I've got a pretty decent ripple bag, do you guys think anything is going to come of it or is it dead? Seeing those twitter posts of niggers talking about is making my hands weaken.
Is ripple dead? Should I keep holding?
The money has to move back from bitcoin into alts. Don't decide on what to do with ripple until bitcoin goes back below 14k.
good post from yesterday/early this morning
>Been paper trading this shitcoin for two weeks now. Jesus Christ you're all idiots taken for a ride.
>long story short, my analysis of XRP thus far is rather concerning because this sideways trend continues after two bull traps and little price variance combined with positions being reconsidered between two extremes, 3.25 or selling price have been restaked after originally being publicly planted at a flat 3.00 ask price. It tells me that the wheat is being separated from the chaff right now leading us into a dangerous price squeeze. Which, my own sentiment suggests in crash; because XRP is an awful tech with little use outside of exchange and naturally, the topic we're discussing, arbitrage. However, public opinion, while misinformed and apparently ignorant seems to be heading for a positive outlook on XRP. I say this because we're sitting at a publicly announced ask/sell of 418k, while this same volume was secured on 3.00 ten hours prior. You're getting your 3.80 but the weak hands are being tested right now
>Otherwise this price is hanging in the balance based on Coinbase and Western Union coming out of their proverbial holes in the ground and if they see their shadow, we're out of luck.
moral of the story you can't out wallstreet the wallstreeters.
A coin with years in development, a hot 2017, and the one that actually fucking works, and isn't a vaporware , like 95% of other coins. Yeah, I'd say it has a future.
So I've been justed by (((them)))
So 3.80 is gonna be the peak?
>those twitter posts of niggers talking about
I mean, he explained the peak to probably be around 4.28 and then the bull trap to go to 3.80 and then peak back up at 4.02
show us OP. Post em.
I have some in case chainlink doesn’t deliver but that being said I hope it dies. I hate banks
Get rid of it ASAP. Yous hould have done it at 3$. But fomo blinded all of you ripple fags proclaiming 5$. It's not gonna be 3$ anytime soon again. XRP has not been implemented yet. It's not worth #2, and normies are about to learn a harsh lesson of hodling bags & FOMO. So expect a pretty crazy doom.
Argue these fundamentals.
(hint: you can't)
>xrp not implemented
its being used faggot, the CEO said so
>it works
Prove that it works? CEO's could not prove they have an actual working product that is being implemented.
It's vaporware user.
The shills got you good: THERE IS NO CB LISTING
>waiting for $2.50
? well your in luck user its $2.66 on binance right now
Just hold until it's on coinbase at least. you'll hate yourself if you sell before the coinbase pump
Can I screencap this, and re-post on February 1st, 2018?
A new Japanse exchange is opening on January 11th with 7 coins, XRP being one of them.
3 major global money transfer companies are on board with using XRP this year. Their names will slowly be announced through January.
A 60+ bank consortium in Japan will be done with their XRP testing on January 31st, and will announce their decision about whether will go ahead with XRP/xRapid. This could go either way, but if they decide to use it, then hold on to your pantaloons.
ripple 100B jeeps
throw it in to XLM it has a lot of catching up to do
its time OP
>The salty bagholders react
Ofcourse the CEO will tell you so. But he can;t prove shit, because there ain't shit. 0 fucking evidence that XRP is being used in whatever form. Hell, even the fucking exchange wallets dont work.
This is so sad.
Ripple =/= XRP
That list is combining both as one. Furthermore, a lot of those bulletpoints are irrelevant to XRP itself.
Please don't use pink wojacks when this shit goes sub-2 later today. Use pink widget spinners. You deserve this correction.
>b-but it would go to 5$ they s-said, i-it would go up forever
Cool story. It still is a pre-mined unlimited centralized digital shitcoin. No need to argue. Can you run a node? Didn't think so. Do you know the issuance rate? Didn't think so. I don't care if it has 200 employees you monkey. That means you Faggot asses have to pay for 200 yachts.
insert usual xrp misunderstanding or outright misinformation
insert usual biz muh jewz bullshit
Try reading it again, faggot.
