
Is anyone else noticing that it's a lot harder to sell the darker-skinned girls? I can barely get 60% of what my white ones tend to sell for.

And just general thread I guess.

Other urls found in this thread:,

The market has spoken. Black women are a bubble.

Wtf is the point of this


T. Roastie

oh my god liek im going to put this on my tumblr like omygod

multi level marketing

I mentioned this when it came out, the niggers are the cheapest and least desirable, just like real life.

i know like right? us roasties gotta like stick together like you know?>

It's CryptoKitties for waifus. And no it's not a ponzi like ethertanks and all the other etheremon clones. You don't get returns from people buying girls and there's no referral links or shit like that; you just buy breed sell and collect.

Problem is everyone playing it is racist as fuck and now I've got some darkie bags. I'd breed them with the elf ears but those are kind of expensive so I don't know what to do with them. Should have just bought the white ones to start with.

Never bet on black

Why would anyone buy these? They look like 2008 porn flash game characters

>not wanting to own some 2008 porn flash game characters
Your loss user.

Good luck selling it now kiddo

No asians - no buy.

wait a sec why do they have underwear now? i'm 99% sure they didnt before



I'm still trying to drop my Crypto-pussy bags

They still don't if you know where to look. Ethbabes is the non-explicit version of crypto-pussies and uses the same smart contract.

no futa - no buy

This desu, what's the point of having a waifu if you can't even suck her cock?

That explains it then, the bikinis look kinda weird compared to the bodies

Damn, that'd actually solve my problem pretty nicely since the black girls would surely get bigger dicks. They've been adding new traits recently so hopefully that can happen.

This. Buy crypto-pussies instead, specifically #145, gen 0 with 10 remaining DNA swaps

No one want dindu bitches, nothing new here

>Buy crypto-pussies
The absolute state of crypto

>captcha: poverty elbert

>Buy crypto-pussies instead
Just to be clear, crypto-pussies and ethbabes are one in the same. The latter is just the SFW version. The smart contract is the same which means ownership and interactions are all the same. The only thing that changes is how you see them: the girls are nude when viewed on the crypto-pussies site and clothed when viewed on ethbabes. Here's your #145.

That's fantastic. Feel free to click the "Buy Now" button any time. Make sure you use a lot of gas so the transaction goes through smoothly.

if you look at a list of the most popular pornstars, you don't see a black woman until the second page

> 7 000$ for shitty cartoon

The state of crypto.

Gen 0 pink hair is a nice combination, but 0.65 is a bit out of my range. Gotta breed some nigresses with white blood and hope the mixed children are on the lighter side. Only if I manage to pull that off might I be able to afford the more expensive girls.

Do you think I should drop my price? I'm hesitant to breed her with my other girls at the risk of devaluing her but if nobody is buying I guess I have nothing to lose.

Guess it's a matter of what you think about the game's long-term prospects. I can only speak from my own experience but if you want to sell soon then I don't think anyone's going to buy at that price right now, maybe 0.3-0.4 is more in the range for that. .2 if you just want out as soon as possible and want to be sure you don't miss a sale.

I'm with you on the breeding thing, I think a 10 swap gen 0 will be worth more than a 9-swap gen 0 + a gen 1 child, especially since you might risk the child not getting the hair color.

kek, you could legit just send this to buzzfeed or Vice, the outrage would be enough to pump it x10

It's misogynistic, it's in a sense racist (black girls have lower market value), it involves crypto, it is clickbait fodder of the highest order.


Why is the platform racist if the users choose to price girls certain ways? Just because people have an internal bias doesn't make the game racist.

Who tf cares about logic, it's the perfect bait for them. They can use that to push their narrative about how black women are paid less and are the most oppressed group while we get richer.

Was able to sell DNA. Hoping it continues to do well.

how much and what gen?

how much money do you need to get started in this game?

Also, does the site ask for ID?

kek, I love it. black women oppressed because nobody wants to objectify them enough. reminds me of this key and peele sketch:

It was a Gen0 DNA for .3 ETH

Girls range in price (people can sell them for whatever).

Gen 0's are going for about 0.2-0.3 eth. Best way to make money looks to be swapping DNA or flipping gen 0's.

Website doesn't ask for ID - It's all anonymous.

Guys, get in now before it's too late. It only takes one article from salon or buzzfeed for this to explode in popularity. I can imagine the headline now:


Probably best to keep them a virgin. Keeps the population down and prices up.

It fluctuates (as said the users set the prices) but most of the cheapest girls hovered around .015 to .02 so far. Each girl can only breed 10 times TOTAL so their DNA Swaps are worth a bit too, usually around .01 but I just checked and there's two priced even lower than that. Buying a DNA Swap means you get to breed one of your girls with someone else's and keep the offspring, only using up one of your DNA swaps instead of having to own two girls and use both.

