>There are people on this board who have had sex and think they aren’t normies
There are people on this board who have had sex and think they aren’t normies
Other urls found in this thread:
I haven't hugged a woman for 5 years
I haven't hugged a woman for 1 week.
everybody has sex unless you’re autistic or really ugly genetic shit. go anywhere and see the beautiful couples everywhere
mods do your job and prune this r9k thread
Does it count if it hasn't been in over 8 years?
Wrong board?
I've never seen a Veeky Forums mod prune a thread
am i a normie if i only had sex with prostitutes
10 years no sex here. now that i'm making it i'll probably get an escort to practice on
Nice just bought 100k A.I. waifus
Veeky Forums is reserved for male virgin NEETs sorry to exclude you
Same here desu.
I should have said without having to pay for it
Making money and spending it on hookers is the true Veeky Forums way.
these fuckin normies. leave until you have the chance to be a virgin in the next life
I haven't talked to or seen a woman in 6 months at least
>be me
>have had sex many times
>crypto portfolio up 1000% initial investment
>wagecuck for nearly 200k/year
who else /chad/ here?
My waifu keeps me sane
Novirgins are assblasted that they blew their only chance to gain favor from the crypto gods
Having sex will damn a man to a life devoid of all moon missions
you're not supposed to say that though. its pointless on an anonymous imageboard anyway, its better if we all just LARP as NEET neckbeards and post weird shit. it keeps true NPC normalshits from invading
disgusting isn't it
for instance, the other day some kid was posting pics of himself with his shirt off talking about how much better he is than everybody. its anonymous! nobody knows who you are!! NOBODY GIVES A FUCK and if you get some sort of satisfaction out of bragging to anonymous people anonymously then there might be something wrong with your head
>there are newfag normalfags who say normie but dont think they are a normalfag
Does it matter if I've had sex but basically live in /b/, /pol/, world of warcraft and suffer from crippling anxiety?
>caring this much about bantz
>caring this much about muh board culture
get out permavirgin and go to /r9k/
no, go fuck yourself cancer
You sound pretty based for a normie but sorry
>constantly posting chinese cartoons
apex autism
>1.77 b souls
Come at me
wait, what website am I on again? this is Veeky Forums, right? founded by pic related?
don't forget it
what anime?
please no, social interactions outside literally makes me feel nauseous and clammy to the point i feel like i'm gonna pass out.
holding down a job is torture.
>there are redditfrog posters who call other people "normies" and phonepost and think they aren't normalfags
I've been in this shithole for over 10 years and even I have a gf
ofc, women always have sex desu
I've had sex with 61 women and I'm on your board
moot is capable of posting without including a picture of his 2dwaifu of the day.
>I've been in this shithole for over 10 years
Don't remind me.
>easier to become a millionaire before I turn 25 than getting a young qt gf
>I post pics of some 2D slut therefore I am not a normie
absolutely pathetic
Haven't had sex with a woman but I have a huge collection of sex toys, mostly Meiki's that I bang on the regular
I am a permavirgin in sense of the words even appearance, except I'm not neet and have a gf. That's it though.
Normalfags don’t even understand what the word means so I have to put it in terms they’ll understand
why would i post any other girl? besides 2d art is beautiful everybody loves it
>has gf
Is she 2D?
Normieness comes quite unexpectedly.
First you're a robot. Then, through your robot activities, you meet some people who invite you to the robot parties. On the robot parties you meet more robots, eventually you and some vagina-robot get drunk enough to make out.
Then, should you both decide to pursue this, you might enter a robot-relationship. Have some robot-sex (it might be difficult if you're both doing it first time). Then you realize that you've been in a robot-relationship for five years.
During these years you gain a lot of self-confidence, so when the next vagina-robot confesses her feelings, you kiss her.
Then you're laying awake in the night and think "holy shit, not only have I a girl, but I can also CHOOSE? when did I become a normie-chad?"
nice comeback you fucking spanner
>caring about that
So like I said, you are a normalfag and a newfag
You can buy all the young qt gfs you want when you're a millionaire
because you were just a normalfag all along and you only thought otherwise because you were deluded by Veeky Forums
I havent fucked since july
>You can buy all the young qt gfs you want when you're a millionaire
how? I don't think this is true
>>>>>robot parties
I wish that were so. But the things I have done when I was 12-17... I want to kill myself when I think about that.
>I don't think this is true
In high school a chick literally walked up to me, started hitting on me and we became friends with benefits. If it werent for that I'd still be a virgin probly. Pic related, hnggg that juicy boot
>be on 4chin since 08
>Drop out of uni
>lose virginity at 26 (to a hooker)
>NEET for 5 years
>Get my shit together, lift, get several GFs and meme cert my way into IT jobs. Travel a bit. Crypto gains from early '17
>This makes me a normie
same here, user
>be me
>slept with around 15 girls before I settled down
>married now and my wife is hot af
>got into crypto in early 2017. up huge
>wagecuck for 200k/year
>browse Veeky Forums almost every day
why the fuck do autists on here care?
well im gonna lose my virginity tonight, so see ya non normies im leaving 8)
my brother. good on you for being married user. that's the next step with my qt gf this year.
These are really fun. Usually it's 8-10 people (most of which you don't know and you're never going to see them again) doing some stupid things like watching a James Bond movie with the Czech dubbing. Everyone is superawkward and very eager to leave.
>unless you’re autistic
Precisely. This is what OP is getting at.
I'll be 23 soon, still a virgin. I have a GF, but she's underage so gotta wait a while.
But it only happened when i paid for it
Same here, 24 with a 17 year old gf. It's a good problem to have.
>the other day some kid was posting pics of himself with his shirt off talking about how much better he is than everybody.
Are you talking about the thread where some turbo autist was going around calling everyone fat and got called out by a Veeky Forumsizen to take a shirtless pic and the turbosperg accepted and got btfo by topless user?
fuck off normalfag not every virgin is a crazy woman hating retard like r9k
where do you guys even run into these girls? I'm your age and don't encounter people that age, ever.
I haven't been outside in 4 months
Literally just take some of your crypto money and hire an escort holy shit
it's not relevant to Veeky Forums though is it
Why so angry, bro? Have you you tried being yourself? That's all I do and girls love it. Just gotta be yourself bro.
Steam, threads on /soc/ and /r9k/. Plenty of places to look, you just need to put in some effort and be patient.
lol gib link plz
long distance is shit though
That's why you gotta find someone that lives in the same city, or at least near enough to visit without a plane ticket.