ideal I agree, but valid.

>Which cryptos embed the spirit of the token into their product? Something like LINK or what? Enigma, Monero?
FLIK sounds like what you're looking for. 1 token will be good for a movie rental when the platform goes live. Here's a useful article on why FLIK will go parabolic when that happens: medium.com/@darkmuban/flik-price-analysis-why-its-heading-to-15-00-2d162bb9a03b

This shit is still rising. It's getting 1 million every couple hours.

Guess well wait n see.

Stop buy though guys, seriously. I'm still accumulating.

already up +75%

missed the moon mission again

It's at $15m now. It is in no way too late yet. It's about to 10x into the $100-150m range

>GitHub not updated since MONTHS ago

abandoned coin, it would be interesting if active, but is not

Stay cynical biz. I don't even know how you're managing to fucking FUD this with a 10m market cap.


"But but but... why would they use th"

We don't give a fuck. I haven't seen a project like this with a 10m market cap for a very very long time. I'm going in.

Just done a 0.4btc market order. Probably only going one way - wish I got in at 600 sats but fuck it, never mind


Stop FUDing with lies. The devs are extremely active and regularly talk with the token holders.

This coin sounds like a Verenial disease.

That’s a from me dog.

Venture cap investing at its finest. You will get some losers but the ones that hit will get you to lambo land quick.

Good luck.

t. 9k OPT bagholder

>OPUS sounds like a disease
>What is a magnum opus

The absolute STATE of Veeky Forums.

Definitely did

This is just the beginning. There are people everywhere taking notice of this one now.

I was a big part of it, not even bothered. This is how I find out about my coins. Expect me to shill this daily until I 4x.

And by that, I'm going to be plastering this all over reddit with paid bots also. Get the fuck in here or miss out on the reddit pump.

We appreciate your efforts. Please take us to the moon.