I'm unironically going for $10 million dollars
When will you cash out?
Same 10 million
Either next month or December 18 because I go 10 months abroad without my ledger - what would be better user?
I don't want to lose all my internetmonies to a bubble
Will cash out 5M when I get to 7M and let the rest ride
i'll probably pull some out to pay off my house but otherwise, idk. a million or two would be nice
how many BTC for some daddario mammarios?
Like $50k. Been in a month and it's slow as fuck. Got bills to pay now and remain and eternal goy.
dude a lot of shit has been mooning this month. what are you holding?
2 Million - 4% rule - I can live on 80K a year
Already cashed out in 2014 when btc hit 1000$, I had 1486 of them.
I'm probably going to either cash out or start shorting in a year or so. The market is due for a big crash
3-5 mill.
Haha I hope this is true.
Congrats because you made it and you also must feel weird about that.
unfortunately got in a bit late and so may only get to 1-2Mil
Are you retarded?
Due for a big crash? No it's not?
Why cash out when you can stake for passive income?
Also this. Secure a residence, put a chunk in a retirement fund, let the rest ride on to the moon
Never. I will just keep reinvesting in other things. If you have more than 500k in your bank then you're retarded.
XLM and XRP. Only started with $900 and am now at $2300 (and falling). Don't know what to do now, nothing but BTC and ETH are going up
Personally 500k. Take out 75% to buy a house in cash and put the remaining 25% into random ico s and moonshine that'll either fall flat or make me a million bajillion yen
I give it another month or two
what about all other shitcoins? you have a binance or kucoin account?
you're right
bitcoin is going to 0
Was originall gunning for 2m for early retirement
Then it went to 5m so I don't have to work
Now it's 10 so I can live in lambo land
Binance. I don't know what to get into. Every shitcoin I tried before would immediately tank, I was buying pump and dumps.
how many crypto for her eyes
I would like to be at say 4 million so I can cash out 2 million and keep 2 in crypto
not sure yet what I would do with 2 million, would like to buy some farmable/ranchable land probably
i dont think i ever want to. if you had 30 million, would you want to take it out and have to deal with tax, government bullshit, etc, or would you rather have it stored online, accessible from anywhere, under your control only.
it seems strange to want to cash out tens of millions when millionaires in "real" money are increasingly looking at using cryptocurrencies to safeguard their money.
are you?
You really think that crypto markets are going to still be going like this in 2 years time? Best of luck to you
I cash out 5% of my gains every week.
Planning to cash out into some crypto that gives dividends one day and just accumulate on passive income without giving a shit about finding the next moon mission ever again.
Live in the U.S. so I'll probably get assfucked by taxes and don't want to leave since I've got some family that are cool as fk and help me out.
lol im also going for 10m since its the 1% in the usa
but you need to factor in taxes
it'll be more like 15m
they will intermittently, they've been like this before, and we've also had bear periods where everythings red and down 30-50%
obviously it won't be smooth sailing for 2 years straight, it'll be up and down, but each time we've come out of the bear market, everything ends up reaching ATHs.
So we ride the waves, hope there's no serious crippling regulations passed or anything else that might shatter confidence in the crypto market as a whole, and we all get rich.
This is still considered "early" as a crypto investor, we haven't even reached $1 trillion total market cap. Eventually we'll see more than $10 trillion.
>we all have the same $10 million fantasy
>that must mean it's going to happen
till when this eth starts to slip. need to invest in another alt
why ever cash out all of it and leave the game? if you need money just take it out as you go
I cash out a bit at a time
2 million take home
>cashing out
i'm aiming at 50MM networth (50x from current stack) but i will never totally 'cashout'. sure i'll be pulling some out but it'll never be more than required to immediately put into a physical asset (property, gold/silver, maybe stocks after the crash) and some petty cash but i'll will never leave a large amount languishing as fiat. and desu i'm more than likely going to go down the collateralizing crypto assets route so i might never cash out at all.
1 million post tax. I think once I get to 1 mil I could easily make a few more mil (playing with such a huge stack makes gains way easier), but I don't want to take any changes. Feels like normies are here to fuck shit up soon. I just want to get a life changing amount of money and GTFO and enjoy my life.
I'll keep 50-100k in to to see what I can swing trade out of it, but I want out ASAP.
Average person will take 20-35 years to even make 1 million, let alone have 1 million post tax and living expenses. I'm cool with that.