Have you looked at the top 100 lately, shitlord? 80% of the coins on there are premined ya fucking window licker.
Fuck off, you shills have used the ((muh jews)) argument for promoting this trash ADHD coin.
>what goes up fast, can go down fast too
Enjoy the ride
Just sell. Ripple isn't worth holding at all. Look at the current market cap compared to other crypto market caps. It's in the top 3 of market cap and the price is only 3 dollars. It will not go much higher and buying in now will lose you a lot of money in the future once it stabilizes at around 2.
Don't listen to the retards telling you "market cap doesnt matter". It does. This coin is hot air and is going nowhere.
>its being used faggot, the CEO said so
Like OP I saw the negro activity and dumped 100% of my XRP. I bought at 1.10 and 1.60 so not bad. People are already growing tired of the coinbase and bank memes.
>pink widget spinners
where to buy
>Prove that it works? CEO's could not prove they have an actual working product that is being implemented.
>It's vaporware user.
>Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the US to Mexico. “Our business — and our customer’s livelihood — depends on our ability to send micro-payments easily and quickly to Mexico. With xRapid, we can source liquidity through XRP and complete the cross-border payments in seconds,” commented the company
This shit is from 3 months ago. Where have you been?
You nucoiners are beyond impatient.
Ripple is a fucking scam
anyone who sells before coinbase list is braindead
-Coinbase denied BCH "rumors" then added it days later (ahead of the announced schedule).
-Coinbase said a month ago in several interviews they will add new coins in January
-Brian Armstrong wants to tank Bitcoin. Millions of dollars of his company's money is locked in bitcoin because cost of transfer > money (fees are based on transaction size, not value).
-Brian hates Bitcoin Core developers and said more than once that he wants them gone.
-Brian tried to double the blocksize with segwit2x to bail out his company but failed.
-Coinbase tried to replace Bitcoin with Bitcoin Cash. Only withdrawals was supposed to be allowed for a while, he did the exact opposite to prevent a massive dump and stabilize the price.
-Coinbase shills Bitcoin Cash. It has a note on the transaction form saying "Bitcoin Cash transactions are cheap and fast"
Adding XRP is Brian Armstrong's best shot at Bitcoin.
Look user - I understand you're salty about missing the boat on the best performing asset of 2017, but there's still time.
Centralized bullshit pumped to its current heights by the already super rich. I'm good
Where's the DATA??????????? Show me live transactions of Ripple. Show me that they can scale. Show me more than a few letters of a random employee joining a random advisory board, or a random product demonstration.
Show me actual fucking implementation of an actual fucking bank, with actual fucking transactions going over an actual fucking network, the whole actual fucking time. You can't. The CEO actually fucking couldn't either.
Burn with your software doomcoin. The founders are theoretically worth more than Satoshi, the ((investors)) are literally 15 year old high school kids. You all deserve the pain that is to come, for not buying something substantial like ethereum, but this vaporhype.
*coinbase listing
can somebody please post that conspiracy theory screencap of ripple being about (((those people))) trying to accumulate btc and eth?
Ripple 101
-The supply is fixed. There's no inflation.
-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.
-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.
-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.
-Ripple Labs share is locked in 55 batches, only one batch can be unlocked per month. It would take them 5 years to unlock them all. This makes their incentives 100% aligned with XRP holders. Ripple Labs is always working on creating new partnerships (e.g., Amex, Santander, ..) and expanding XRP's marketshare.
-Ripple doesn't use proof-of-work anywhere which requires inflation and/or outrageous fees (as in Bitcoin)
-Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin. With Bitcoin, you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power (currently it's a chinese company called Bitmain). With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list. 10s of non related reputable public and private entities around the world are currently running validators (e.g., MIT, Microsoft, ..etc), many more keep joining.
-The software is open-source (Stellar was a fork of Ripple).
user, there are a lot of butthurt haters on here who know Ripple have got a foothold on the biggest market.
A lot of the hate around Ripple comes from guys who have bought into crappy tech and know their stockpick is dreadful. These guys need Ripple out of the way.
There is no way it's stepping aside. Ripple has just got too many partnerships now.
