How much REQ to BUY women like this in 2019?
How much REQ to BUY women like this in 2019?
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Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.
Realistically 250 for an hour. Can only cum once though.
>an hour
I was talking about how much REQ to BUY them though.
meh. realistically speaking. the price of pussy is so low. id say a 20 dollar starbucks date would do.
granted you are a chad. if you think having money alone will get you pussy, stay dreaming lmfao.
> i got tyrone friends and they slam puss like this every weekend.
> wish i had chad genetics
Funny, home you claim that extra Bazinga you deserve.
literally all 3 are 7/10
>id say a 20 dollar starbucks date would do
false, all pussy is traded for an extremely high value.
because even with literally all the money in the world, you cannot be built.
you are priceless, and your god-given body is priceless, so when you she bones you, you are granting her access to something of unimaginable worth. remember that.
>white women
begone normie
Asian women are the budget option. I want to buy expensive White women with my 2019 golden REQ money.
this is just the kind of pseudo-philosophy i'm looking for this new fuck-you-all persona i'm trying out...
anybody else kind of stopped giving a fuck since they made some money?
>any 3d women
You are the normie
fuck off Pradesh
whats your thoughts on future REQ price?
That's a man. Has to be. Look at the hips, size of hands. Even if not a man, very very unattractive
I suppose there is not enough money in the world to get you girls like these. If they fuck you, they're going to do it ironically.
But in some countries 10 REQ would be enough for a sloppy pussy.
white women are bottom of the barrel, no sane man goes after them
$100+ 2019
Source on future wife on the left? Plz user I need this
This woman is literally half human, like I don't see her as a full human being
t. 56%
ID confirms my need
I would give literally everything for lili
Left gurl name plz. I want to marry and make happy
You need at least 1000 REQ to buy her in 2020 though.
average white women nowadays
god im so lonely
Can't have white children without them, unless of course that isn't your prerogative. In which case, yeah, bottom of the barrel.
Can't be having some goofy looking half asian mutt children.
are you saying the only reason to care about white women is because they produce white children?
no, she's mine
my ID will confirm i
White pig go home.
What exactly makes a philosophy "pseudo"?
>Hold REQ till 2019
>BUY gf
>loneliness fixed
Just 1 year of waiting.
This may sound silly but why not buy women at all? Don’t tell her until you are married, you will only make her and yourself more happy as you know that it is true love.
what woman in the world will choose you for your personality.
it fucking sucks. it is impossible to get a gf. impossible. you have to be god.
About 3 BBC
so all those guys you see outside are gods? even horrible, dumb people are able to get girlfriends
Those guys are just tools who had mutual friends with her. Tools that let those girlfriends fuck whoever she wants
Oh God source of woman on the left
Women can be harsh but they can also be incredibily sweet. Play your cards right and your woman will treat you like a king. Having a girlfriend who loves you, and not for your cash, is an amazing feeling. When things go bad in life you will always remember you have a girl waiting for you and that someone, always loves you enough to spend their entire life with you.
I feel total emptiness, I do not enjoy life. But recently I met a cute girl and for some reason she fell for me. Just like that, I didn’t even intend to because I didn’t expect it. The feeling that someone besides your parents and siblings think you are great is undescribely amazing.
They can all be had for like $5,000 dollars.
So be sure have at least 1,000 REQ set aside by next week and you're golden.
>Breeding with Gook goblins.
Nope. I want my offspring to be winners.
>unironically posts a picture of 4 coalburners
I get that this is the way you think. But I'm the one making the big money in our relationship (crypto/job) and I'm with my bf because he's a genuine nice person. He annoys the fuck out of me when he jokes around about me browsing Veeky Forums, but I do have an attraction and trust to this guy that Veeky Forums made me believe was impossible. So there's that.
God loves you
BUT. How much REQ to BUY a women like those in OP?
I'm not interested in love or having a gf. I want to OWN them. How much REQ do I need by 2019 to own women looking like that?
>tfw no belly gf
3rd is pure wife material.
I’m not saying it is impossible, you can absolutely be right.
It may have to do something with the fact that I have pretty low self esteem. As someone who was a bit of a social retard from age 0-18 I made little friends, something I still struggle with 3 years later. It is hard for me to believe someone can actually love me besides direct family. It is why I would never brag about my gains, if I find love I must be certain that it is true love.
Kek, too expensive faggot. Thats called a trophy wife. You can probably bang them in Amsterdam for 50 euro for 15 minutes.
How expensive are we talking though? And I don't mean random girls I mean good looking ones like in OP. I need to know what amount I should be aiming for.
Not interested in sex I want to own them permanently and it MUST be bought not rented.
If I were considering an interracial union, it would be a top-tier mixed qt. Black women have top tier bodies and fiercely loyal to White men.
>time has become more important than money. less patient now, willing to pay more to save time or have faster service (e.g. almost always 2-day shipping; no bargain-hunting at stores, just pay pretty much full price and be on my way)
>less stress with work cause i'm financially secure, don't know or care when paycheck gets deposited, willing to take more time off, working less overtime, having more free time.
>healthier, willing to pay for more nutritious food instead of cheaply made plebe fodder, taking more time for recreational activities (cycling, visiting parks, visiting museums)
>no longer lonely, no interest in seeking a romantic relationship. able to pursue personal interests, turn some personal potential into reality, gain more self-esteem. realizing that self-worth comes from recognizing my own value rather that the approval of a woman, or anyone else at all.
