I have no clue what I'm doing. Feel free to roast/offer advice
I have no clue what I'm doing. Feel free to roast/offer advice
this is a masterful LARP
either that or sorry bout your brain injury
Seems like your new. You are diversifying way too hard for the amount of money you have. Take some out of ETH and BTC and move it into the penny coins. You will experience greater gains. Holding 1k worth of BTC isn't going to get you anywhere.
Overdiversified, first impression. Start out with four or five currencies that you feel you can keep tabs on, and get yourself on a newsite to keep track of recent developments.
Sell the stocks you're losing on, but ONLY THE ONES that are comparatively inviolate. If there's a coin that keeps spiking up and down in value, hold onto those for now and try to sell when you notice a consistent upswing.
Blockfolio is just a note taking app right? How do you actually trade coins?
literally just got in a week ago. trying to not fall under the dumb money category.
are there any in particular? I feel like most are speculative? Coindesk and telegraph are what I've perused through
I use binance as it was the only one I could register on at the time
Too diverse, you can't ride every rocket user.
Pick 3-5 coins and consolidate into them.
I don't hate your picks, you're just spread too thin.
But when you're consolidating don't sell at a loss. Just consolidate when coins have a nice upswing.
Agree with others here. Simplify
That's what my next step was going to be. I originally posted because I noticed some of the other threads comparing portfolios and being relatively compact. I don't have any experience but have been reading/muddling around the crypto space.
>Sell the stocks you're losing on
Where do you do your research and follow the news?
cointelegraph and coindesk as well as some youtube channels, as ridiculous as it sounds; just to get a vibe of the community
OP, follow my instruction and thank me in 6 months.
$2,500 in ADA
Remaining in XRP.
That's the right thing to do.
Just get an understanding of the market and when you feel comfortable then simplify and hold.
Watched the whiteboard demo of cardano. that's what made me dabble in it. I think I'm too much of a wuss to jump all in in something not established/the bigger dogs. ie btc, eth.
as far as ripple goes, I keep hearing nothing but bad things. I want to believe but don't know how much it has in it.
that being said ada will definitely will be one of the ones I keep around though. thanks user =)
ADA for long term hold.
Ripple for quick short term gains, get out of that decentralized shit really quick, but it's good to make a flip on the normies, it'll hit $10 in like a month.
Also, pic related, its my updated ADA profits lol
I'm new into crypto but sorta understand underlying technology. Can you give a couple examples of the YT channels you mentioned? And lastly what's the downside on buying ETH/BTC on sites like IQoption? (CFD, binaries, major cryptos)
question for ya. if total worth is 0.95btc how many coins would you put into?
This user isn't wrong about ADA. It's a great long term hold.
I'm not into XRP but it's not a bad call either.
ZRX is an awesome project that doesn't get enough love here.
XLM is a good pickup at this price
You've got some good coins here user, once you simplify you'll be happy watching the gains come in over the next 6 months.
Yeah I've heard all positive things regarding cardano. That IOHK is what turned me onto it. Sounds like the overarching theme, which was expected, is to consolidate and narrow it down to ~5 coins. It'll be tough thinning the herd as the ones I actually put money into are ones that I believe in. lol
this fucker said ADA and XRP. The dumbest marketcap along with TRX
Portfolios over 10k can be pretty diverse because you can take decent positions in a variety of coins.
I don't have a specific number of holds in mind but you could easily be in 7+ coins depending on how much of your portfolio you chose to keep in BTC.
I feel you mate, there's a lot of positions I wish I could take because I believe in the coins.
Once your portfolio grows you'll have greater opportunities to diversify.
For now just focus on getting that portfolio into 5 figures.
appreciate the reply user. 8 coins here including btc (50%) so i guess i'll just wait and hold.
my main problem is timing my exits on my alts. probably been trying too hard every day, need to just wait and hold.
Yeah, overthinking can backfire.
I've daytraded my way into some really nice positions but ultimately I've been more successful just accumulating and holding good coins with solid tech.
I like that build. 50% BTC in case it rallys again and then a good variety of alts to help accumulate. Should bring you success with a nice safety net.
another question: would you evenly spread the other 50%? how would you decide which to invest more in, just by preference of technology?