the mark of a true whale
The mark of a true whale
taxes im guessing or beach front property
my ultimate and unironic goal is to acquire so much wealth that i can buy a county, turn it into a geolibertarian paradise, and become a sovereign.
$250k, no taxes and you can travel to over 150 countries visa-free. Not a bad deal IMO.
wtf ive never heard of this place
how does it compare to other off-shore locations. if you already have a us/ca/uk/ch passport do you even need it? can't you just set up a company like most other offshore havens?
my buddy from st. kitts was telling me about this that if you invested in property over that essentially you an buy citizenship
Well if youre US citizen you still have to pay your taxes and if you renounce US citizenship for some carribean shithole to avoid taxes you should be shot.
Why's that? It's only smart m
if you buy $400k worth of real estate you only need to pay $50k.
plus you have a fucking home in the caribbean.
Renouncing citizenship does not negate back taxes you owe if they find out and if they suspect you are doing it solely to avoid taxes they can deny your renouncement. Ameriburgers land of the free amirite?
You don't need to set a foot in St Kitts to get the citizenship. You either invest $250k in a sugar index fund or buy property that is worth $400k.
You can also acquire a citizenship from Malta for $600k or from Cyprus for $800k and enjoy EU benefits.
lol I thought I was the only one. I think EOY 2018 we should be able to do it collectively.
Maybe kekistan won't just be a meme.
lol what are they going to do, send the CIA to arrest me for not paying taxes?
>he doesn't realize the USA is becoming a third world country
Being a nigger?
why would you want in the EU? do they have any tax havens?
You can buy a Dominica passport for $100k. 119 countries Visa free. Nice beaches, infrastructure, and eco paradise. No taxes on cap gains or property.
Maybe, are you a big guy?
I'd rather not pay taxes so the government can give it to some dumb fucking niggers that just shoot each other all day and get gibsmedats
this pretty much
I wouldnt mind paying taxes if it went to something actually worthwhile
>why would you want in the EU?
Because with EU benefits your children can get a free degree from a top European university without taking student loans that reach +$200k. The EU might be a shithole with rapefugees but offers many benefits for its citizens.
>The EU might be a shithole with rapefugees but offers many benefits for its citizens.
like refugee dick?
>muh refugee dick
Why are you /pol/ tards obsessed with refugees and their cocks? Do you want to get fucked by one? Just buy a ticket to Germany and go to the first refugee shelter and start sucking their cocks.
in germany you will get away with 0% taxes on your crypto if you hold 1 year