Butthurt fags who never saw the writing on the page to begin with. The stock has been making me gains since 18 cents. Nothing even comes close to what Ripple can do.
Ripple haters are losers, keep your butthurt.
It's not a bank, that's a third-world money-transfer organization. Besides, how far are they in implementing the network? I guess it's not really far, OTHERWISE THERE WOULD BE EVIDENCE & DATA.
Come on shills, gie me more trash to burn.
VeChain is a shitcoin and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. This is not akin to the ANS/NEO rebranding - apples and oranges are being compared here. Top Kek!
Please, take it from me. The price will fall like never before - a total crash - in due time. You think rebranding or any dumb shit like that is going to bring gains? Think again.
Don't say I didn't warn you. These faggots on Veeky Forums will shill you and say I'm a whale or some gay shit like that. Don't listen.
Trump 2020. MAGA.
I could care less, I oppose everything about ripple. Centralized cryptocurrency is an oxymoron
>new Japanse exchange is opening on January 11th
Please elaborate
1) $100+ Million in VC funding from Google Ventures, Seagate, Core Innovation Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, IDG Capital Partners, AME Cloud Ventures, Standard Chartered, Accenture Ventures, SCB Digital Ventures, SBI Holdings.
2) 200+ employees, including former SWIFT execs
3) Offices in San Francisco, New York, London, Sydney, Mumbai, Singapore and Luxembourg
4) Sits on Federal Reserve Task Force 5/17/17
5) Sits on US Fintech Advisory Board 10/19/17
6) SEC Registered
7) ~$15 Billion in unrealized assets (~$110 Billion as of 12/31/17)
8) Q1 2017 - $6.7 million in institutional purchases of XRP
9) Q2 2017 - $21 million in institutional purchases of XRP
10) Q3 2017 - $19.6 million in institutional purchases of XRP
11) 100+ Banks testing/implementing Ripple tech as of 10/10/17
12) Confirmed real world use of XRP on 10/10/17 by Cuallix
13) Partnership with AMEX announced on 11/16/17
14) $100 million XRP denominated hedge fund announced on 11/28/17 by Michael Arrington, founder of TechCrunch.
15) 61 Bank Consortium out of Japan announce RippleNet is "Production Ready" on 12/6/17
16) 55 Billion XRP Escrow Lockup announced 12/7/17
17) 12/13/17 - Yoshita Kitao, Chairman at SBI Global Asset Management Co., Ltd., SBI Capital Management Co., Ltd., SBI Financial Services Co., Ltd. and SBI Securities Co., Ltd. tweets they are "All in on XRP".
18) 12/15/17 - 61 Japanese/South Korean banks announce Ripple trials to commence and run through 1/31/18, with intent to use XRP upon completion.
19) 12/19/17 - Zoe Cruz, Co-president of Morgan Stanley for institutional securities and wealth management, named to Forbes "most powerful women" 2005, 2006, 2007, ranked 16th most powerful woman in the world in 2007 by Fortune.com; added to Ripple's board of directors.
20) 12/29/17 - 3 Japanese credit card companies partner with Ripple: JCB, Sumitomo Mitsui Card, and Credit Saison.
There are two things to consider about the market cap.
1. It increases every year. 2016 to 2017 saw a 1600% increase in crypto market cap. And this is before wider adoption that we are starting to see now. What will it be in 2018?
2. Global market cap is over $100 Trillion. Crypto is just under $1 Trillion. I'd say there is some room for growth. By the way, global market cap is also growing every years. It was under $100 Trillion in 2016.
I'm pretty sure he's doing the spoonfeeding dumb dumb
I'm pretty sure he's just a salty bitch corecuck who's watching his precious bitcorns lose dominance day after day.
You're in crypto to make money. Why does it matter to you? Don't tell me that you "believe in a greater future" and "the idea of decentralized currency". Shut the hell up. All you see are dollar signs. Stop lying to yourself.
Bullshit. All evidence leads to XRP being vapor-software. With a salty CEO tweetbeefing against criticism, instead of giving evidence of implementation and working product.
