Who here is getting free power before the meter?
I've been doing it for 2months, running 10 mining rigs. Besides the extreme heat in my garage, It's going pretty well.
Will the authorities be able to work out I've been stealing power?
Who here is getting free power before the meter?
I've been doing it for 2months, running 10 mining rigs. Besides the extreme heat in my garage, It's going pretty well.
Will the authorities be able to work out I've been stealing power?
they will now
Absolutely they will.
They can just see how much that was actually pulled in from their side doesn't match with your meter.
How will they know? The line feeds the whole street
If your local utility is using SEL 301/501 metering controls (which most utilities do), they'll be able to pinpoint the bleed w/out ever physically reading a meter.
fuck ok thanks.. time to stop my operation
>Will the authorities be able to work out I've been stealing power?
Yes. Even a simple thermograph of the supplies in the street will show your house as being abnormal. Then they'll 10/10 fuck you
Is it too late if he stops now or can find him using past logs?
technically too late. but if it stops and they arent out a shitton its likely they dont waste the time investigating it.
if OP was using a 1200watt 6gpu setup, they would not notice or bother because that sort of bleed doesnt even come close to the average home, powerloss happens on every street and line.
but if he used 10 rigs, which would be roughly 12,000 watts, now thats a big problem.
my setup was pulling 18kW
pics of the operation just to see how big.
So you stole about $4000 worth of power (assuming 15c/kwh)
user you probably caused the power usage of the street to double.
jesus fucking christ. Any pics OP? Thats fucking hilarious and crazy
pretty sure its highly illegal to tamper with a meter
Alright user, let’s see a pic of the operation.
Do people still get amd cards to mine?
Oh shit you magnificently stupid bastard. This is worse than the electricity bills of an indoor weed farm. Enjoy your van
you actually put that shit in your garage? you're a fucking idiot op. if you're going to steal power for mining, do it outside of your own house.
Lol i did this to my neighbors house for my dope setup[, dont do it to your own you fkin idiot , power company will notice when they do your reading.
I get free power where I am at
Idk anything about mining can you help fags
Your home address and your well-lit mugshot as well... just for reference.
if true then you are retarded to put it all at risk just to skimp on electric bill
my electric costs are like 5% of my mining profits and I don't even bother underclocking or reducing power targets on gpus etc.
Lawyeranon here, I’ll keep your ass out of prison for .1 btc
>Live in a shed in the woods
>Meter is installed but no power
>Only thing missing is a giant fuse
>Look up fuse on the internet
>Buy fuse for $5
>Put it in meter
>Power comes on, never called a power company
Been doing this for like 2 years
No one has done anything about it.
I don't use much power though.
OP post a pic of your setup you'd be a legend
i hope they can't get my location from this pic. doing this for you Veeky Forums
Are you mining etherium?
.33c/kwh here
The madman
im mining vertcoin, the peoples coin
>not one of those rigs is above 7 cards
Good man. And your full name and street address?
you glorious motherfucker. Props.
>will they know?
>pulls 18kW
How the fuck does your setup pull 18kW
i couldn't fit 8 in the racks that got made, would have been ideal
That must be a inefficent af setup if thats taking 18kW/h
are you mining monero on shit cards?
Can you tl;dr a mining rig for me?
Is it something like
>6-8 cards
>Motherboard with lots of x1 slots
>x1 to x16 risers
>Some shitty cpu
>Connect monitor to random card
>Mine in a pool into some wallet you have somewhere
is this it?
i have a similar but slightly bigger setup on the otherside of the garage where my house mate used to park her car.
Zencash on a bunch of 280's I picked up on the cheap.
yes you seem to have good knowledge already
what are you mining btw?
whatd you pay for the rigs and what kind of profits you looking at?
jesus fucking christ OP this is hilarious.
Which cpu did you get for it?
they're gonna send someone to check on all the houses you fucking retard
have fun seeing madoff every day
"this guy must be growing weed, he is using a lot of power"
>fbi breaks into your garage
>just a bunch of graphics cards
what a time to be alive
where's the fucking timestamp
They probably already have you in their sights.
Stealing energy is a federal crime.
Your fucked faggot.
Holy fucj hahaha OP you are fucked
Freeze motherfucker!
Yeah that's pretty much it, but here are some tips:
A x1 can be plugged into a x16 slot
Find out if the mobo has a BIOS option for crypto mining/ expanded PCIe memory
There are one x1 PCI to three x1 PCI extenders that work, but have ZERO documentation.
