Let's talk this weeks moon mission

From the user who brought you DBC, PRL, REQ and a few other low cent coins, I present you next weeks x3-x5 moon mission.

Ok, now pay attention anons. We are at a point where normies see the gainz of Stellar, ADA,Tron, DBC and other high supply coins and want to join the latest crypto fad, High Supply/Low Cent coins.

Meet Satoshi Madness (MAD). Currently sitting comfy at 2 sats. Thats right, just 2 sats. One of the few oldschool coins that hasn't mooned this season and it's about to brake out. Sell walls are thin and with the power of biz and reddit they will only get thinner in the coming week.



Join next weeks moon mission now at Yobit.net

That will be 3 sats today, 2 was yesterday..

Already up 50% since yesterday, FOMO kicks in slowly

Don't you think that normies would go for something low but also seemingly useful, no matter how much of a scam it is?

I put in 1BTC at 1 sat when BTC was 3k USD. Now its 3 sats but BTC is 15k.

Do the math anons.. Also not selling lol

About to transfer yobit, hope it's quick. All networks overloaded right now apparently

Meh just x15, but not bad

bruv this shit has 30k daily trading volume.

I don't know if coins can even trade for 0 sats but that is very possible with shitcoins like that

No such thing as 0 sats. You new here?

This. Im throwing 0.2 btc at this /biz. All my alts down today

Got in yesterday at 2sats, thanks OP

what is a no-bid BTC market
people will trade it against DOGE and litoshis instead

Obvious choice is BBT off yobit if you’re trying to make actual gains, not some 5% bullshit.

10x next week, cap this

Mooned silently, wtf op. Too early..

Yep. Just made a thread. Biz is going to be full of pink wojacks when they miss out again.

This the Mooncoin? That worked out great last year.

Saw this yesterday but didnt get in. Today gave in bought some at 3 sats inatead of 2. Dont disappoint me biz, you done me good many times before

Thanks OP, just got my information stolen from yobit.

They took errr infoz. Reeeee

If only volume picked up on MAD, 10 sats in a day ez

So we pumping this boys or nah? Whats an easy x2 this week?

Yobit has been around for a long time, they're fine. The absolute state of FUD

Nice shitcoin there OP, but since everything moons so will this. Can throw money at anything nowadays and get good returns.

Volume needs to pick up on this badly.

correct your shit op, its 3 sats now

Didn't get in yesterday when i saw this, fml

i agree