VeChain = Shitcoin

VeChain is a scamcoin created with no real-use cases. It's nothing but an abhorrent scheme cooked up by the Chinese to increase their wealth and siphon off money away from Bitcoin and Ethereum. This is an absolute NO BUY and I encourage everyone to dump it if they have it.

In fact, it is TANKING like never before right now after its fake bull run is being exposed for what it is - A FRAUD! The entire team (Which just so happens to be ALL CHINESE!) is funded by the commies in their state department with no plans other than to collude against REAL cryptos. DON'T BUY!

Other urls found in this thread:

No Mr Whale you may not have my bags

was happy with my 160k VEN stack, but you made me happier and i'm buying more now

These reminds me of all the ANS/antshares fudders.

Buying more as we speak now

Vechain is so comfy. And has the worst fud I have seen in some time

I have almost all my money on VEN, Veeky Forums shilled me so hard, thats why I bought's either I live or I die


don't forget
>eth is a mess





ok pajeet

Lol people said the same shit about Antshares over the summer before the NEO rebrand lol

Yeah it's always moving goalposts and ignoring your counter arguments. Also MUH THEY ARE A BABY START UP
>40 employees
>handful of partnerships
What's wrong with being a startup anyways? a lot successful companies started as startup , the PWC thing explicit said Vechain will get advantages because they are with PWC.

Did you just migrate to an entirely new thread?
Autistic screeching levels are strong in this one.

>OP didn't get in at 20 cents
> is salty

The rebranding is next week. The fudding is going to get more intense.

You are right, selling my bags now

This reads like a donald trump speech

Can anyone explain who could be the OP person. I can't even comprehend how retarded he must be. Probably posting straight from psychiatrist's appointment or just another 12yo brainlet with alcoholic parents

Dont forget to take your screenshots bizbros, once this hits 50$ in a month im shove them all down this faggot's throat

You just posted this pathetic attempt at FUD on reddit too.

Zero sources, no case for what you're saying, just emotional bullshit. Fuck off


le master funny fuddster
i bet they ripped their vape so hard
after this well memed post

VeChain is a shitcoin and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. This is not akin to the ANS/NEO rebranding - apples and oranges are being compared here.

Please, take it from me. The price will fall like never before - a total crash - in due time. You think rebranding or any dumb shit like that is going to bring gains? Think again.

Don't say I didn't warn you. These faggots on Veeky Forums will shill you and say I'm a whale or some gay shit like that. Don't listen.

Trump 2020. MAGA.


ban pls mods.......

Great sources, just dumped 100K.

>shilling disguised as a fud
not bad

Mmm delicious FUD, this is usually the last step before the moon mission

hahahah yeah he did wow I bet he is raging so fucking hard. Man he is so mad Vechain came out on top after he thought Walton was going to be the front runner since it was ahead of vechain in market cap because vechain was getting shit done not hyping anything until they were done.

Listen to OP, random guy on the internet has nothing better to do with his time than to FUD the fuck of out VEN for the sole reason to help you make gainz!! So nice of him
#bought100kmore n fuck of faggot

when they fud I buy more, this is the one true rule of Veeky Forums and key to wealth

The rumors about PBoC are false and will cause this coin to lose much of it's momentum once people realize they don't have any big significant partnerships.

Yeah nothing significant except for all these

reminder that the ven fudders are pic related

Vechain has never said they are partnered with PBoC it is a RUMOR yes. It is totally possible however.
>don't have any big significant partnerhips
the absolute fucking state of Veeky Forums HAHAHHH
(see pic related)

Try harder... I beg you. Need more screenshots

plz sirs buy espers sirs I shit on the street Im a dirty little paneet neet.

OP ^

thanks just bought 100k

>PwC is their auditor

Since when being someone's client is partnership? When I buy a car do I have a partnership with BMW? You people are delusional.


this reminds me of the NEO fudders, so obvious that VEN is going to take off soon lmfao it has to be a group of people that want to acquire at a lower price, as if /biz will affect the price of VEN at all. Fucking autists lmfao ill sit on my comfy 100k stack

It is exactly like ANS / NEO... you can smell the FUD from miles away. I lost out on 40,000$ because of NEO FUD. Never again.

jelly af of that stack

Who here all in ICX and Vechain and Comfy af
Last few days been so comfy.
I’ve got some ENG tho, might sell for more ICX if it drops before January

>ideally and eventually, Vechain will implement
>if Vechain can execute, they could be

Marketing speak with zero substance, this is pure speculation with nothing to back it up. Also says nothing about the nature of that "partnership". Stop believing everything that gets shilled to you.

I agree

Patrician as fuc

all in ven icx and link

really comfy right now

>It's not a partnership
>Post proof it's a partnership
>It says nothing about the nature of the partnership

So you are admitting you are wrong and it is a partnership. What more must I say? You have been thoroughly blown the fuck out.

i like how u ignored my video

This is Elton Huang from PwC talking about how they are PARTNERS with Vechain. He is Chinas central markets leader and Shanghai office lead Partner
Vechain on PwC's website
"In the journey of joint business relationship between PwC and BitSE, we are delighted to achieve this significant milestone together with PwC. VeChain S.E.A, a subsidiary of BitSE, will focus on accelerating VeChain business expansion in Southeast Asia"

Fucking shipchain is where its at. I cant fucking wait to get ahold of it. Its way better than vechain and is based in the US. Look at their team they are going to kill it.

Yup right here user 70/20/5/5 Vechain, ICX, DBC, and ETH respectively. Sold ENG two days ago to get up to 70% Vechain will buy back once Vechain goes 10x+

Don't worry guys THOR will be minimum $25 on my most bearish estimates. When it comes out and we start staking in Q2. This is the retirement coin. Pay no mind to the shitty Walton cucks who will never see good returns on their nodes.

It's definitely on my radar but I'm fucking pissed I couldn't get into the sale. However it's not really a competitor for VeChain just because it isn't Chinese and they always have their own shit.

I'm going to make it part of my portfolio if it doesn't go 20X out of ICO.

Thanks bought 100k