>didnt get in at .10
The Jews love ripple
>Bitcoin Core is the only crypto in the market
You're right user. They've got backing from Google, Santander, and Seagate and entered into partnerships with the likes of Microsoft and Bank of America on total vaporware.
Your FUD is just downright pathetic.
There is no long term gain with centralized shit tokens pretending to be a crypto currency. See traditional banking.
Are you fucking retarded?
I will buy your ripple for $3 each. Gladly.
>nobody ever made money investing in banks
No arguments at all so he resorts to:
>Nuthing matters we're all ((greedy))
You're a nihilistic idiot. And cognitive dissonance has blinded you from the doom ahead. Go ahead watxh the XRP chart the past hours. You think the red candles are over? It's barely getting started bro.
Fuck you cunt why shoyld anyone waste their time on a little ahit who cant dyor
I know you didn't.
Hahahahahaha m8 im bagging those xrps i cant get enough of the red candles please give me more red so i can pick more up
>The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.
There is no reason to have any fee at all. It's centralised and you can censor who joins the network so there's no threat of spam attacks anyway.
>The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.
Which is obviously the dumbest system ever conceived in a (pseudo) crypto currency.
> Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.
Yes that's because it is centralised like Visa. It has arbitrary authority that can decide which transaction came first without have to come to a trust-less consensus. Anyone competent programmer could make a centralised system that can do that in a week.
>Ripple is more decentralized than Bitcoin.
>With Ripple, you can run your own validator and setup your own trusted validators list.
That's why Ripple is shit as a (non) crypto currency. You have to decide who you trust. With bitcoin you don't have to trust anyone. You only have to trust math and that 50% of hashing power doesn't end up in one group's malicious hands. Decentralisation isn't worth anything if you have to decide who to trust.
oh my god.
XRP =/= Ripple
One is a ((coin)), the other is a company with all kinds of products and services.
You (and all the tarded shills) are just mixing both with eachother, and claim everything. Meanwhile you buy the ((coin)) that has no relations to what the news is about, either practically or theoretically. Just a tool of speculation, a hype, vapor. This too will pass, and correction is coming for your asses. Quicker than you'd think
You insufferable nitwit, you're fucking killing the golden goose, how fucking hard is it to understand?!?!811
Today looks pretty steady. Don't blow your gasket, user. Sit back, put some classical music on, and calm yourself down. Daytrading is getting to you.
>can't see the doom in front him
user, have you watched the 3, 6, 12 hour candles?
>I have held a short since 3.1
Enjoy the bouncy way down to 1$
XRP is part of their business model you stupid fuck. If you spent 3 fucking minutes doing actual research instead of reading anarchical retards on biz you might be able to grasp this.
See pic related for a brief insight, retard.
Killing how? Are all the other coins going to disappear overnight, if XRP succeeds? If so, then perhaps they have been doomed from the start - the weak get weeded out.
Don't worry, stuff like ETH will still be around 5 years from now. Stop crying.
You reatards realize this is fud?
All those bankers are going to make YOU rich.
To get you lambos and mansions and they will just eat at mcdonalds driving toyotas.
You know them already.
Ask for 5% per annum like a good goy
it's as if you haven't read the post, retard.
what part of BITMAIN OWNS MORE THAN 50% OF THE HASHPOWER don't you understand?
here's what the owner of bitcoin.org and bitcointalk.org has to say about bitcoin centralization.
confirmed. OP knows his shit.
I've been explaining trust vs mathematical proof to these retards for for two weeks and they still don't understand the concept. As far as they're concerned any and all numbers on a screen could be a crypto currency.
XRP doesnt belong on any crypto exchange
U disgusting ugly fucking troll, does your dad make you blow him for pocket money
No, you are the retard. it has no value for their vaporcoins. So there is absolutely nothing backing your software vaporcoins. Only misguided speculation. That's a harsh pill to swallow. Sure, be stubborn user. 1k today in XRP, 1 million next year! The banks will use it! I hear it everywhere, on uni, in the gym, in the city centre. That's pure speculation in your vaporcoins. Have fun speculating, without any fucking evidence of true live continue 24/7 implementation of BANKS.
