100.000 for Veeky Forums

Hey Guys.
I am pretty much the definition of a Looser. First i invested my 5k Life savings and lost them all. I got bullied all my life long, and loosing it all just made me fall further into depression, which ruined my grades.

By getting retardedly lucky in gambling, i was able to make back my money, i had 10k. But live was still shit.

I just wanted to end my life, put everything into bitmex at 25x leverage and actually made over 200k.

But i was damaged beyond saving, i cant trust anyone, even though i dont need to work anymore, i just have nightmares each day, nobody loves me and im ugly

my family has parted from me long ago, and i am still a virgin.

I decided that i will finaly end it all and give away my money. Just in order for this thread to not be removed and prevent begging (i will not give anything to anyone posting adresses in this thread) i made a discord. I plan on giving away 100k, the other 100k are set aside, im gonna donate them to some local schools or kindergardens.

We can talk about how we are splitting them on the Discord, i would if everyone would get in on this, even with a thousand people in the discord, everyone would get 100$.

I still dont know how i am gonna mass-send btc transactions though, so maybe we are doing like a jackpot with drawing a winner or something simmilar.

TL;DR free money in here:
discord inv link ( cant post the link because it thinks this is spam) twwWggs

bro, you can turn that 200k into millions just this year
get and enjoy your life

also if you guys could help me spread this to other boards i would appreciate it.

i can pay for it aswell.

I'm a poorfag and wouldn't mind a donation, however it would weight heavily on me if you end it all.

Don't do it bro.

fuck off. so fucking pissed that I wasted my time reading your rambling only to discover this is a shit ad for a shit group that I decided to waste more time to tell you to go fuck yourself you broke faggot.

Please give me money

Ah, dont worry about that i am happy if i can atleast make a few people happy even if its just money.

gives me a good feel when going out.

do something cool like dump it all over the golden gate bridge, then jump off the bridge

its not a group, i just freshly made the server because mods say i mustnt offer giveaways on biz

yes i forgot to add this: i will get really creative with it so atleast Veeky Forums doesnt forget me

How could i get a donation from you if you are serious?

Also stay here and talk to us. No need to kill yourself dude.

This. Weights and proper sleep do wonders for worldview, honestly.

what's the point? 200k can be a life changer. you can turn the 200k into much more. I'm sorry that you were bullied, but you shouldn't pussy out especially when you have 200k to invest. you might as well just all in on one coin. don't do it man

Lol people believing this.

How do I get an invite , user name is Ashley Shaffer

Get a hobby user. Buy a nice car that has a lot of upgrade potential and aftermarket, learn to drive better, do maintenance, enjoy your late night drives, go anywhere you want. Don't just throw away your money for no reason.

don’t do it user, we love you

getting fit was something that helped me trough the last years of school, not "Fit" like zyzz, but yeah im healthy.

its not all about money, i got it by literally doing nothing anyway.

Dude you are not beyond repair, you've actually done well for yourself.

Keep making money, stay away from super risky stuff if your heart can't take it. But go to church, mosque, temple or do something spiritual.

Don't give them your money tho, that's usually a scam.

don't do it opie, create your own life meaning

he is bullshitting you.

Don't do that brah. How about take that money you are going to split between greedy anons on Veeky Forums, and do something meaningful with it.

There are plenty of kids that need food, school, homes... For the life of me I don't know why you wouldn't think of that first. This anonymous trolling message board culture has warped people's brains so much that when they come across good fortune, their first instinct is to troll with it (not even touching the fact that it didn't bring happiness).

Real talk. Helping others and making the world a better place gives your life meaning. I know you're supposedly giving half of it to the needy. But just man the fuck up and use all of it to help someone in need.

At the very least please set aside $100 you'd give to me, and donate it for me.

Thanks. And don't kill yourself. Things CAN get better.

Hey, Its me. The guy who bullied you and slept with your crush back in high school. Now give me your money, fucking loser.

user, please reconsider this. You have so much more to live for, get Veeky Forums and find a supportive network online, then go for your dreams. Use your money to see a counselor if you have to. Don't give up on life user, because death is a great unknown. I suffered through a lot of what you're describing, and you can make it, I promise.
If you decide to kys anyways, I guess it'd be better to give away your cash than let it waste away, it'll at least cheer someone else up and contribute to society. Hell, if you give it to me, I'll give most of it away to charities to help other anons like yourself, because I'd have no use for all that money.
Hope you get better and find the strength to make it.
ETH: 0xC91bC6eD52B5079EB054eb6F31F257C7B7C84E85


Don't it user.

You have 200k. Please, just find a hobby or at least some kind of thing you enjoy doing (other than you know, watching anime and shit) and just pursue that.

Get at least 1 hour of sun everyday.
Go to the gym and do some exercise a few times a week.

I know you're hurt and it all feels meaningless, but you can do it man. Try to make some friends online and play games together too.