400m mc

>400m mc
>in 3 weeks everyone holding ZCL will get 1 BTCP and keep his ZCL
>Bcash has mc of 50 bln
>Even more crappy BTG has mc of 5 bln
>BTCP is just bitcoin+xmr combined and is an actually hyped fork with reasonable fundamentals
>If BTCP reaches a conservative 5bln mc it is still x10 from here within 3 weeks

Is that correct reasoning or am I missing something? That looks too easy

This is absolutely correct reasoning.

remember the time you didn't buy bitcoin cash when they were $300? well, here you go guys.

I just cant believe it
Why isn't biz all over it

considering all-in on this

already got 40% in

It's so obvious I'm sceptical. Seriously, what's the catch? How can it be this easy to flip money?

Natsu Natsu kiii i have made over 40K with this coin till now

>conservative 5bln mc

>Wallet coming out tomorrow
>Ledger Nano S support announced today
>Fork date announcement imminent

let me rephrase. remember the time you didn't buy bitcoin cash when they were $300? except this time there isn't a huge divide in the community between bitcoin cash, and bitcoin segwit. Imagine buying BCH with a HUGE amount normie support behind you.

being smug does not pay, I promise you user. I made a post when these were $15. I know you guys remember me. You will be sorry when this is in the top 10 coins.

I want to buy it but my mom won't let fuuuuck

I-i bought at $40. a-am i gonna make it senpai?

See pic related. Another user posted in the other thread from earlier.

Guaranteed 5x once normies hop on board.

And no I'm actually being seiousl although my comment looks like I'm making fun

This cap was my thread from a few days ago. I'm so grateful to whomever that first user was. I fucking love this place, you are all my family.

that's a better entry point than the majority of biz. you'll notice that is more interested in erc20 tokens on binance & kucoin. They don't care about functional crypto currencies. Go read the Tron buzzword whitepaper, go try to use the xrp wallet, and try actually using kucoin.

went a chill 15% in at 500K sats, and watched it go sideways for days during the BTC re engage. While the pumped alts went down, this one held strong and so did I on seeing that. The whales were accumulating then, but now they have lost control. Its good to see this shit take off and I am considering going all in now, looking at all the other sorry forks, and knowing 'privacy' trend/wave is here. Would not mind 10x my holdings lol

T-thats so sweet, i'm s-so happy for you senpai

Where do I buy this

you'll notice biz** is more interested

The Japanese and MAYBE Korean love this shit check out some of their tweets

two things can happen

bittrex can support the fork
bittrex opens new registrations

if these both happen you're gonna see prices so high even trump will bend the knee

Not exactly, BTCP will have 18 mil supply so 5 bil marketcap will be just under BTG price (300). However we should expect it to be double that at least and after a few months will be a competitor to BCH ($1k or 2k/BTCP).

Technically speaking, how does BTCP compare to XMR?

I bought today at an ATH because I had FOMO.

Absolutely no regrets, would like a date for the fork though.

Biz is all over it. There are at least 5 of these threads a day. You need to post this on social media or reddit or some shit to attract the normies because biz is already in this shit

Yeah fuck it normies don’t even know about this yet I’m going all in

yeah and considering BTG doesn't do shit, this actually has a legitimate use. will easily bypass the price and that's being conservative.

buy on cryptopia or trade satoshi if you can't register a bittrex account. even if bittrex doesn't support the fork (which they obviously will) Nano ledger will be supporting the fork

will bittrex support the fork and pay out btcp? or where is a good idea to keep your ZCL? is there a website who surely will support the fork and pay out?
never had this forking business so im clueless.

Senpai I've been shilling ZCL for WEEKS now, starting from a little bit before it was 37 dollars. Some Veeky Forumspeeps thanked and listened, others called me a pajeet. The joke is on them, I have 500+ and will be entering /comfyland/

can't make a new account on crpytopia either

Take a look at the Tron/BAT/LINK shill threads and compare it to ZCL threads.

ZCL looks completely artifical and scummy.

It's not Monero. It's a Zcash fork. Zcash is the only altcoin (that i know of) designed and built by professional and academic cryptographers.

Zclassic is what Zcash was supposed to be.

Will shitopia support the fork. I want to be able to dump my Zclassic as fast as possible.

did you seriously just say tron isn't bullshit lmao

Supply = BTC + ZCL supplies = about 20m is correct. That is even better thing then.

Im sorry my dude, guess you drowned in a sea of kucoin referals and bazinga threads.

