Who is the biggest con artist to ever live and why is it not pic related?
Who is the biggest con artist to ever live and why is it not pic related?
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How is he a con-artist if he is lunching rockets into space and landing them back safely?
Guy doesn't realize that immigration is a bad thing but otherwise he seems to be doing a pretty good job
The hyperloop = autism
it was never meant to be so high, not his fault, hodl till the start of 2020 then dump before they sell all the trx they have
>revolutionizes the space industry
>revolutionizes the solar industry
>revolutionizes the car industry
>revolutionizes the online payment industry
>Being called a con artist by a 30 year old NEET virgin living in a basement who has made 2k in magic bean money
He's just the trendy dude to hate, the fad doesn't seem to be passing though.
guess you better go back to Europe fucktard.
>>revolutionizes the car industry
In what way?
Probably realised but is not allowed to say
I agree fellow redditor! haha we're all immigrants, boarders r dumb!
Revolutionary detachable door handles
it takes a special kind of retarded to say this. Bonus retardation points if you're American btw
immigration has been proven to be a net positive in economic terms for countries
Because it's this guy
He is actually a developer unlike Musk who is basically a con artist and a scammer.
>this tbqh
>revolutionizes the space industry
he didn't
>revolutionizes the solar industry
he didn't
>revolutionizes the car industry
he didn't
>revolutionizes the online payment industry
he didn't
>waaaa nat muh presedent
One is a chink that has a vaporware coin that went 10x because of pumping and tron dogs
The other has 2 companies that have actually delivered on their products
He seems to express desires to loosen our immigration policy and I don't necessarily agree with that. Not that I think all immigration is bad but some immigration isn't helpful or good.
This is what hyperintelligence looks like
America would have been based as fuck if they permanently shut off the immigration faucet before 1929.
Proves his point. Indians outside of reservations are dead.
Cos he's a MIC front man.
He didn't start a company that was the first in history to land and reuse a rocket?
He had nothing to do with paypal?
Imagine being this retarded.
Inmigration needs to be loosened for qualified people, and made stricter for pajeets
bring talented people in, retards out
>t.conned trump voter.
lock her up, amirite?
Those success stories aren't his. He's just an actor.
LMAO space itself is the biggest con ever conceived of. inb4 subliminally trained autobark from tons of brainlets.
I bought a Tesla and it's an amazing car.
Once these cars become cheap enough for the masses, it will take off.
You're an idiot.
>As usual, this is an opinion piece, protected by the US Constitution. It is my personal reading of the published
factoids. If you prefer the mainstream reading, you can have it
Don't need to read any further to realized someone with a double digit IQ wrote this
Quoted wrong person, meant to quote this one
Yeah this has me totally convinced
you're a fuckin loon m8
>the writings of a batshit insane schizophrenic
what a great argument
He literally doesn't know how to move his body into a car and gets cucked 24/7 by his wife KEK
And this website proves that the earth is a cube
I like this guy, the normies in the thread cry because they don't want truth, they want The Party's tasty lies. Thanks for introducing me to his stuff, user.