Listen up fags. This coin right here will x100 by EOY 2018 and it won't be done there. You will regret buying this while whales are still supressing prices on Binance (look at the sell walls ffs).
Anyone of you normies still not buying don't deserve to be rich.
No VeChain Threads?
Other urls found in this thread:
They have the connections and marketing, but they don't have any technology. All it is is an ERC20 token that doesn't do anything.
Ill buy this shitcoin once they have their own blockchain complete
No need to shill anymore user. These biztards have been told many times and still consider it a shitcoin. Let them FOMO in when its 50$ a coin. Cant break the tradition of buy high sell low now can we?
ya they got all those partnerships because they dont have any technology
good theory
youre gonna be paying a premium then. on january 16th youre gonna be paying a huge premium. right now is the time to buy but you will stay poor
Heard a rumor they were announcing the date of the rebranding tomorrow. There is an unknown special guest attending but otherwise no news tomorrow.
You are paying the salaries of a 50+ chink team with NO FUCKING PRODUCT OR ACTUAL PARTNERSHIP WHATSOEVER
The only thing they've done is a fucking video with a toy BMW car and spread the hype
If you own this shitcoin, you're probably holding some of my bags
>he thinks they wont be back up soon
"holding bags" implies that the coin has devalued since we bought in
*checks price*
oh its up 1000% since i bought
Except they do you fucking moron. China's largest wine importer already uses them on their wine bottles. Nice try with that no research FUD faggot
You don't realize the implications of this, don't you? You know the user that said that Vechain is putting those walls up,to build momentum he's completely fucking right. Otherwise there's no way to coordinate a 450 BTC walldrop at once.
all of my money in VeChain. first it was LINK then ICX now VeChain. tripled my money
fuck didn't even realize the walls were gone til this thread
we did it bros
also, its 8am Monday in china right now.....
think we're in for some news today boys? the timing is too perfect.
aaaand they are back
just went all in on this.
not really, theres a 17BTC wall at 30k sats
that's nothing
>tfw gonna go to sleep and wake up to ath
I hope you are angry because you didn’t buy enough and the price is skyrocketing
A few seconds ago a giant buy AND sell wall appeared out of nowhere. It's getting really shady.
Yes, my little cuck, I got in at 1.2k sats in september, got rid of the bags at 27k last week.
God I swear, out of all the streetshitters out there, VEN bagholders are the cringiest. Didnt see this much cope even with TRX normies
"guys sell walls are just devs suppressing the price"
"calm down it's just whales accumulating"
"the walls are there because the Binance contest will start and they want ven cheap"
"guys walls are there because of the volume contest"
"no, it's because whales are trying to win the net purchase VEN/BNB contest"
"walls will be gone after contest" (still there)
When will you clueless idiots realize TWO FUCKING THIRDS of this shitcoin belongs to the devs
Check the activity here pajeets:
Keep an eye on this
show me their github with their code?
Yes, they have an app that scans codes for existance but what does this have to do with their enterprise blockchain?
I think the sell walls are the partners they got.
They gave them VEN for free in order to partner up.
You and I both know the chinese would absolutely do something like this.
Or miss out on the biggest bull run of 2018.
im betting taht the walls are vechain distributing the coins
ive made a sizeable bet on this
since youve already sold your position how bout just fucking off
>walls disappear
>price tanks
There was literally a wall worth 4m USD which disappeared just now you spastic. Just because you can't read a simple graph doesn't mean you have to act out.
eth pairing just keeps falling and falling
Lads i think the moon is starting tonight , expect a crazy pump
Show me at least one top 20 wallet that sent coins to binance.
Open github for proprietary software? How does it work?
Fucking waltcucks
If you really did buy at 1.2k and sold at 27k, then you really are one of the dumbest fuckers ive ever seen. Otherwise you're just a larping faggot whos too stupid to see a moon mission even if we shove it down your throat
rise you whore
74 BTC wall back at 29180
You might just be right. Walls down. Reddit's been shilled. Asia waking up. Shit, this could be it. After months of suppression, we get our bull run.