In since 5$ ahahaah you all will cry when im millionare and btcp has same mcap than bitcoin with trading pairs and shit

what exchange should we buy zcl on?

bittrex. most likely going to announce support

Get Achain too, fork on the 12.

I heard you can keep it in the ZCL wallet, although I'm not exactly sure how getting the BTCP would work. It probably just gets dropped in the ZCL wallet and you can't see it, and you send it to a BTCP address to get the BTCP.

We are. Only so much we can do. This is going to explode.

>what is nem

BTCP will be releasing a wallet in the next few days

the zcl devs literally just keep forking shit for free pumps and everyone just goes along with it, its absolutely retarded. they are not capable of making a functioning privacy coin, if they even manage to fork without botching it you might get some short term gains if zcl itself doesnt crash immediately but btcp is 100% scamware

zcl devs.... the 1 dev you mean? Talk out your ass all you want but give some source why its a scam

You must be one of those hush faggots

You stupid zcl HAS privacy features. Xvg doesnt

Seriously tho have you seen the normal shill on hush? Its insane.

Yeah it's the next bazingacoin

Yup, cringe af

If he was serious about crypto he'd focus on 1 coin. Instead of like 5 forks. BTCP will fork into another cashgrab.

those buy orders on bittrex christ a single 20BTC buy order

Exampe of the other 4 forks? He did say he was shifting all his attention to BTCP so ZCL will drop like a rock.

Yeah I understand why but it's frustrating because Veeky Forumsanons got me into various pumps. I started out with just 150 eurobucks and made 30k+ since september. I just want to help other Veeky Forumsanons but yeah fuck the pajeets, we need flag filters.

20btc is 1400 zcl which is 1400 btcp. Someone is definitely doing the smart thing

He knows it will be 50 min in 3 weeks.
>what is 30x16000
Reduce the numbers all you'd like. Dump it all here for min 2.5x and max 10x in the next couple weeks.

just remember, you're buying at 100x of what it was 2 weeks ago.

I have a rig i farm which decided to jump into investing instead. using my mining profits to invest every month so i can make it this year. Any key points you've learned here to speed up another anons profits?

use your brain idiot, there is literally 0 reason to fork zclassic other than pumping it for free money. why not just fork BTC? its not necessary whatsoever from a tech perspective

it has privacy features that the zcl dev copy pasted from zec, that's all he does just copy + paste and then slap some branding on there and the bagholders shower him with free money

u dont git it

I'm riding the zclassic train to gainsville, but the man forked zcash, zclassic, zencash, and now btcp.

>supply of BTCP = 3 million from ZCL + 17m from BTC = 20m
>5 bln marketcap

That's only $250 per BTCP retard

Why make a new coin at all if you can just fork btc endlessly? Not sure I trust your tech statement

calling cryptos a scam does not pay. your emotions & your moral positions will not pay you. if your position is that this just rains free money by altering the code, then why wouldn't you buy?
what about all the erc20 tokens using the ethereum network? are those all scam coins just because the mimic the code of the network?

Where is the source on that fork? I can't find anything, they don't even have a subreddit

No. You are wrong and you don't understand money.

I want to put my money into something that is tested and safe. That is not going to change. That will stay the same for 100 years. If changes are made I want it to be done very carefully by the scientific community.

He took something created by cryptographic researchers and removed the bit a tax goes to the founders. Money should not be like that. The same conditions should apply to all.

Forking it together with Bitcoin is genius. The branding is genius. It's awesome and I believe in the guy.

u git it

yes...they watch the wolf but wont be one.


endless forking of btc is absurd. go ahead and trust the guy who keeps pumping out meme forks and then promptly abandoning them

i bought a little zcl when i first heard about btcp because i knew itd be free money but i took my gains already, im not going to stick around for the botched fork or better yet non-existent one. as for comparing erc20 tokens to forks youre just embarrassing yourself, but as it turns out yes most of those are scams too

i understand enough to know a scam when i see one and most crypto right now is vaporware scams, this guys trash included. i dont care what his stated intentions were for the zcl fork, hes pumping it with a PR stunt before he "ceases development" on it and im sure BTCP will share the same fate if it even happens. yes the branding is good but thats the point, use BTC branding for a pump. the fact that you 'believe in the guy' is absolutely pathetic

Again provide the other forks he has done.


read the thread retard. Or you know, DYOR. ctrl-f is probably easier.

