post em and grade from A+ to F
safe bet portfolios need not apply
blockfolio niggers not welcome
Just about to pick up some Lamden now dude, how much should I get?
why are you even holding btc and ltc at 4k?
swap both for lamden or better yet chaintrade if you don't suffer from adhd
TRX was given for free fyi
dgb please go up dgb please go up dgb please go up
Grade me senpai
Poorfag here. Bought trx at 3 cents.
Rate and Hate?
Is there ANYTHING I should change about this short term? Went all in on REQ when it was 0.25, sold over half when it hit .76 to secure profits into ETH which shows all signs to going up hard similar to BTC's bullrun end of last year.
I put 11 ETH into what I figured was the TRX dip at .18, thinking about how nobody expected fucking ripple to explode like it did with its marketcap, and how normies will see it and think of it as the next cheap coin.
Any wrong logic? Should I diversify even more or consolidate?
A+ expect for that meme coin (dbc). U really fucking bought dbc lmao. sell it get more neo plz
How do you take a long screenshot on your phone like that?
Should i buy more NEO i don't even know why i got NEO and OMG desu
And electra is probably gone forever due to the coinsmarkets scam
Fuck this thread
I sold my doge off like an idiot from 2013 (500k) for 2k when I could have waited two weeks and had 7k :(. I didn't know anything and just wanted to get back into crypto.
This is what I'm looking at rn after making a few dumb moves and learning.
Should I buy more icx? Or just stay with what I have?
Recommendation? I put aside an extra 100 usd each week I have from disposable income for potential investment. At least until I'm comfortably ahead.
I bought it after reading about them being at the NEO conference. I know it's a shit coin with very little immediate impact but I believe it can get to $1. There's enough shilling on here and it's breaking ATH everyday so it's only a matter of time. That said, I wish so so badly I had gotten in during last summer instead of snubbing my nose at this shit. Would've bought a shit ton more NEO
Don't know how it works on your phone. But on mine I hold the power buton and the "lower volume" button to take a screenshot. Then the screenshot shows up as a small image in the upper right corner. I click on it and underneath the screenshot i can click on scroll to turn it into a long screenshot.
Why would you put your money into something you're not sure of? Do you not read anything? NEO is one of the comfiest fucking holds out there. I wish I had more liquid funds to double down on it.
Late to the crypto party, actually wanted to buy bitcoin in 2014 but was just a broke kid and parents didnt believe me, oh well, might as well get some chump change till the bubble bursts
this, im so fucking sick of these, nobody gives a fuck what u got
What phone?
Whats so comfy about it i don't like day trading shitcoins just want an alt to hodl got in at 96$
my advice: tron is going to bounce back in the run up to the next announcement. make sure you get outta there or at least take some profits before that happens.
REQ is fine but id also consider diversifying. it's fine having a big eth stack. ZRX, LINK are what i'd pick because that's what i hold.
BBT is going to be $10 end of january
xiaomi mi5s
Read about Ontology and theKey and their ties with Chinese government. They have a great roadmap and a solid team. I don't need to convince you, you should read more about it.
If it makes you feel better, Cryptsy stole my old DOGE, I had like 500k..
Thanks. Yeah I'm thinking TRON will be a good short term possibly 2x from here. Will take profits and either just keep holding ETH, or look more into the REQ trifecta (LINK, ZRX, KYBER).
We'll make it together one day my dude
Aye senpai will I make it?
I think you already have friendo
At the insane fucking rate I'm growing I'll be there in another two weeks!
Memecoins for life. The USD is just money I have set aside for sending to GDAX over the next couple of weeks.
Started 3,5 months ago with 14k.
I buy what biz tells me to buy. Pls rate.