Sorry user, but I just can't do this anymore. I'm working six days a week trying to make something of myself, and all you do nowadays is stare at charts and talk about cryptocurrency. When we met, you had ambition. You wanted to start a business and be something. But now, it seems like that side of you is gone. I'm tired of waiting for you to reach your potential while I work to reach mine. It's over.
Sorry user, but I just can't do this anymore. I'm working six days a week trying to make something of myself...
Other urls found in this thread:
buy a porsche or something to feel better
Or a condo
I bought around 28k BZC, how fucked am I?
or both
Is ITC gonna moon?
Post your ex's bobs and vagene
stfu pajeet
i hope this happened around the 10th dec
Last night, actually. She was aware of my success in this market with my $36k initial investment.
Haha, will do, just give me a few more months to multiply this further.
bitches be crazy, when you hit $2M you should try and subtly show the gains, fuck her then dump her hard
Also if you cared about the relationship you could of said the gains were gona go towards a business.
Okay hun, I'll do it later.
Oh, I do still plan to start a business once this market slows down, and I've told her that multiple times. But she just doesn't think I have it in me anymore since I've spent so many months "wasting my time."
>Takes half
>Oh, I do still plan to start a business once this market slows down, and I've told her that multiple times. But she just doesn't think I have it in me anymore since I've spent so many months "wasting my time."
she might just want to get with another guy user.
seriously don't take it to hard she was probably just bored. Sluts gonna slut.
>1 year passes
>portfolio now worth 3 million
>she accuses you of rape
>loose it all
This guy holds LINK.
I wish... I didn't have the balls to buy the dip when it went under ICO even though I know it's a great project. Maybe that's why she dumped me?
Does she not know about those gains?
You're making a fuckton of money, surely more than she is. Why does it matter if you slave away at a dayjob or make it by looking at charts?
Whatever is mooning, trade it now.
>I do still plan to start a business
What kind of business?
Had this conversation with my gf, but she works a shitty job and isn't really going anywhere career wise. So it was more of a I get to stay at home all day reading Veeky Forums and trading shitcoins.
haha that shit is hilarious, fuck her bro
you seem like you have reacted to this correctly though, id personally cut all contact and just keep doing you. plenty of decent women out there if u aint autistic
Living the dream. I hope I'll be like you one day.
>wasting your time
>making hundreds of thousands of dollars
How much does she make?
How is she not wasting her time working for someone else and making less?
There are a lot of things money can do than just reaching your ambitions, you know. Can you help me fund my drug cartel shipping company startup?
you aint wrong, i dream of getting a simple woman who is cute and just wants to raise my children while i provide for them.
This new world doesn't fill me with confidence though
Take acid
My (new) ex just out of dental school making around $120k/yr at the practice she's at, but she has the potential to make more as the practice grows. She also plans to start her own practice in a few years with a long term goal of owning multiple practices.
She's given me some stiff competition, but I'm still wining.
Why the fuck is "wining" what swype decided to default to?
Well when she's looking for seed capital get her into contract and have that bitch make you money for life.
Thanks user. I know finding someone new will be easy once I feel up to it again. Traveling the world on cryptocurrency gains doesn't exactly hurt my confidence. She can have fun slaving away away at work, while I live the dream.
Only if it uses Confido
Still, seems silly of her and not genuine. If she really cared about you and wanted to be with you, why does it matter how you're making money as long as you're making a good amount and it isn't illegal?
I think that's pretty irrelevant in a relationship.
I have a few ideas in tech, most IoT related. My background is in electrical engineering in semiconductors, more specifically embedded wireless systems.
dump her
It should be irrelevant, but it probably has affected my personality some. I don't get nearly as excited about flipping shitcoins as I do about building a product - it's just too good an opportunity to pass up, and it gives me more initial capital to start a business.
I stare at charts and save lives at a hospital, top that faggot.
For what it’s worth my gf doesn’t know anythint about my crypto and never will
She thinks she knows more about it than me
But then how would I take multi-week long trips to far corners of the world on cheap flights?
>Implying I care what dumb roasties think
>Implying I don't live exclusively for my gains
>Muscular and crypto gains
That must take some serious fucking willpower, user.
bitch lasagne
I’m a sociopath so it helps
Cool shit, that's always been a hobby of mine. I love dicking around with AVR and ARM microcontrollers, been meaning to learn how to do IoT stuff with them.
Check this out if you want something cheap to fuck around with. You can grab these WiFi relays for about $4 each on Alibaba, then control them via SSH, UDP, or something.
Since I scripted all my job tasks, I essentially don't do anything at my job besides trade crypto. I'm getting paid to get paid. All crypto gains are kept secret.
Lol, that'll do it
Fuuuuuck, that was a dream of mine for a while. What's your job?
i like the cut of your jib
Thanks, this looks fun to tinker with.
promote that man!
low market cap + grassroots movement behind it + good tech = free money.
So the PnD is still going strong? When's the dump?
Computer Analyst. I monitor systems and do incident response. 99% of the time everything is OK. I scripted all the busy work that was supposed to keep me occupied. I work night shift so no one knows what the hell I do during my downtime. I would like to quit, but it's easy money and health insurance is expensive.
simpler times
Night shift probably isn't the best for your social life, but the rest of it sounds like a pretty sweet gig.
ignore this self-diagnosed type 2, I do the same, it's easy, girls don't care about graphs
Yeh basically this. OP, her explanation was most likely a scapegoat for her overall dissatisfaction with the relationship and/or her lust for other men. People rarely actually mean what the say at face value. Gotta read between the lines.
That being said, nice folio. Go buy yourself a prostitute, you've earned it.
Don’t have to spend your gains on her anymore. There are no losers here.