Lets face is /biz, every single coin in the top 100 has a project thats about to start bearing fruit in 2018. EVERY. SINGLE. COIN.
Theyre all gaining market cap every day. Were all winning together. All exchanges are closed to any new applicants. Every single one of us are going to make it. Some more than others, yes, but everyone none the less.
Weve done it /biz, we fuckin made it brahs
If youre on an exchange right now, youre gonna make it
But my folio is only worth 10kusd. Possible to get to 1mil EoY with a few smart trades?
Swap smart for risky and you can get there for sure
Same boat. Good luck to you, user.
I only have 1k USD I'd be happy if I got 10k
I only have 1k I'm hoping I can double it every month for the next 10 months. Seems reasonable desu
how much can i realistically make right now with 5k usd?
I started with under $1k in mid-Oct and am at $20k right now. You can definitely make that happen.
just crossed 10k USD today (thanks icon gang). posible to get to 1m EoY without daytrading? i can't be staring at charts all day
NYC Coin huehuehue
Blind optimism. Maybe a few years ago this was true, but normies are flooding crypto now, and there is money pouring into all sorts of retarded projects. We're all going to profit in the short term but a crash is definitely coming down the line. Be careful bros.
how'd you do it, if you don't mind asking. I mean if I don't mind answering. I mean pls respond how did you do it.
A lot of people will start cashing out when they're millionaires, which will be a lot this year so expect the crash
only 5% of coins will make it
Literally just hold icon, done
Nah, you're underestimating people's greed. A lot of people may say that or even think that, but the instant they reach a million, they'll start dreaming about being a multi-millionaire. No matter how much you have, it'll never be enough.
My initial investment was $1700 and I hit $8900 all time high last week. Only been doing this since the week before Christmas.
they're hooked on crypto
>Caught an early moon with Vertcoin after seeing it shilled on Reddit
>Bought into REQ a bunch at ~$.05-$.10
>Bought into FUN at $.0017
>Traded around top 100, catching a few 2x and selling out
>Made 0.7 ETH on Cryptokitties (got lucky)
>Most recently, went hard into BNTY and DBC and 4x'd each stack
Most of it was luck, but it pays to listen to shilling. I've currently got ~$1500 fiat invested, but ~$700 of that is in the new year.
thanks. I've got $1.2k crypto currently off a $200 initial investment. Really hoping I can make some actual money off of this since everyone else seems to be. Banking on BAT and ICX right now.
OP here. You want an easy 2x guaranteed? Throw money into sub and ride it out this month. Their test server is confirmed for launch this month. We will see a minimum of a 2x.
As far as 100x your money, you gotta hit a hot ICO, OR get into an ICO you like after it hits exahcnges.
Most if not all the coins on top 100 have already 10x. Some definitely will again, but most are looking at a 3x 5x tops.