Be a poorfag slav

>Be a poorfag slav
>Want to try this crypto business
>have to buy some crypto with real money first
>try coinbase, doesn't support my country
>binance, closed registrations
>cex, also closed registration
>kraken, shows error 503 half of the times, also can't get verified
>bitstamp, says it takes weeks to verify account

WHAT THE FUCK, it shouldn't be so hard to buy this internet scam money

Other urls found in this thread:

>getting into crypto in 2018
stay poor and dumb subhuman


Sorry op but slavs are even worst than pajeets bo back to your grandma house and drink kompot

get in on kucoin, use my referral

Slavs made ETH and LINK tho
Stop shilling.

You should use or exmo, bro, you also can use epayments in order to avoid huge commissions. I'm from Russia too, wish have fun and good luck for all guys from this thread. I love you!

>poorfag getting into crypto

ur gonna stay a poorfag lole unless u become my trape gf

That's what you get for putting carpets on walls slavfag

I'm not russian, I'm a serb, was googling about exmo, some people say it's a scam and they got their money stolen, will check yobit

wouldn't make a good trap, I'm very hairy

I like you, Ruski.

you can start now.

Did you miss the part where I said I was poor, where will I get the money to buy all those expensive mones

by becoming trappe gf lole

youve already lost frendo

I mean I'm slav also...
That's not true. Exmo can have a very slow transit of funds, but no one lost his money. I panicked very much too when I introduced my money, but they did it two hours later. Money is also output without problems. In general, there is no significant difference, at the current moment exmo have only XRP as special currency


I was actually thinking of buying that as my first crypto is it a bad idea?

Go suck some dicks fuccboi.

I'll give you a friendly advice, because gurmanska pljeskavica is love, gurmanska pljeskavica is life:
don't buy this jewcoin.


Hey bro, go to and take some NAS

meant for

guys what happeed to kraken I used to buy my btc there back in the days of silkroad.

bro just go kucoin
also use my referral if can 25fus

It seems to me that this currency has not yet exhausted the limits of its growth, XRP looks very stable, but kinda slow. Information noise, which caused the explosion in December 2017, ceased to be relevant. ETH looks more promising and practically risk free


dont u mock my grandmas kompot you cultureless burger

The thing with ETH is, that it's already at 1000+$ so it will hardly ever get like 50x or something like that, and I have really small funds, XRP is at 3$, so I think it has a lot more potential left, but I'm a newfag so I could be easily wrong

What is supply

Go kys newfaq

use bitkonan legit site i buy from there

I was thinking if getting into XRP cuz it's cheap. What's the best website to buy it from? I was only get buy like $250 worth

Retards like this are why I'm up 50% today

>drink kompot

How does he know?

Why are you asking me, I started this thread because I can't buy shit?

obvious troll

slav here
started in december with $100
already +300%

youre a smart man. You should put all your money in to this.

Would give you my kucoin refferal link but since you're too poor... not worth it

Oh shit, I didn't see the ID. I'm on mobile.

Fuck off with your shitty ass Cuckcoin referrals. Pajeets have been spamming that shit 24/7, literally nobody cares about it anymore.

This coin is far from cheap, you also need to take into account the size of the emission. I have this coin in my portfolio, but I do not count on it, it is a sort of "emergency ration". If you want to multiply your deposit by 50 times, you must regularly monitor pump-and-dump coins here like B3 or something else. But it is necessary to distinguish the real interest of the public from artificially procents by a sharp inflow of capital

fuck off dont you dare talk down kompot, the nectar of the fking gods m8

Cryptopia, faggot. Because only there you get access to gems like XLC before anyone else

That single advice should cost you a consultancy fee. You're welcome

Yeah listen bratish it doesn’t even matter. I live in US and can use coinbase but for all intents and purposes it’s useless. 4 days trying to get my driver’s license verified to no avail. Linked my bank account and bought $250 worth of eth a couple days ago but it’s still pending. You’re not missing out.

google what a fucking makretcap really means. also do you know why we daily all check this site called because marketcap is more important than the price of a coin when we are talking about how much room does it have for growth...
also youre a fag!

OP try
(use referral code 1cv7a if you sign up, kucoin will give me a bonus for referring you, thanks in advanced if you use it)