Is it even worth holding XRB and missing out on gains from other coins?
Is it even worth holding XRB and missing out on gains from other coins?
I am at least waiting for Binance.
Dump it and go's an xrb that actually works
What gains?
Depends how much you bought it for and how much money you put in
Actually works? What do you mean lol? XRB seems to work just fine.
I hope this coin makes it, but it's only one autistic dev.
>every wallet is a node
>work just fine
No, I sold my bags yesterday.
sell it now user
ive been here for 2 years
ive seen this
they tell you "hodl, weak hands being shaken out by whales, have iron hands, hodl, its just, JUST, early lucky ones taking profit it will soon go up, we look forward to next X event announcement exchange listing protocol library and gay parade".
user, it never goes up.
It stagnates for next 3-6 months.
Idk ask ripple or iota holders they already hold out on massive gains since months
Just wait until the end of January you fucking impatient fuck. Big announcements in the next few weeks
It will at most x10 this year so I'd just sell at it after the rebrand pump and put your money into coins that can x100.
dont get emotionally invested in meme coins user. thats what redditfags do. youre not a redditfag, are you user?
add some NYC Coin
>Twitch emotes
Jesus christ the Reddit hordes of idiots really are taking over this board.
Just keep a portion of your portfolio in XRB it's pretty much guaranteed to go up. At least hold your full stack until binance.
Iota stagnated because it doesn't fucking work.
It already had insane gains very quickly. For best gains sell and throw the money in some hype ICO.
why is the fucking website not in https? seems fishy
>tfw XRB is like 75% of my Portfolio.
FUCK I've missed so many good moon missions HODLing this shit.
Crypto world.
XRB has been a moon mission.
Yeah it could've been for me, if I didn't get in late at like $15
It's reached its peak