What exactly is this wallstreet statue trying to say?
Women oppose bullruns because they can't into finance and economics?
What exactly is this wallstreet statue trying to say?
Women oppose bullruns because they can't into finance and economics?
Women oppose progress.
women hate gains
And also vastly overestimate their ability to stop it.
Bull runs will buy you underaged virgins in the future
It's simply a hilarious misinterpretation by women and overly sympathetic men of what the bull represents.
first of all it's just bad shit art
second of all the artist was obviously too fuckin dumb to realize that the political cartoon he made literally says women stop forward progress
Comfy as fk with bzc
What if that was his intent all along
that would be cool
sadly it looks like it's a woman who admits she's an idiot
The project is about “girl power,” she said...“that we are here, that we are heard, that we are permanent.”
total fucking cuck shit. pissing pug should stay until they both go
>the artist is actually so dumb they are accidentally racist against women. So does intent matter or is literal words?
How is this even related to trading? What do they mean by leadership? And what difference does SHE make?
>the bull
>made by an independent artist and became so beloved by the public that it was allowed to stay
>the girl
>funded by the billionaire bankers to push an agenda to the brainless populace on equality
One day I'll travel to that shitty square and plant a bucket full of thermite over that little cunts head.
don't vandalize it yet
they're removing it in february
if you vandalize it they're going to lobby harder to keep the piece of shit
>a permanent monument to the hubris of women that will still be standing when we collapse due to giving them rights
I prefer it sticking around.
Represents me make mad profits and be part of an exotic revolution where it shits on old crusty white dudes. That's my yet to be born daughter, dick heads!
prep the bull
pic related
that lady holds chopsticks hilariously wrong
woman is about to submit to the bull while her husband watches
what? i've seen that statue myself before the girl was added. what the fuck is this supposed to represent? the bull statue is obvious celebration of bull markets. who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put a little girl barring the way of a bull market?
did the artist that put the girl not understand the bull market metaphor ? who the fuck commissioned an artist that cannot even grasp a simple metaphor?
holy shit this just gets stupider and stupider the more i think about it. i need a drink
wow really activates my almonds
>a permanent monument to the hubris of women that will still be standing when we collapse due to giving them rights
>I prefer it sticking around.
>suicidal hubris
what's wrong with this """""art"""""work is not that--it's more the fact that the """""""artist""""""" who made the girl statue was too fucking stupid to understand what the bull statue actually represents
if there is anything i hate more than arrogant artists i would love to see it
its another 'i hate women because im an ugly spastic who is rotton inside' thread
back to pol you low iq inbred
Exactly, at least adding a pink wojack statue in front of the bull statue would have made more sense.
>back to pol
this is the siren call of the newfag redditor
>its another 'i hate women because im an ugly spastic who is rotton inside' thread
you seem to be too stupid to realize what is wrong with the girl barring the way of the bull market
are you a woman, or "woman," by chance? or just an orbiter?
Back to pol, you homo stupid.
>Back to pol
poo in the loo
>mfw the whole thing was a pr stunt from a competing investment firms
>mfw communist protesters celebrated a corporate ad
>mfw right-wing ideologues get butthurt over the same corporate ad because anything with a woman in it makes their dick feel small
theres a better one than this
>mfw communist protesters celebrated a corporate ad
it's not even fair to call them commie because they haven't done any research into any political theory for themselves and just parrot what their subversive professors tell them
>right-wing ideologues get butthurt over the same corporate ad because anything with a woman in it makes their dick feel small
are you saying there are no legitimate arguments against women's recent encroachment into male-dominated fields. because i have news for you, sunshine
nope, im a fitizen who meets good women, fucks good women, and will soon marry a good woman.
you on the other hand will talk shit to your own mother and will die alone crying because you never got to experience what it is to feel loved
at least you have your echo chamber here however, you sad mouthbreathing fat fuck :)
I final intercbwith a Homo stupidus, no sudden movements because it stresses the only working neuron it has and it might aggressively faster than a baboon.
nope try again
No, I'm saying you feel bad about the size of your dick.
imagine getting rejected so hard growing up that you save to this 'art'
what a sad, sad existence
im surprised you havent killed yourself yet, nobody would even notice
hahahaha holy shit man. That's just ice cold, killin a man while he's takin a shit. At least let him finish
>fucks good women
good as in kind, right?
>white knighting women in an anonymous cartoon porn imageboard
top cuck
so you have no arguments and are just spewing emotional bullshit. post feminine benis pls
Women get in the way of men.
say what you want, im happy, fit, and now rich
you're right. women are superior so i've decided to become one. i'm a woman now
Says the non academically inclined virgin.
>get out while you're ahead
Supposedly what liberals think it represents, is that Wall Street are the "evil White men" that tanked the economy in 2007 (the fact that they were mostly jews and pajeets" is ignored) and the girl stands for the brave womyn that uhhh... occupy Wall Street or some shit.
>muh pay my student loans
>muh free healthcare
>resorting to the SJW defense
nice work, you are no different
sooner you admit that your lack of personality and chicken tendies body is what drives women away from you the better your life will be
pigeon don't give a shit about any of this
Americunt inditified
i never said women were superior, good job showing your elite poltard critical thinking skills however
That pidgeons don't give a shit
Thanks based hwite knight, I'd show you my tits but i have a bf ;)
Birds (dinosaurs) are in it for the long run.
