>this kills the crypto cuck
This kills the crypto cuck
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This man has solved the oracle problem. The first use case of crypto Q2 2018.
Sorry senpai I use xmr to evade annual wealth taxes in Netherlandistan. 1,67% over all the shit I own in 2017. 2018 will be even higher. My kike gubment can fug right off
what are unsupported claims alex
>no one has come up with a use
>besides using it as a currency that is completely anonymous allowing a variety of benefits
Really made me think
>creates a solution for a problem that doesn't even exist
What did he mean by this
I hope you used Tor, europoor.
IBM already partnered with walmart to get their supply chain business on blockchain
The list is long, and I dont have time to preach fools here
Do your research
shit was a a meme until this year, big business is sitting up and paying attention now. and no one wants to hire millennials, they would rather automate now their boomer buddies are retiring
stay mad kikeboi
WTF I hate blockchain now!
All right everyone. You heard 'em. shut it all down
Boomer or woman that wrote that?
>donating to therightstuff.biz gang without fear of local jew media starting a manhunt
>avoiding taxes like a champ to avoid giving money to pay for rapefugee welfare
>holding bunch of coin for inevitable eurocollapse
it's just soulless bug people who don't see uses
He was talking about Monero.
just sold everything. holding only mexican pesos now. thanks user.
Trump 2020. Now accepting donations in xmr
The only reason it’s not more widely used is because of the scaling problem.
literally this lmao deluded LINKIES
Tunnelbear on smartphone and TOR on pc, always
Trump can go fuck himself, he's a bluestate liberal who was made into second Hitler simply because the left is completely insane.
tfw (((they)))'re onto us and (((they)))'re gonna crash our party
fuck my life just as i started making gains
>no use
>literally hundrets of coins brining new ideas to the table concerning blockchain tech, all partnered to all hell to fiat-based economy
>crazy bull run all since the new year
first they ignore you
then they laugh at you
then they fight you
>giving money to a pack of internet nazis
wow user, if i make a podcast and talk shit about niggers will you give me BTC too?
Yep and any millennials who weren't retarded communists got into crypto a while ago and boomer faggots are going to pump the price along with every other laggard.
Trump is the savior of America. You have no idea how lucky you are to have him as president
You should actually listen to Fash The Nation and Daily Shoah. Non-ironically the two best political podcasts on the webs.
Getting to the moon and other stellar objects is a pretty big use case.
lol a little butthurt there bud?
hurr durr