Who here /comfy/

who here /comfy/

Right here partner. Balls deep.

been holding since .13

real comfy

Comfiest hold in a while

Latched on at .2. Pleasantly surprised.

how much do you guys have? im sitting at a nice 39k

17.8k here, went in on dbc too at the same time, hope this can perform the same


bought at .35

I'm diverse as fuck though...got 20 coins/tokens exactly at the moment with XRB being my main bitch.

Expecting it up to 50 by the end of the month.

in @ .11

launch to $1 is imminent

sooo comfy

another questio, how long will you hold?

good luck on your coins, im in bnty/dbc/ebet/qtum

big gains on all of em

i didn't think we'd hit $1 without binance but its looking like we will, no idea how high we can get with new exchanges so im not sure yet

I have close to 1k of BNTY, but debating if I should add more to my stack or try a bit of REQ with my last $300.

I just threw my last $400 at BNTY

I have about 20k req, just set a buy order at low 90c and ur gucci

when mom asked where your btc went

We can totally get $200 million mkcap on kuckcoin. Dent, DBC, and Qlink had no problem doing it.

I mean, fucking xrb got to 2 billion on a no name italian exchange, we just need youtubers to start shilling to get the ball rolling.

thats a good point, this is really a comfy hold

yep. binance and bittrex registrations are still closed so hopefully all the normies flock to kuck and buy the shit

They also don't have the autistic whale we do.

is he still around? i haven't checked kucoin since he was holding it at 16cents desu

When should I take the money and run? I’m nervous. How high will this go?

Yes but he's struggling with higher volume.

>bought 1k at .16
>shittily traded down to 800
>sold 500ish at .26 to buy KCS
Holding 300 comfortably

What is this coin gonna be worth by March? Need to know if I should sell after it hits 2-3 bucks or just hodl the entire time. I have 10K BNTY got in at 9c. I'm all in on this coin and trying like a madman to get to 100K by June. Seems doable if I make the right moves.

alpha v2 comes out, they'll also probably have binance and dozen more partnerships lmao so sky's the limit.


we haven't even hit 100mil marketcap

I’d like to know this, too. I have around the same and got in lowwww

Is it best to keep this on MEW? I’m still on kukoin lol


All you need in 2018 for easy gains as long as your hands are made of titanium

Just went all in. Ready to 2-3x by tuesday

went all in at .10
my goal is $6


Damn Daniel, 72 cents?! Did some new news come out or are we still bouncing around in the mean?

approaching ath faggots, get in here /space cowboys/

these gains are gonna give me a heart attack. holy shit

new partnership just announced and now 2 posts on r/cryptocurrency. prl and pbl have doubled since getting on the front page. this one is going up as well

>Bought on ED before Kucoin
>Under 4 cents

150k portfolio went from 4 figures to 6.

Comfy af

>get in here /space cowboys/
I like that maymay