Holy fuck look T that new wall... someone’s fuckin preparing
This , what are you guys talking about? ETH is going up this piece of shit is going down, Fuck you ETH.
Why do you faggots buy in BTC, i have no idea.... no understanding
Who else got in under 10k sats?
I bought ATH at the time and it was one of the best decisions I have made.
Pls happen
Yeah, they are vechain distributing coins. That is why you should NEVER BUY THIS
VeChain is literally printing money and you're paying for it. You will get stuck holding Vechain while they hold your eth,btc,usd.
VEN team doesnt want VEN. So why do you cucks?
Btc pairing has higher volume you fucking retard. Who gives a fuck about the eth pairing
wtf are you blabbering about
they need coins to be distributed throughout the world for the system to operate and they need money to pay their employees
i see nothing wrong with this
everything i do is ETH pairing, suck my dick
+ if you guys run up, it'll carry us up too : )
The price will go up regardless of any of the stupid fucking opinions in this thread.
Nobody cares about shitcoin boomer.
So much fud jfc
How the fuck do you expect them to pay their employees and buy and develops all the rfids and nfcs when theyre expanding massively. The amount of idiots in this thread is fucked.
ETH pairing is irrelevant. Most volume is in BTC, VEN dollar price is tied to BTC dollar price, what the fuck do you expect to happen if ETH is rising
Holding enough for a strength node. Basically my retirement.
ok the bull run has started
walls are down
engines have started
What the fuck are you even saying you pajeet?
All i see is red numbers on ETH pairing
You faggot BTC holders better carry us to victory
Because you don't know what that 4m sell wall means, it doesn't mean you should put your mommy's hard earned cash into this shitcoin
Trust me, this was 30% of my portfolio and meant to be one of two long term holds. I researched the shit out of these yellowcakes - it's a dead end.
Don't trust me or any faggot on this board. Just go to their reddit, telegram, twitter. Observe what they're doing and see for yourself.
Ask yourself questions and see if you can find the answer.
Who do you think pays for 50+ employees?
Why do they focus so much on marketing?
Why would you need marketing if your target isn't the public but actual corporations interested in a revolutionary product that will save them billions?
Who made the two fake calls on telegram? (the WeChat "announcement" and "done deal with BMW")
You know there are real companies with working products and endorsements that aren't worth 1.2 billion, right?
You are deluded, If you want to buy dev and whale bags, so be it.
Sorry, faggot, 20x was good enough to land me free money on ZCL. But don't worry, you can buy at ATH or after the fork and get dumped on
> the state of Veeky Forums
What does this even mean?
You're forgetting how fucking dumb this market is and that there is still money to be made
If you unironically don't think this will easily hit 10 dollars then you're an idiot
>Calls Vechain a shitcoin.
>Starts shilling an actual shitcoin like Zclassic
Try harder faggot
you talkin' to me?
ive been looking into all these "partnership" deals but really all of this seems like empty air to me. nothing to be found only words. closed source, shady market manipulation, founders holding fuckton of coins. idk
>How does a company with customers pay its employees
what the fuck are these walls? really suspicious
Normal companies disclose those things. They have ICOs. They tell you what theyre doing with the coins.
When companies dont do that, it's called insider trading. It's a scam.
You guys are getting Belforted. Go watch WOlf of wall street.
>pic related, vechain's face when unloading VEN on you cucks
The FUD is real boyz.
I still remember the antshares days when everyone called it a chink scamcoin which biztards refused to buy it and look at it now.
Keep on chasing your shitcoins and ignore the legit ones faggots, most of you will never make it.
Ven is run by bitse. Try looking up shit they're up to instead
allow me to shill
>It's a scam that tricked Jim Breyer into shilling them
>A man who has worked with chinks for longer than you have been alive and knows their tricks
>A billionaire who funded Facebook and takes pictures with the Chinese President
I almost fell for the FUD just now.
LMAO, a list of names with no proof.
Bullshit infographic that gives a description of who microsoft is (thanks, hadnt heard of them) instead of saying wtf Vechain has "partnered" with them to do
All hype and shill bullshit. Dont buy this scam
it's a sell wall - what do you not understand?