Shit man. I ve been buying at every fucking price point. will you faggots stop shilling this so the price stays down. dont worry you dont need an artificial pump. once the normies find out about this its gnna be 1k

Sound like a guy without an answer thanks for your fud.

already answered, zcash to zclassic and then zclassic to zencash, now zclassic to BTCP

tfw bought at $4. I feel as smug as a New York Jew

fuck all this fud, i'am not here to belive in ideas and actual tech, i'm here to make money on normies and this fork is one of the most obvious and safe opportunities to do that

4 (you)
next time try google if Veeky Forums threads are to hard to follow.

This shit hitting high's soon, I know some insider info that within a week this will hit Binance

Strap the fuck in boys.

So you are saying Rhett the one developer for zcl.... is creating all these coins? Cause he had nothing to do with the development of Zcash or Zen.....

This is why it's going to be so funny to see the guys rushing to buy at the top get burned. This is an absolute scam to anyone entering right now.

man you are tedious. Calling forks absurd is annoying. When the community has a split in ideals then you fork the coin. What's the big deal? Oh no, it makes the community look bad. Again these are digital assets and generally don't care about representation. This is about functionality. Why aren't you calling ZCASH a scam? At least ZCL doesn't have a founders reward, the dev hasn't even invested in his own coin.

Another thing that makes you sound ridiculous. When you call bitcoin private a scam, then you are blatantly calling the communitya scam. Everything about bitcoin private has been made by the community. The logo, the code, replay protection, the wallet, the website, etc. Rhett built the original code & let the community finish it. This is the first fork where the community has control on the project.

did you know ETH is a fork?

what are the odds of the fork failing to happen?

this time next year the market will not be supporting 100 marginally different forks.


Didn't you hear? It's a scam its not going to happen get out! Get out now! or TURN PINK!!! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Nah but seriously very low fail chance at the moment just pay attention

It will be cancelled and your zen classic will be worth $12

Stay salty bazingafag

Is this why BCPT moon becouse people thought it was BTCP ?

It's just a newer way to initially distribute a coin or a token. BTC's distribution is better than almost any other coin, so it's probably the fairest way to do it.

one more thing. I keep seeing anons complain about copying the bitcoin code & adding things to it. Shouldn't this provide more security instead of fud? Most great innovations are small alterations of things that already work. Like BTCP adding privacy, and BCH increasing the blocksize. You can grasp this concept more by looking at architecture & fine art. Most novice artist think that they can create a masterpiece naturally with a blank canvas without any past recollection of art history.

guys i need serious strategy discussion here about post fork.

1) it gets dumped hard an no buy orders at all, coin crashes like a mofo we lose all the gains.
2) it drops about 50% in 24 hours, so slowly
3) whales will manipulate and trade all the while keeping price stable in an acceptable range for a couple hours to make more profits and cash out without blowing the price to pieces.
4)if we get immense normie attention, idiots might still place buy orders post snapshot and we might all be able to pass our bags to fagget brainlet normies

what scenario will play out?

Something else to consider is the price of BTCP, current ZCL circulating supply is 1.8mil and btc is 16.8mil = 18.6mil circulating supply. If BTCP gets added on binance, and bittrex and gets a lot of attention on social media what launch price could we expect? BTG was worth 10% of BTC at the time, if BTCP does the same we might see 1.2-1.5k at launch considering the increased supply.

of course he had nothing to do with zcash, but he was involved with zen

forking isnt inherently bad but it is when its clearly being used for a free pump on the coin youre forking because youre the dev of that coin sitting on a big stack, youre pretty naive if you think he 'hasnt invested in his own coin'. and "the community" should not have supported a zcl fork since its not necessary to implement zerocoin protocol on top of btc, thats pretty much what zcash did except they did it in a shitty centralized way. all community support shows, which i doubt exists in any meaningful capacity, is that the community is gullible. if they wanted a coin called BTCP that forked bitcoin and implemented zerocoin/zksnarks and shit they could have done it without pumping zcl

1). Bare in mind a bunch of BTC holders will wake up with a free coin they don't care about. and early adopters are holding zcash so won't just magically start accumulating. If you are holding through the fork dump Zclassic IMMEDIATELY. and then hold BTCP for at least 2 weeks while it bounces back.
yeah. ever see the open source community? not all forks are bad. But a lot of the time it's just splitting dev resources and making redundancy. Not to mention its a currency not just a pet project. Remember the Fiat fork and then Bretton Woods and post bretton woods forks of the USD? which ones are you hodling? exactly.