Which is the better buy atm? Potential for next week/month
Which is the better buy atm? Potential for next week/month
PFR doofus
Sold my ODN for PFR last week... no regrets.
What’s better to eat? Shit or bread?
I unironically own both
PFR easily. Shits gonna blow babyyyyy!!
so payfair is an escrow? why not just use an exchange?
The whitepaper doesn't scare anyone away?
you decide
who this
like local bitcoins but cooler and better.
whitepaper and website will be updated very soon. they said on the telegram
When will they determine the amount required for nodes? I have 10k that better be enough.
they will let us know more in the update coming up.
10k sounds like it should be enough
i cant see the community voting it higher than that, keeps it cheap for the ones that got in early and harder when it hits $1
ODN in the better investment - way more growth to come.
Nice, just bought 100k.
Holy shit I'm not fucking selling!
Alright fuck it rest of my .35 btc for odn
Just sold all my PFR and picking up ODN. How much for ODN masternodes?
i dont know about PFR, but I know ODN is the shitstain of the crypto world.
Its the only privacy coin that hasn't blown up yet. I expect at least a 5x out of it.
I think ODN is the next LINK. It'll get fudded into oblivion by everyone who doesn't get it, and the people that do will rant like raving lunatics because they can actually see the potential and accumulate like crazy. Seriously, the fud is reddit tier.
ODN is undervalued get ASAP before it gets shilled to death when it moons
ODN is breaking out whether you like it or not
>literally posts a screenshot from reddit
bigpothead is such a sore loser lmfao. he's pissed cause he got banned from slack for being a fag
Chekt n rekt
there is a lot of things that ODN could be,
PFR is real and will be out in february.
The ODN platform has been up for a while now, the messenger is already in beta and a second dapp is in development.
Are you a long term holder then I take it?
Odn is likely to dump again. Pfr has nowhere to go but up
i guess, ODN obviously has more exposure right now, and in this market, awarness is everything.
They are both solid projects. I just see PFR as the more lucrative option at this moment.
Masternode, been accumulating since ICO. Watched all the hiccups along the way, and there were a few. Remember that ODN hasn't even started marketing yet, the team wants to have a finished working product first. This is all genuine momentum.
>ODN obviously has more exposure right now, and in this market
It only has bad exposure. Pfr is a good coin with little real fud unlike odn which has a lot of major issues holding it down
quint confirms.
i’m all in baby already up 300%