>chicken tendies body
i absolutely guarantee that i'm more fit than you. i challenge you to post a timestamped shirtless pic with "Veeky Forums day month year hh:mm timezone." if you accept, i will post my pic first and then you follow. if you don't respond with a timestamped pic in-kind, then it will be understood that you're a skinnyfat larping orbiter. do you accept?
SJW (((art)))
Greetings fellow white knight, I didn't see thy oft hither. Thy efforts be deemed valiant and noble in our shared quest to save all the m'lady damsels in distress from thee wrathful vengeance oft thee yonder horde of misogynistic bigots. Continue fighting the good fight, brother. Surely our efforts will be rewarded graciously by m'ladies with lots of sex and adoration for our noble protection. Hitherto hitherto.
One day that "good woman" is gonna fuck you because you're a spineless beta faggot. If you had actually had sex with more that 2 women, you would know how they prefer to be treated, like shit.
That's how I know you're not a chad or Veeky Forums and are just LARPing. And you can lift all you want you'll still be 5' 2" and not white.
Yeah, this statue is in NYC. In the US. Do try to keep up.
>inb4 liberal actually means what Americans call "libertarian"
You're right, I should have said cultural Marxist, but fuck off, you understood what I meant, you hair-splitting faggot.
kek my argument was that right wing ideologues have small dicks and you started sperging about women taking your jobs, which proves to me that A) you are a right wing ideologue, and B) you have a small dick. Problem is I'll need a bigger sample size to draw conclusions, so all I have now is my big, rock solid hypothesis that you were short changed. Just go back already.
Totes user haha, you have to treat ladies with respect and listen to what we say if you ever want to get pussy ;D
>my argument was that right wing ideologues have small dicks
>ad hom
brainlet detected
Women ruin everything.
>anything with a woman in it makes their dick feel small
i don't know man, my dick feels pretty big when i'm watching hardcore pornography
i love hard mode
dude i am pretty successful with the ladies, too. i've learned that the best way to get mad pussy is to treat them very well, to be very nice to them and to show them that you care with little gifts and such. women also love it when you defend their honor against other men who do such horrible things as ignore them; i've even had to come pick girls up from chad's house at 3am because he said he was "done with her." it's ok, i made her eat all the eggs
roastie detected
sharpie in pooper whore. i'll send you 100 XLM
>being this much of a virgin
get some self confidence you dumb fuck
I am just interesting and take care of myself, I've always had girlfriends
When you are 60 years old and haven't had sex with a woman who actually likes you for who you are i hope you think back to this thread and then hang yourself
>Thinking I was making a serious academic argument on a malaysian foot fetish board
Hey, Steven Molymeme, I told you to go back.
i'd like to see this as well. my money is on being an effeminate fatass or a woman
God, I just want to punch the one wearing the cardinals hat in the face with some fucking brass knuckles. Repeatedly
sorry you had your feelings hurt so bad you resort to this. truly am
get some self confidence
the little girl represents the SEC
No shit, I was born there. My statement stands.
It's bad art and makes the whole place look like shit. Instead of hoping for a collapse, let's get rid of the garbage and leave the things that are good.
Stupid ass corporate shill statue girl = out
Brave powerful economy bull = in
Jesus fucking Christ has Reddit come here. Bunch of spineless cucks. We need gore nigger pics as the background on Veeky Forums.
Nice, just bought 100k.
hey you forgot to accept this user's challenge: i was there in previous threads where he went through with this challenge. he does it every time someone calls him fat. i didn't save the pics but he's actually pretty fit. i'll look through my history and see if i can find one of the threads
found them:
his challenge post:
pic he posted:
lmao yup that's me. i'll take another and timestamp it again if necessary but i doubt this soyboy will respond
I'll be on a private island somewhere surrounded by prime 18 year old pussy. And luckily I'll still have ALL of my money.
You'll be on your 3rd marriage, poor, living on what's left of your leftist commie redistributed wealth, collecting your SS check.
still waiting on a response, chad
notice how chad fucked off when someone actually challenged his larp
Reddit is all over Veeky Forums and especially seem to be infesting Veeky Forums. Look for the signs, you can't find a thread without one.
we need a nigger hate thread on the first page, permanently
i'm still waiting you fat fuck
notice how the orbiter fucks off when you offer him a direct challenge. i bet your planetoid is fat, too
hey. HEY don't leave. you can at least have the decency to accept/decline user's challenge.
fattie confirmed
it was put there by a bunch of jews to "make a statement". Then we found out the firm who put this up got in trouble for sexism.
>i'm so Veeky Forums i have a hot gf that i fuck every day i'm so fucking fit fuck you fat basement dwellers
*is challenged to post a pic*
top FUCKING cuck
There's no way that picture's real
she's an attention whore model who tries to further attention whore with coding. pic related is another gem from her
she has her own coding camp but can't even print hello world. she'll get hired into an it company faster than a white male with a comp sci degree and a solid portfolio.
reminder that coding checks like fizzbuzz at interviews can no longer be applied because they filter out 100% of the Strong Wymyn Coders