User where can I buy Electra? CoinsMarkets down
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this mfn coin has crashed literally every single exchange its been on, cant wait til it's on something good
Thx user
all the chat on coinmarkets was just bitching about ECA crashing coinmarkets.
Flappy coin will boom too!
ya hopefully it gets onto a decent exchange this month
Can't wait for them staking gains + new exchanges.
Feeling pretty comfy here, got 200k at 14 SATs
Did coinmarkets run away with my money? Please someone reassure me?
>tfw when got in at 280k @ 2 sats
wow png compression shat that the fuck up. lets try this one
No its fine logged in today while it was loading up OK all my balances are fine, if they up and left that site would just be gone. Everything is fine. Should be up tonight or tomorrow from what I hear.
Also ECA is LIFE. turned a 0.2 BTC investment into 6 BTCs at current coinhouse prices. FeelsGoodMan
Nice photoshop skills bro
Are you a professional or just a neet?
What's the current price on coinhouse?
61 sats
62 sat atm
Glad I got 10k of this before cm truly hit the shit.
Where should my price point be in 2 weeks?
it takes me like 5 minutes to do those , i just do it for fun.
Some are shittier than others lol.
HODL for longer than 2 weeks. This is EASY a 10 cent coin when it gets more traction after this shitstorm. The dev team and community are great. Looking forward to the future of this coin. Lots of great features coming this year.
Strap in boys, we all know where this is heading as soon as CM comes back up.
[spoiler]If it can stay up for two fucking seconds.[/spoiler]
Work in progress
user with oc edits = comfy coin and thread.
Dude, I wish I got in that early. Sounds amazing.
I got in as soon as I heard and realized how good it is
fucked up everything, had to redraw it.
err, this is before i started redrawing the image, after i removed the original text.
Is there a tutorial on how to do these?
I have 10.6 million eca, the rest of my money will go to flap
Heres what it looks like after i redraw the sections of the background that were fucked up.
Thats probably going to be good enough for what i gotta do. This is a complicated edit really.
Here's the sign, i've positioned it in the right kind of angle, this is what im starting with.
Hard as hell to make this look neon, but it's getting along.
nice job user, i only have 2mil myself but should be 100x gains ez
Look at his sexy mobile wallet concept. This is gonna be the easiest money maker ever
): I only put 20$ in because i didn't realize it was going to explode, so i have less than 1m
but i've been making images like these constantly and posting them so the hype is good i think.
Okay i think that's as good as i can get it, unless you guys have any ideas.
I'm just pretty much straight going to make fresh OC electra memes all the time and post them everywhere, so if you guys like my work feel free to save and repost it,
or toss me some ECA @ Addy
AHHH FUCK i forgot to make a reflection!
pls hodl
I got in after on that verge group we werw waiting on new years, i dont go out or nothing hooing ti be a millionaire overnight, some dude told me to jumo on eca ans started transferring the max daily amount to coinsmarkets. After that ibput some into flappy, and then stak
If coinsmarkets comes out with a better user interface it will only help us morex its a goos exchange just not as pleasing to the eye. And flap will be a good buy! Its as cheao as it gets
Let me know what to make an image out of next guys.
fuck ur good at making those
Looks good... Make me a sick ECA wallpaper and I will send 1000 ECA to your addy
Something simple, black background with a decent sized ECA logo in the middle with pink smoke around it, feel free to add anything you think will look good but keep it simple
Lmao, out of what? Also 1000eca is what, 10cents?
ECA is close to a penny right now. Its like 10 bucks.
current price on coinhouse is 60 sats... at 16K per BTX thats .0096 USD 1000 ECA would be roughly $9.60
aight lets see what we got,
so far,
Is this a good shitcoin to buy? Price hasn't really moved much in the last week
I hasnt moved much because the main exchange its on crashed from all the traffic generated. Should be back up tonight or tomorrow... lots of ECA is stuck on that site.... like literally any ECA that would be traded cause most the people with ECA in there personal wallets are the ones who plan on HODLing
56k ECA.. am I going to make it?
NOT LIKING THIS ONE, i don't have a vector with clean lines for this damn coin.
Meh, sorry user, i use post processing to hide up the shitty images i start with, it's not gonna work neatly there.
Plus i gotta pay attention to a dent pump.
heres a png in case you want it
Eca, stak and flap are coins that will do well trading on coinsmarkets.com, wait till the site goes up, theres a reason i got out of binance, the money has already been made on those coins
nah but if it hits ten cents you have a comfy 5 gs. maybe just exit 80% while the coin grows and put it into something else i dunno.
Coinsmarkets is a lefir exchange just think of the FOMO when eca, straks FLAp and other coins on the exchange blow up even more