You're a retard for trying to be cool about holding a retardcoin
nope but it'll crash the market when it goes flaming down.
crying meme, classy
further elaboration because you are too dumb to understand
-One company has more than 50% of the hashpower (Bitmain)
-One oppressive country has more than 50% of hashpower (China)
-One company has a monopoly on creating efficient ASIC Bitcoin miners thanks to patents (Bitmain)
-10s of validators run by reputable non-related public and private entities in different countries (e.g., Microsoft, MIT, CGI, WorldLink, Telindus-Proximus Group, Bahnhof, ...)
-At least 80% of validators must agree for a ledger to be validated
-double spending not possible
-Anyone can run a validator and make his own list of trused validators
tldr; with bitcoin you have no choice but to trust whoever purchased the most hashing power, with Ripple, you explicitly choose who to trust.
yoo take my ripple at $3 pls
>In a precedent-setting moment, Cuallix became the first worldwide institution to use xRapid — Ripple’s solution that utilizes XRP as a liquidity tool — to reduce the cost of sending cross-border payments from the U.S. to Mexico.
Yes of course it is. You idiots are funding their entire business. For absolutely no promise of services or products redeemable for your shit tokens.
user, they are trolling.
They are on our side they just dont know it yet because of low iq and 0 experience
real crypto doesnt cause you to need to trust anyone. thats the whole point
Control your emotions, everyone loses a trade. Just cut your losses early. Thank me later.
There's no proof that banks like Bank of America or Wells Fargo or Chase are supporting Ripple. Hold them figget spinners.
The desperation from bcash shills is so obvious. Ripple makes their shitcoin useless.
Roger's site (bitcoin.com) and his shills on twitter are attacking Ripple and Ripple supporters 24/7. Don't fall for it.
Looks like a healthy correction, stabilization, and preparation for an upward move to me. Like the two times before.
Why would you willingly funnel any of your money into centralized banking?
That entire rant is explaining why BCH forked off. Bitmain does not own 50% of the hashpower.
You think this shit happens overnight, fuckwad? The most highly regulated industries on the planet are just going to dive into a new technology without making sure it meets all regulatory requirements and liquidity needs? Do you have the dumb?
What the FUCK do you think Ripple has been doing that last 5 years as it's been cozying up to central banks, the IMF, the SEC, and poaching high level financiers? Baking fucking cookies with all of them?
You are so fucking ignorant it's a wonder you can even figure out how to breathe.
you are trusting bitmain now to not rollback the chain and bankrupt the whole ecosystem.
bitcoin nodes HAS to accept the longest chain, that means double spending is possible.
in ripple, double spending is not possible.
>no proof
Is google beyond your capabilities?
they own several pools, retard, they account for more than 50% of the hash power, not only that, bitmain has patents on creating efficient asic miners and sues people who violate it.
What are you trying to say? You are using 0 effort to defend yourself because you are not answering my criticism. Cualix is not a bank. Ripple has no special relations to banks. Ripple is not being used by banks.
Ripple is not a banking coin. Ripple is gonna burn to the ground, for making everyone believe this. Do you want to burn along?
>Yes we are working on x
>someone has critical concerns
>better call him a bcash shill
Ur so extra
Haha, funny. Have you ever used the Klinger indicator?
Surely nobody could ever make their own efficient miners. That never happens in capitalism!
>Klinger indicator
Not that particular one, no. I would love for you to post a screen, and thenelaborate. Thanks.
While the same is being advertised by you cucks. This is an epic ponzi. White-collar crime.
> Cualix is not a bank.
I never said it's a bank. You said it's vaporware and no one using it, you were proven wrong. It's like you are to shill and spread FUD.
your btrash bags will be rendered in less than a month.
they have a patent for an algorithm/method that makes sha256 takes less computation, retard.
we are not discussing the patent system/capitalization, we are discussing the end result. miner hardware: centralized. hashpower: centralized.
>real crypto doesnt cause you to need to trust anyone. thats the whole point
It's this. The fact that this doesn't seem to be understood as the basic value proposition in all this is crazy.