Is Veeky Forums even 'early' in this market? I thought all the insiders and smart money moved to private discords/telegrams
Is Veeky Forums even 'early' in this market...
post a thread along the lines of "hey i'm giving away 0.001 btc in this thread, post your addresses" and see how many replies it gets. i don't think anyone here is early.
pls tell me where these telegrams are
>thinking there is some elitist group of traders
That's kind of what I figured. But where else is there to go? Unless you get an invite to a private channel, or pay for a service like PBC, then Veeky Forums seems like the best we can do
trust your own judgment
>Not reading the london letter and thinking there laughing at us every release.
How about thinking floor yourself retard.
floor yourself, faggot.
I just use Veeky Forums to get ideas. Lmao at those who FOMO into the shitcoin of the week only to lose their shirt
Just go on reddit and buy whatever gets shilled for 10x gains the next week
No, whenever Veeky Forums gets a buzz about anything it's already too late. The purpose of this board is pink wojaks.
feel the same, Veeky Forums has become a literal piece of shit with pajeets flying around, there are no insightful threads anymore, just shitcoiners shilling their shitcoins or asking for money.
>pajeets flying around
>he doesn't know about gambit
top zozzling at you to be quite literally honest with you my famiglia
Yes, low market cap coins like
Still provide you with an edge. Find the solid low market cap products, thank me later anons
so buying 20k fun cause of Veeky Forums was me just buying some pajeet's bags?
BNTY up af, DBC up af
yea biz sure slings shit
they're unironically not bad, unless you find a group yourself it could be hard to imagine that they're pretty much always right lol.
a lot of the random signals and shills here are actually coming from anons getting a signal elsewhere, buying in, and then sharing (not a pump a dump per say... it's just some people get so excited that they want everyone to buy their cool new coin too) it here. As opposed to original research.
Veeky Forums got the call for bounty a day before it got onto kucoin and was signalled in at 4 cents. not your fault for not listening.
yeah i fomod into bnty and dbc yesterday at ATH. sitting comfy.
We are all awake all days and nights. The market is very volatile and you should keep eyes on it.
Veeky Forums has shilled a lot of great coins in the last 4 years, were definitely one steps ahead of normies. Just make sure that it's not pajeet spam and you're not buying at the ATH and you should be good.
smartmoney doesn't use a gaming IRC/VOIP service.
At the very least they use real IRC. Maybe Slack.
I found bnty on biz at .18 and dbc at .14 on Veeky Forums
and many more
I do just fine here
Normies buying ath high and bitching as usual
there are only so many tall tales you can listen to where you stop listening and start memeing
Veeky Forums doesn't even have bad info a lot of the time, but it's still full of normies
pretending they're Warren Buffet bc they're on Veeky Forums instead of reddit.
A lot of people underestimate Veeky Forums influence for some reason. People here are stupid but they do have money. They would all in a coin because they are stupid and it works in this market. Once you get enough dolphin to buy in a coin, it spark a whale interest then you have other whales join in.
This will continuously to work until it doesn't. So for now, Veeky Forums is pretty influential.
Biz is as good as it gets for spergs, certainly there are entities above the /biz. But its lightyears ahead of cyborgs and normies.
Problems are pajeets and TA faggots.
Guess you have to learn the hard way aka BHSL