Just bought 100k thanks

No. It cant be.



Thanks for selling cheap weak hands. We're going straight to $1 tonight.

If this shit doesn't moon within a week I will be upset

not now I just sold this at a loss and put everything APPCOIN


Thanks neet.

if this cunt starts dropping again i'm all in

fucking god damnit this FOMO is killing my sleep

not a moon but still good money

I don't understand why no moon?

The creator of JavaScript and Firefox created it and it has an actual product.

I downloaded the Brave browser and it was great and these pajeet coins are in the top 20??

Someone explain why it's not even 1 billion.

It will be $50-$100 billion end of year. It is this years ETH. Both had the best Autistic creators. I personally don't buy coins where the creator isn't an autist.

what you described is the only reason to *actually* hodl.

Be patient. This is the first time normie YouTubers will receive a crypto en masse. It will explode. That will happen in the next month.

The whales are never going to let this moon before they get he lion's share of the stocks. Don't be silly.

Thats actually a really good standard to go by, whats your blockfolio looking like?

1.) Nice logo
2.) Unique platform
3.) % of team with autism

This too. It's the best guild in crypto. Eich has a giant forehead & BATgirl was listed in Forbes 30 under 30. There are many reasons to go in but this is the most important

other than vitalik very few can compete with this level of autism

This is my folio

>uses . and a )
pumpmasters justin sun and mcafee have proven there's a 4th category: shilling and tweet strength


Autism is literally the key to finding a 100x coin.

>I personally don't buy coins where the creator isn't an autist.

seriously wait why?

Half in this and fun. Only idiots don't invest in working products backed by successful and established people, let alone geniuses.

They need news for this thing to moon something and and exciting to add to the Brave browser. But nothing is wrong with slow and steady. Cause any moon is an instant selll for me.

Autists don't care about money, women, or anything for that matter. When they have their brain fixated on something, they can't fail. They are quite literally the geniuses and most hard working people in society. I invested in ETH at $10 because Vitalik was the cringiest most autistic looking person ever. Regretablly I sold 2k ETH at about $400, but yolo.

I had a premonition about investing in ETH, but I got kicked hard in the nuts when I moved overseas. Needed every penny to set myself up because I sure as hell wasnt moving back to my dysfunctional home. I hope this is my second chance.

this should be a sticky on Veeky Forums

Everyone that accumulated up to $5 will make it.

Screencap this. Trust me.