reminder that pac coin is running a scam with cryptopia
>go here
>refresh the page multiple times while watching the sell orders
>notice how the 1200 BTC sell wall disappears a half-second after each reload
the magical disappearing sell wall.
reminder that pac coin is running a scam with cryptopia
>go here
>refresh the page multiple times while watching the sell orders
>notice how the 1200 BTC sell wall disappears a half-second after each reload
the magical disappearing sell wall.
he's right. it shows a hueg sell order at 2 sats that disappears every time. this could just be a bug though
the display is bugged because of the great number of orders at the same price
well it's tricking people into buying at 1 or 2 sats. lmao
probably, Im programmer and it just seems that that code was not made to those amounts
i program some, too, and i don't see how any code couldn't handle extra digits--at worst it should truncate to fit the allotted space
not the digits, the amount of asynch refreshs
some times you will see 2 lines both at 3 sats.
yeah i noticed that, too. i don't deal with data that much, mostly program for engineering problems (FEA, fluid mechanics, etc)
the real scam they closed the DOGE market so people could not get PAC for less then 1 sat and sell at 1 sat
this, too.
they're really really trying to drive the price up
also, look at PAC's website--it's just stock pictures of people being happy with ABSOLUTELY ZERO information about their coin, what it does, etc.
it's a COMPLETE vaporware scam. holy shit it's SO OBVIOUS
there is a fucking discord where the devs and community are asswipe
>nobody has ever put up a facade to fleece idiots
they are together on this, dont be naive
The only dev activity after 4 years:
>DELETED LINE: -Official Website for Paccoin is
>ADDED LINE: +Official Website for Paccoin is
Someone clearly has stolen a Paccoin online identity and now wants to scam people into buying it by promising things that won't happen. Let at least ensure that Veeky Forums won't fall for it.
fucking christ my sides
This niggercoin is the biggest scam I have seen
Still made money buying at 1 SAT and immediately selling into Doge though