Did you send this to buzzfeed?

flat chests when

This kek.

ok faggots, right now i feel like some kinda 80 year old war vet who just got out of 40 years of capture in a communist prison
what the fuck is the value of these?
what is the motivation behind buying them?
what is the difference between paying money for these and paying money for dogshit?
why would an easily reproductible picture, which doesnt even exist irl as opposed to paintings, have more value than another easily reproducible picture?

The bikinis remind me of those pens you can buy that have the suit vanish when the pen is turned upside down.

haha, good questions. I think these same questions can be asked about any digital collectible

meme bragging rights


betting on that you can capitalise on someone who wants meme bragging rights

ethereum is fine, the meme shit is the equivalent of altcoins only ethereum just lets you build shitcoins on top of their platform. in the long run its good to have a metaplatform like ethereum because it means you dont have to trust chink exchanges, but right now everything needs to scale badly, no alt today can handle the level of traffic coins like eth/btc are receiving without resorting to some centralized/dpos trusted network.

alright, good point, i cant name any "digital collectibles" from the top of my head but i guess those have some relation or value behind them, like an actual video game, a popular movie, an actual card game with real cards etc
their value is also hugely based on rarity
as far as i can tell, cryptopussies is just a randomly generated drawing of a girl, everyone is near equally rare and according to the thread, the only guaranteed price difference is because of some chicks being black
>"heh, i have this blonde, blue eyes pale slut with big boobs as a card, I can sell her anytime and make several thousand dollars, bet you jelly!"
i just dont get it




tweet it to serena williams. imagine the outrage. do it for the lulz Veeky Forums

So alright, there is a chance to make money off this platform right?

I don't have a spare email, can anyone send it? Don't be over the top, you want to sound realistic. Just LARP a concerned women about the implications of this type of platform that allows blatant racism and sexism.

Also we need only one or two people to send this to news sites. Too many would look suspicious.

Hold the fuck on do i need to buy in before you do this?
Give us a heads up

I don't think this'll make the game more valuable (T. not invested) lol. I just think the chaos that ensues would be hilarious.

Yup, quite a bit of money flowing through the app. The lower number girls sell for the most but they just keep releasing girls with new parts.

Outrage drives popularity which drives exposure which drives demand which drives price.

This is a great idea - who is the biggest feminazi that we can tweet this at?

what's the name of that tranny that wants to run for senator again?

anita sarkeesian
hold on I'm going to try get in on this.

I've had a few girls sell, hoping this blows up

Also, why is the cryptopussies portion of the site not protected with a https license and the other one is?

SSL on works for me

sent it to cosmopolitan larping as a feminist

Thanks, what browsers are you using to stay in incognito while installing metamask?

Send it to Vice and Buzzfeed as well, I'd be suprised if Cosmopolitan readers even know what bitcoin is.

Buy, breed new ones, sell, profit, easy as that.

I don't think any browser lets you enable extensions when incognito.... but I'm really not sure. Just clear history?


Anyone know what the biggest sale has been so far

i think a gen 0 has sold for 8grand

Wow lol

>paying 0.65 ETH for some embarrassing third-rate hentai

just wait for the outrage when people see how only the white girls are valuable

>not futa
Do not want

Don't shill these. They make a mockery of coins. If anybody finds out these coins are fake and hold no real value (other than what's put in them) we're fucking ruined. These pictures are juvenile and expose just that.

We're not putting our money into the equivalent of pixelated titties, we're putting into totally real currencies guys, I swear. Although, the end game is to see which crypto is left standing above all others since Bitcoin doesn't cover all the bases, then that coin or coins will actually be useful once stable.

so I just bought a cheap waifu, now what?



if dubs i buy bitb

Really is an interesting concept, but I'll need to put in some money and research before i put anything over 50$

is this the dumbest fucking thing that has spawned from crypto or am I missing something? are people really paying 79 dollars for a picture of a cartoon girl?

>79 dollars?
son there are 3eth worth of girls going at the moment.

I hope this is just FUD but if not, you are missing the point. you don't just buy the stupid picture, you buy low and sell high, or breed them and sell off the new girls to other fools who want to breed them

its about making money, not about collecting shitty card art

in other words, three fifths


The game plays almost identical to cryptokitties and millions have gone through there. Nothing stopping this game from exploding.

Coins are a mockery, 90% of them are worth nothing. This is the reason why everyone calls them shitcoins. Do you really think that by buying KidsCoin you are investing in the future or something?

Girls breed with girls. A literal lesbian utopia.

You got a lead on KidsCoin?

Send it to, lol. The guy is Internet-famous as a blockchain-hating cross-dressing SJW wikipedo. He wrote pic rel and likes gossip.

>paying money for dogshit?
Breedable shit will be the ultimate ETH game. Make it happen.