I don't care how dumb the market is. Until this fucking shitcoin goes another 2x you will miss moon missions left and right.
If you are retarded and only get in the train after everyone, just fucking hold until april.
I'm already up 60x on ZCL itself, plus THE FUCKING HUGE FREE MONEY incoming. And it's still growing because faggots like you don't know about the fork yet BECAUSE YOU DONT FUCKING RESEARCH YOU USELESS PAJEET STREETSHITTER
Don't bother, they will just call you a FUDDer and keep giving deceiving chinks money.
WHAT CUSTOMERS ??????????????????????????????????????
They have no customers. If you mean "token investors", I would rather call them donors.
This is not a fucking football team to cheer for and attach yourself to, it's your money idiots. I'm not shilling you another coin, I'm just trying to tell you it's a fucking dead end.
2/3 of all the coins is in the pockets of the devs. TWO FUCKING THIRDS. That's worse than 1/2 that Ripple has.
These are fucking trials, I can get a trial with any company if I provide a service for free while I collect gullible cucks' money... Are you twelve? Did you vote for Bernie Sanders?
i give them till the end of January if we dont get anything major im pulling out.
biz fud got me way more money than biz shilling
*deposits $0.01 into your account*
vechain is part of BitSE
this is the CEO of bitse
Always do the opposite of what biz says. When you see hardcore shit tier fudding, its time to double in. Let them keep following their PnD shitcoins kek
12 years working at IBM at some of the highest levels btw - this guy is one of the bigwigs who oversees vechain
Brainlet here, on the 6 hour VEN/BTC chart it shows that it's nearly on an ATH, but why is the price less than $4.60 when it went over $4.80 yesterday?
BTC dropping in value
btc fell a bit
Ah of course, thanks. I hardly look at the BTC/USD charts that's why.
Fuck me this shilling and fudding makes my mind fucked up i dont know what to belive anymore, tempted to sell and tempted to FUCKKEN HOLD! SHITFUCKFUCKSHIT!!!!
is this true guys? i'm scared
god I know that feely
no, its fud. everything will b fine
look at his post as a whole
he's absolutely furious, it's great stuff
i would never make a decision based on something I read on Veeky Forums, do the research yourself and make sure the sources you get are credible..
but maybe he's right. i have way too much in this coin for this to go the same route as TRX did after being outed as a scam
go all in on VEN, uninstall blockfolio, and go live your pathetic life for a week or two
Jesus it's not that hard
Yep, works like a charm.
I remember one of the first PRL threads on biz, everyone called it a pajeet scamcoin. Bought 300k @ $0.03 from the dev's first sellwall
Sure feels like ANS @ 7 USD around here.
You just saw the logo of VeChain for two seconds in a 30 minutes baguette video and think this is "FUD"
God, you're fucking gullible. I bet you will suck Jehova's Witnesses' dick because they were persuasive and persistent.
Dude I can advertise with any company as long as they receive free shit and don't have to do anything.
> What you fail to realize is that YOU ARE PAYING for their trials
Even IF they had a role in that project, please tell me what does your VEN shittoken do for Microsoft and Renault? "Blood" of the blockchain network?
That would be fucking great, you paying for a token that fuels their network and pays their salaries.
well thats it there is no source on partnerships except adava kadavra hokus pokus on the internet.
If you actually base your decisions on a poorfag 4channer's rants, then you really deserve to lose all your money.
DYOR and always do the opposite of what biztard fudders say
he probably means what is the context of the wall
but nobody really knows this. Most of it is just speculation and some of it is straight tinfoil hat material
It can't be the devs.. look at their wallets, they don't have coins on binance
i know exactly what you mean, i don't have fucking time to research these coins for 6 hours a day. When i'm on the computer IM STARING AT CHARTS AND ON BIZ TO GET THE SCOOP ON THINGS
as i said, if i sat down and read every white paper for these shitcoins i would miss every fucking moon there is. Biz helps me sometimes .... but sometimes i get fucked.
-sigh- these waltoncucks are so insecure
Here the list of partnerships with fucking sources, now fuck off and go shill waltoncoin and Wabi somewhere else