2.5% going forward bro. we aient seeing 4% thanks to boomers
2-10 mill
see this is not sustainable. we cannot all become millionaires
When I reach 300k I will pull out 200K and pay off my mortgage, or buy a second house and rent it out paying my mortgage with that rent money. Then I'm gonna ride the remainder until it I'm rich or the market collapses
For me? 1.5m
Got 4k ven atm hoping it hits $100-200
god ur literally fucking braindead
This thread made me cash out , peace boys it's been good , I'll be back sub 10k btc. Everyone trying to get rich and it doesn't work that way.
no, you need expoentially more money coming onto the market, and crypto has been officially mainstream for nearly a year now. old/institutional money isn't going to invest in shitcoins, they're only investing in new projects going forward, for major existing ones like btc/eth, and a few eth tokens.
at this point if you dont have 50k to put in you're going to have to spend most of your time stressing out trying to trade this market. the days of easy riding your way up to 8-9 figures are squarely over.
a bear market is coming, but it isn't thanks to get rich quick people, it'll be entirely thanks to scam projects collapsing that were never going to go anywhere regardless of how much dumb money was in the system.
1300+ coins on the market today, at least 1250 100% shitcoins. we can't move forward as a legitimate market until everyone investing in shit like xrp has lost their money.
>he didn’t buy chainlink
Only 5 millions here feels bad
sounds about right
>I'm unironically going for $10 million dollars
Why even cash out? Tax will just fuck you in the add and crypto is the future anyways
some of the low-balling faggots itt make me sick
After I hit 100k I'll probably just start taking out some profits to pay bills n shit.
then reinvest 100k of that and try to go for more. but if it all disappears, then fug it.
nobody of us has to cash out. just pay with your cryptocoin in about 1-2 years wherever you want.
dont you understand crypto?
You can't pay your bills now? lol.
Thanks for the advice, this is a really healthy and friendly community.
You've done well, user. Don't listen to those faggots, I find they are the exception not the rule around here.
Consider buying the ZCL dip for some easy gains into the upcoming fork which will give you BTCP for your ZCL.
if you're holding, do you have to pay taxes for the trades on the exchange or only when you cash out?
so if you made like 20 trades on bittrex you're taxed 20 times?
Nice thats my end goal too. I figure you can put that into some conservative investments and essentially have a guaranteed 500-900K per year on appreciation.
My interim goals are to cash out 15K every time I reach a new multiple of $100K. At $50K now so I'm hoping to snag my first payout within the next few weeks.
Cash out half or some other fraction of it. If it crashes you only lose half your money, if it moons 5X you have still tripled it.
don't come to biz with this faggot passive aggressive attitude user, not how it works here
6 gorillian
Also there is no cashing out long term, economics are changing.
2 billion, unironically
I didn't start with much so I'm hoping for 75k-100k
There aren't going to be stocks after the crash. All of that shit is already happening in crypto. IPO's are fake and gay.
I was gonna cash out anything above $1M but I just hit that and considering how easy it was I think I'll change the target to 10$M
At least half of us won't.
Aiming for tree fiddy at least desu
Easy 8-9 figures? Even people real early own sold before they reached that.
i like this strategy a lot.
i'm only at 8K but started a few weeks ago with 300 bucks. i'm a little stunned by it all. if this market trend continues i genuinely think i'll be a millionaire by 2020. big if though.
I'm glad that everyone in here is so optimistic i.e. greedy. It means this show will go on for a while. I'm at 300k and just hoping to make it to 1.5m so I can pay my dad's retirement and live life on cruise control. Minimalist crew.
>minimalist crew
pick one bud
What is the best and safest way to cash all out?
How would you even go about cashing out large amounts (1m+) in one go?
Same OP. But I've only reached $300k so far. Started with just 3k last year though so it's not bad. I'm not blind enough not to realize we've gone into another bubble though.
Best way is to just use a loan. Look into CoinLoan, still in ICO. You can put your crypto up as collateral and take peer to peer fiat loans. In the right conditions you can use the gains on your crypto to pay off the principal and interest of the fucking loan. Holding fiat is for absolute retards.
How does that work for you? Doesn't diminish a lot your profits?
if you put in a few btc into UFR you'll never have to cash out
I will cash out half as soon as I can get a house and car with it. I'll keep going with the rest until I hit a mill and then have a long think about what next.