Run a linux distro built for mining; pay the fucking 2 dollars a month for simpleminer OS is my recommendation
Learn how to wire yourself up 240 volt connection if you live in the USA.
Power supplies are most effiecient at 70-80% load
and uhhh thats all i can think of right now.
Holy shit OP you are literally retarded, you better invest in a solid coin before you go to jail.
i3 3.3ghz or something. what ever was cheap
op what are you going to do about this?
are you worried?
>Has 10 rigs running 6 GPUs and is stealing power to run the operation
>Mining Vertcoin
You fuckers on Veeky Forums amazing the hell out of me..\
BTW, what GPUS are you running and how much did those alone cost?
OP: "I have no idea what you are talking about"
OP: "I have no-
SWAT: "you are going to be in jail for a long time kiddo"
OP: "please s-stop"
they might think youre growing pot, too
so they'll be really interested in finding the electricity leak for like 15 thousand fucking watts
hahahahahah wow just wow
holy fuck
OP, I hope you don’t have a dog. Fido is gonna get blasted when SWAT shows up.
im going to consider myself lucky, and pack up my shit.
I've got a plan B anyway
My brother has a spare room in his apartment
He lives sandwiched in between 2 other units, so I'm going to pull power from back to back Wall outlets.
I'll be able to get 1 feed from both sides of his house, won't be able to run as many rigs, but i'll be getting free power from his neighbours. I'll be splitting the profits until I can figure out a better plan
Looks like the common fine is three times the electric charge plus court fees. So if 4k OP is looking at 15k expense plus a record.
I did this for 16 years with an old style meter. You can't do it with digital meters or smart meters, if you get caught be prepared for the power company to show up with a few local PD or sheriff, a giant truck, and a letter from the court stating "you owe $XXXXXXX, your access to the grid is permanently terminated. Pay right away or you'll lose the ability to ever have an open power account with us"
i think you mean
OP: wha?
OP: [gets shot]
People sometimes remove the wall behind the meter to tap into the line side so as to not cause suspicion from outside.
>Be in UK
>On 0p k/w economy 7 night time plan
>Little did their marketing team take crypto mining into consideration when coming up with the idea
Feels good man
guys after this 404's how can i find this specific archive? seriuos question ahahha
i lol so hard
I thought you were going to say pack things up and get the hell out of the country for couple of months
Well anyway best of lucks senpai
Don't you buy the crypto mining specialized mobos nowadays? The ones with tons of x1 slots
what kind of regular motherboard has 6-8 of them?
also I'm confused by this line
>There are one x1 PCI to three x1 PCI extenders that work, but have ZERO documentation.
you mean running 3 cards from one x1 slot potentially? that's ridiculous lel
Lmao OP, 18kw is a lot, they supply authority will definitely think something fishy is happening.
Can I ask what country you're from?
I'm a electrician myself, although I don't do domestic stuff
why cant you just find somewhere with cheap electricity and mine there?
surely somewhere in usa you can find cheap electricity?
I don't think OP is from the states.
That switch board looks Australian or english or something
i have free electricity where i'm living
how do i take advantage of this
would profit be drastically improved?
Checking angle of sun through garage door windows and cross referencing against date to obtain latitude now...
I'm getting HWNDU flashbacks.
>wish i had a mining rig
brother can keep you company in the big house....
>nigger detected
fuck paying for electricity bro
Google “Veeky Forums retard stealing power incriminates himself and doxes himself to feds”
Run real cards, I have 4 1080ti rigs with 10 cards on each board.. H110 board. Running Ubuntu, anyone using smOS is just a newb who doesn’t know how to compile and research miners
OP i work for Western Power as an Electrician , youre fucking done. Thanks for the meter number.
Hope you re-saved to scrub metadata. Bless you, though, user.
There are no “electricians” at Western power. Fake and gay.
T. Liney
Also what are you doing on Veeky Forums at 1:15 - you in the hut at Balcatta?
no exif in it
youre fucked OP.
He's fine. KYS for fudding a glorious user.
Power company sends this photo to amazon, asks them to scan those visible shipping barcodes, finds your location in 1 second.
Its theft of service. If they can prove it in court you will get fined. And they can shutoff your power until you pay them what they say you owe.
lul at all the snitches in this thread
Veeky Forumsdetectives let's crack this case: OP is most likely in Australia but what state?