LTC, the most hated crypto on biz ?

LTC, the most hated crypto on biz ?
Dont get me wrong im chasing the pumps, but for long term HODL this is a safe bet.

>Already the most used crypto, demand and actual use gives value in the end.
>Already faster and cheaper to transfer than Bcash and ETH
>Atomic swaps coming
>Relay fees decreasing from 0.001 LTC/kb ($0.30/kb) to 0.00001 LTC ($0.003/kb) already next week.
>Extending marketing team Q1, Litepay
>LTC upcoming soft fork that will let miners signal their min accepted fee in the block header. This will let a fee market develop without having the LTC foundation decide the min fee, decentralization
>Founder only hodling 1 LTC, decentralization

na xrp is the most hated

Thanks. Just bought 300k

>based Charlie Lee would never shill the coin for his own gain
>was always realistic to people, even telling them all crypto could drop 90% so be responsible
>people bitched and complained but it was very necessary for him to be shown as trustworthy, also the upcoming announcement will weigh much more
>finally sells after 6 years so he can finally shill his coin
>little bit of FUD but maintains $250 (5x gain from $50)
>now people are over the fact he sold, nothing really changed
>Charlie is now starting to shill LTC and there is nothing people can complain about because he is not doing it for his own gain

Aint rly a crypto tough ?

LTC is beta af.

>LTC sees BTC making money
>BTC referred to as 'digital gold'
>LTC being beta af tries to be BTC sidekick and refers to itself as 'digital silver'

ITT: LTC watches from the closet as BTC bangs LTC's waifu pillow

search your feelings Veeky Forums you know it to be true


I bought around 28k BZC, how fucked am I?



Y'all gonna learn to hodl soon

XRP dun goofed

LTC will be worth $20 by the time he starts shilling


He already started yesterday

This, significantly lower transaction fees.


I've made a plunge into DGB in the mean time, gotta (((Diversify))) somehow

0.00002 fee on coinbase would be the death of Bcash.

>has never had a friend before
>or a sense of humor


