Anyone else here not care whether or not they become a millionaire?
>Don't really like travelling
>Want to get the occasional hooker but only really need pussy once a month to not go crazy
>Don't care about cars I can just use Uber
>If you're single you can finance hobbies and restaurants on a average 5 figure salary
I'd just like a nice apartment in a suburb desu I wouldn't even know what to do as a millionaire
Anyone else here not care whether or not they become a millionaire?
>He thinks you'll be able to own property without being a millionaire within 10 years.
GL with that faggot.
same here desu
As normie as this sounds user, I'd really like to have at least 200k in crypto, buy a Volkswagon, and travel the country on my crypto gains with my gf.
If this dream comes true i'd be the happiest nigger in the world.
just wanna pay off some debt and go on vacation maybe explore some hobbies then long term hold some shit that tickles my fancy for the future.
Oh I care
>never having to finance a car
>never having to finance a house
>vacation whenever I feel like it
>living within my means
>pissing off other "rich" people with frugality
can't wait
You only get one life user you’d be retarded to not take on the chance of never having to work again.
You're gonna want to be a millionaire once the global economy crashes faggot
>not buying cheap shit housing, jacking up the price and selling/renting it to people who have been pushed out of their city because asians keep buying up all the property and jacking up the prices
I mean obviously it would be better but I'd just be playing video games or shitposting with all that downtime. I'm working 40 hours a week from home and I feel like I have plenty of time for my hobbies which is mostly fitness
May we all get to achieve our own pinnacle of blissful contentment
I just want to pay off my student loans. Trying to hit a home run and get that paid off and make an extra 20K to be able to put a down payment on a small home lol
some wealthy people act cheap as fuck ya dig..give money to help others. travelling should be important to need to see the world
Just let my 13k now turn to 100k by end of year to pay of my grad schools loans while I finish in one year
I'm just not normie enough to see the point in traveling. I live outside a major city so there is plenty to do here
>not greedy, just want to break out of these chains society has placed upon me
I do, because it will basically mean I'm set for retirement.
you're responding to someone with the mental capacity of an ape. to him traveling is not about enjoyment, but about doing it because everyone else wants to do it.
anyway, to become a millionaire also requires a lot of sacrifice for the average person. a lot of the "millionaires next door," i.e. not people who "hit it big," became millionaires because they were cheap/frugal and denied themselves everything but the basic necessities. these are the guys that will have an average or below average home, a 10+ year old car, that never or rarely go on vacations, have no real toys like weekend cars or expensive hobbies, never really go out, etc. that's how they become millionaires, because they save almost everything they make that they don't absolutely have to spend.
then they die and the money they horded their whole lives gets pissed away by their kids.
Every time I read this I want to start crying. I hope it's not real, I hope it's a pasta, and I hope Heaven exists just so user's dad can go there and meet up with him some day
It probably is fake, user. Why wouldn't his dad make some effort to meet his children in person rather than just sending letters that never get responses?
I just want enough to pay off my car and buy a propert so 200k
Remember to live happily