>more relaxed. more in control of my emotions, helps distinguish emotional and physical desires. less impulsive, more introspective.
but don't mistake it as dgaf. I care a lot about myself much more than I did. I'll stop working full time once I own a property or two to rent out, be a landlord.
correct. her extensive cosmetic surgery has rendered her half-plastic. this need not be a flaw. as is typical of woman-like objects, her utility in evoking physical pleasure persists.
Asian pussy is what I want to cum inside. NOthing like getting your dick sucked with an Asian girl's asshole 2 inches from your face
Allah akbae
half of all black women have stds
they all have fake hair
and they all smell like dogshit
Who's the one on the right? Literally perfect
Left supremacy forever
>half of all black women have stds
And half of the 2 billion Gook Goblins on this planet are missing teeth and have dengue virus and plowing fields somewhere in remote China. Pan-faced, inbred genetics, bow-legged with ugly, stumpy knees, vision defective from birth, skeletal defects etc.
The East Asian population is very heavily inbred historically, as the populations were remote with little mobility.
Terrible fucking advice, but expected from mastrubatory Soyboys who have never speared a woman with their swords.
Here's the real pill -
Once you become truly Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums you'll have money and muscles and you'll realize that all of them are scum and want you for just that. You'll be deluded to a sad life of solitude.
There is no making it.
Don’t swallow the black pill. People don’t know about my cash and I do not work out, yet I get girls from time to time. Girls can fall in love just like you can fall in love with a girl. The difference is lust, women don’t lust after an average guy, but guys do lust after the average woman. Most girls can contain their feelings of lust way better than men. Think about how many times you were truly in love and not just horny. Most girls only act if they are in love.
you can't be serious
>And half of the 2 billion Gook Goblins on this planet are missing teeth and have dengue virus and plowing fields somewhere in remote China. Pan-faced, inbred genetics, bow-legged with ugly, stumpy knees, vision defective from birth, skeletal defects etc.
even if that were true they would still be more valuable than negresses
>even if that were true they would still be more valuable than negresses
No, because kids which are physically inferior will never be anything more than worker drones and wage cucks.
why are you betas always fantasizing about PAYING for girls?
just find a girl that likes you
so she can marry you and then take half your money...NAHHHH!
hapas might be crazy, but at least they aren't part nigger
>How much REQ to BUY women like this in 2019?
Will you be renting by the hour or buying outright, user?
Can confirm. Got jacked a few years back and have just simply been maintaining now. Made things EZ with women, no joke. Dont even have to take them on dates really, just text them and see if they wanna hang. Never had any issues with women
Gotta time your market, user. No matter what you pay, this is what you'll end up with.
im a cute trap and my going price is negative dollars because im lonely but i am so cute and im like where is my boyfriend cause my androgyny is like unparalleled
In america, yeah. MOst white women get fat or super fucking lean thin with no ass, but that level of fatness is only american.
Mulattos are much more successful, especially socially.
Female half-Gooks go into prostitution while males either self destruct in a failed school shooting or worth themselves to death as wagecuck engineers or programmers doing the worst, tedious work imaginable.
Your choice is objectively inferior Soyboy.
I'm interested in buying outright. Any idea how much I should have to accomplish that?
>implying your neckbeard genes will produce offspring as beautiful as this
it's called fuck-you-money for a reason
>Women this pretty?
You cant buy them bro hence the term trophy wife. You need to attract them with several million dollars for them to get into a long term relationship with you. Basically a promise that once youre dead or they divorce you they get your money.
You can rent them for cheap though.
Not everyone here is some 56%er amorphous Burger blasting subhuman amoeba.
I'm a 6-foot-1 marathon running 7-figure crypto net worth and 6-figure wagecuck net worth individual.
To add to that, I live in Toronto where the Gook breeders are pervasive, and typically paired to the lowest-test Nu-male bottom feeder specimens.
A match made in heaven. Their offspring will create the new wage cuck underclass to support society and my adult diapers when I retire.
but u rich tho?
>Mulattos are much more successful
still niggers LEL
How does this work though? Do I just tell them that if they are with me they will never have to work ever again and get to have a upper-class life? Or do I need to give to promise them very specific stuff? Sorry I'm new money and still getting accustomed to how all of this works. I just want to literally buy a woman. Pay X amount to someone and get a woman permanently. has to be 8/10 minimum and white.
The natural world doesn't care.
Only those that pass on their genes and participate in the future succeed.
I plan to "sow my seeds" across several fields, if you know what I mean..
Funny how all these pretty girls seem to have the same face.
I think I'm attracted not to people, but to an ideal.
White women are cancer.
I wish I was joking
0.005 for the one on the left, the others will be yours just because you decided to hoddle
I've repeated the same exact words to 10 other random people who simply ignored it. Taking it personal and needing to prove yourself to me has satisfied my thirst. thanks.
Yes sir.
since his original picture is public: his bib is number 10626, take a look
what's her name, bro? (of the asian qt3.14 that shattered your heart that is)
With respect, user, you could benefit from learning a lot more about women. If you play this game, you'll get fucked over worse than the whales on a sneaky pump and dump.
Any woman who appears to fall for this schtick is going to fuck you over completely.
Get yourself in situations where you are having regular social intercations with a number of elegible women. Don't parade or boast about your wealth, but don't hide it either. Be confident, be pleasing to engage with socially, look for tiny subtle signs (which is all you will get from a decent woman of character) that a woman is interested, and decide if she is someone you would like to be with.
Coffee date user? I spotted the virgin.
>hurr durr wommin no lustful dhey onlee luv :)
>t. retarded feminist
underrated qt
Just improve your game you fucking idiot. I don't even tell women about my money (ever)... they find out after I fuck them a couple times, and by then they want to stick around for me and not the money