So what are you going to do after the crypto ponzi bursts?
You cant go back to wage slaving so what next?
So what are you going to do after the crypto ponzi bursts?
You cant go back to wage slaving so what next?
retards like you made the same observation on those two little humps you now see down there at 3k and 5k. But this time is different, right?
>return to mean
>still made $$
I am OK with this.
bitcoin is a dinosaur. i will be glad to see it crash. the rest of this will dip a lot (50-80%) if bitcoin crashes but it'll come back up. decentralized trust is too useful of a concept to go under forever.
if btc dies alts die even harder. There is not, nor will there ever be a "decoupling", this is still bitcoin's market and the alt fervor right now is just smart and stupid traders both trying to trade their way to more btc using these worthless shitcoins.
There is really not a lot of media attention, so we're not even near the peak yet.
Dumbfuck. Everything but ETH is dying on coinbase. Nobody fucking wants bitcoin, nobody is pumping alts to buy more BTC. BTC is pumped and then dumps into alts, you have it backwards
hope all your money is in ETH then, because thats about the only alt that could ever possibly see gains from bitcoin crashing long term. every other coin is a literal shitcoin and is propped up by mindless speculators only
money always flows from alts to bitcoin. if you cant see this pattern yet then you need to spend longer in this market before making assumptions
online rope salesman
Daily reminder.
Buttcoin is about to crash.
Sell now or be poor forever.
IT's flowing into eth as we speak moron. I'm not going down in sats now i'm going down in fiat. Eth is mooning and alts + btc are dipping right now
I bought a bunch of ETH when it was at $10. Then I just been playing with cryptos.
I never put real money into it, but I got plenty of money out.
I never quit my job, I work from home.
It's fun, there's real money to make, but you should never quit your job or waste your savings on it.
Shibbolethed an incredibly assblasted nocoiner
actually i've gone UP in sats with my portfolio. Still barely up in fiat over 2 days while eth has mooned.
you need to spend longer observing the market before making erroneous calls
The more I think about it, the more I think bitcoin will crash really hard soon and most normies will get scared off from the entire thing, which is when serious money will start being made in alt-coins. A few years later, there will be stories about alt-coin billionaires and everyone will flood in again, forgetting the great bitcoin crash of 18.
Dont forget that BCH took a bite out of BTC market cap. If you plot a BTC decline subtract the BCH market cap and then add XRP to the mix you'd find that BTC was undervalued for years.
it's not gonna crash but i've been studying programming for the past few years so im not worried
Literally just hold ETH. What function does Bitcoin perform that cannot be performed by ETH?
You'll see in a couple of months. Be sure to exit all alts around this summer or else
>What function does Bitcoin perform that cannot be performed by ETH?
being a secure , turing-incomplete currency
Even with an 80% crash I'd still be in profit
Worth the risk
>Worse is better
lol corecucks
Good. Kill bitcoin with fire. We need to move on from it.
so you guys are saying bitcoin private will overtake bitcoin if BTC crashes
These prices aren't based on any function, the technology does not matter, hodling anything based on muh fundamentals is retarded.
Alts are getting a run, so fucking what, how long until the ATH time memes start reappearing? Do you not remember the 50% justings last year?
Even if you bought at the last ATH you would still be up a shit ton
Keep coping
If it all comes tumbling down, I lose little.
Hell no unless it's an obvious decision. Right now its obvious BTC is showing weakness and ETH is gaining on it hard.
I already cashed out investment + 4x and have 3x left in. idgaf anymore
the bubble wasnt even begun , normies are just starting to invest
>t. late-adopter
Not anymore. The market decided to flood ETH instead
your portfolio doesn't mean shit. i'm talking about the market. in ALL of these bubbles, dumb money has come in and thrown it all on shitcoins trying to "catch up" to bitcoin in gains because they know they've missed the boat.
inevitably these shitcoins go nowhere, but smart money which was already in these shitcoins pre-pump now has tens-hundreds of millions they need to exit from these coins, and this money always flows back into bitcoin or directly out to fiat. this has happened every time there's been a crypto bubble.
It's going into ethereum now. Not BTC anymore. Sorry core cuckerberg