Poorfag portfolio

60 XLM
320 FUN
480 DBC
70 BAT
90 MTH
200 SNOV
All in all about 400$. Am I gonna make it bros?


$150 in ETH

too scared to try anything yet, everything seems to be mooning

I'm at 700 within 3 days of trading $100 initial
>10 KCS
>21 VEN
>65 PRL
>390 DBC

We all gonna make it lads.

if you're only at $400 then you're too late on all of those
i went in $400 on somewhat the same setup and have 1k today, but that was right before 2 big moons
Look for coins that havent mooned yet, literally everything youve bought it looks like you saw it up by 33% and freaked out and bought in. Don't do that, look for coins that are on downtrends but have good products/ideas and are being shilled on Veeky Forums but still low mcap and price

4.83 zcl
0.05 btc

gonna make it

5 XMR Moneros and i have no fucking clue what i am doing. Come on my level bros

Don't diversify so much with that amount. Go 50/50 on two coins or all in on promising project. With the eventual returns you can diversify or go all in again, your choice. Good luck.

I was proud i made $1000 of a $1800 investment i got two weeks ago

you'll rise to 6k but the crash will come too soon for you pajeet

600 xlm
140 xrp
580 dent
200 dbc
180 poe

0.20 xmr
0.34 eth
0.08 btc

I don't know what I'm doing

>don't know what I'm doing
gettin rich boi

profit is profit buddy.
I already know I'm locked into my coins till at least EOM so there isn't anything left for quick notice moon missions but oh well.


That's what I was actually looking for. Coins with a kinda low market cap but that seemed to have at least some potential. I didn't want to go all in on some 50/50 shitcoin.

Yeah, I probably should have gone all in on DBC and XLM in hindsight, but what can you do.

$1850 > $4000
in since late december

At this point I honestly just want to have beginners luck, make some profit, and put that shit into 1-2 ETH and wait it out till EOY. With my luck I probably bought ATH at least 50% of those coins...

Not terrible gains, but you need to drop all three of those shitters that have already had their mega moon asap.

You'll make it.

>Did nothing for 6 months and then suddenly shot up

Looks like it took you 6 months just to get lucky once.

FUN hasn't mooned yet.

Got lucky multiple times but am retarded and sell at 2-5x instead of waiting till 20x.... This time I waited.

7 WaBi
14 Centra
it doesn't get any poorer than this

Lol I put 500 euros into lamden.io (ico price) and i am up to almost 2.5k already.
Stay poor no-risk low-test kiddo

Yes, it does.

>tfw nothing but 35 BAT


Hold on, converting my 35 BAT into ETH to win

Nigga I got £20 in ETH I traded from some BCH I had lying around from a bit of mining I did, that's it. What shitcoin to buy to turn it into £100?

not if i convert my shit to btc first!

Dump that fucking verge and get in on something else quick.

Gotta spread a little less thin if you want to see anything.

> $650USD in IOTA
> $650USD in LINK

I'm going to make it /biz

Minero just goes sideways. Its a coin used for anonymous transactions. You're not going anywhere fast. Not that it's a bad coin but because of the nature of what it is designed to do, it will not moon spectacularly.

no, I started with 400, you need to go all in on one coin no spread out. you aren't rich enough for that

>have 500
>decide to go all in
>pick XLM
>hasn't budged in days

you're making piss for gains with such a low initial investment and being that far spread out. put in alteast 2k and only choose 3 - 4. after you make initial gains you can take from them and invest in other shitcoins

Ez method, just buy shitcoins, they go up by like 5% daily, compound interest bro, after a week you got like double your money

>they go up by like 5% daily,

Tell that to XLM.

Different user here....some advice on diversifying with $1500, please?

Yeah ok user let's go all in on the coins that just finished mooning

Dump Prl as fast as you can if you don't want to lose 30 percent of your stack

I'm 500 dollar in iota it will moon. The ama on Reddit today was good. Only coin I will definitely hold 1 year with my 60 dollers in xmr

I have like 600 dollars, what shitcoins should i put it into

I'm all in KCS

started with 500 yesterday up to 650 today

come on kawaii bros moon it for me

This level of not budging for a coin with good technology and backing seems more extreme than usual. I bought during the dip but it just wont budge.