Hey there partner, I bet you like being poor.
Why haven't you bought BNTY yet Veeky Forums?
Hey there partner, I bet you like being poor.
Why haven't you bought BNTY yet Veeky Forums?
I am in BNTY and already up 68%
Comfiest hold I've ever had.
Howdy partner!
I've recently joined in with the cavalry!
Tell me about it, I'm felling pretty comfy myself.
Why did they think the wall at 4 cents was going to prevent this from mooning, Veeky Forums?
Why did they sell at 15 cents Veeky Forums? Couldn't they wait for just a week during the consolidation phase?
Why did they sell at 30 cents Veeky Forums?
Why don't they like platforms with multiple corporate partnerships and an already functional alpha product that's already being used, Veeky Forums?
>tfw steady ascent
>tfw the good guys win
feels partner
I'm sorry cowboys, I failed you
I was a 100k holder and I lost a duel with the FUDers and sold
remember me on the moon boys
Got in at CAD 0.18 partner
Give me a quick rundown on this coin
Also, good time to buy or wait for dip?
> Buying at ATH
>Pretending buying at ATH is always bad.
There are people who are still waiting to buy ether dip at 20$.
Bro, it can crash any day now! R-r-right?
Will be sure to kick up some moon dust for you, partner.
Apparently the exposure it just from being on the front page of r/cryptocurrency lol. Wait until youtube starts shilling.
Still has a low market cap, I can see this being a 2 dollar coin by the end of the week easily.
this is great, happy for all of you
DBC has x3 the MC and no working platform atm. BNTY could see $3
requesting we get a similar maymay where the wojack has a bounty hat and tattoo and the dead coins are dbc, prl, and dent
Guys this feels unreal. I only invested 350 dollars into bnty and it overtook the rest of my folder. ON THE ROAD TO 10K
how much do you need to stake to be a sheriff?
congrats user
Good eye, partner. We're coming for them all.
Congrats, see you on the moon cowboy
i'll think of this fallen cowboy when i ride into the sunset
100K... you'd be pretty fucking set user
when? i've heard delusional shit like OMG level gains
Price is not based on fundamentals, even though bnty's fundamentals are really good.
PRL went from a penny to $4 in like 5 weeks. Don't be afraid to dream big.
I mean this shit went from 1 cent to 86 cents so it has actually outperformed OMG's rise from 5 cents to $14 in the fall. So... you can't really call it delusional when it has already outperformed it in a similar time frame =/
$3 pt is under 350M market cap. Shitcoins have larger caps than that.
$1 incoming Cowboys.
OMG's rise from 50 cents to $14, not 5 cents.
tfw more gains from BNTY than FUN in less than 2 days
Was about to post this, strap your belts though, FUN is next.
Hows mah homboiz cowboiz?
Just hit 2.5x my initial investment, how y'all holding up pardners?
Well Howdy Partner.
64k reporting in.
Gonna get drunk on this railcar and will take up in Dodge City. Then next stop Old Musky MOON RIDGE.
Little over 4x.
80k Texasfag here. Yeehaw motherfuckers.
Why you in Texas partner, how's the weather treatin ya out west?
Georigafag here.
Smokin' brisket out on the range and strappin' in on this comfy ride, friend. Weather was freezin' last week but pretty balmy now.