Ufr gains

Anyone else getting to the moon with UFR? Feels comfy on this journey

Went 6x on this bitch with $1k. Feels good. Thought I got pajeeted at first, but with the release coming out soon, price is only gonna go higher.

Put 75$ into ICO and am now sitting on $5800. Yes comfy

Already x4 my investment, not too late for moon yet

I've been on this train since 31th of Dec and pissed as hell cos my initial investment was so small....

what the fuck

I wanna buy in but doing well with what I got. I might trade in some ECA soon after they break into another exchange. Maybe get in then

UFR for the win. Looks like it's going to moon again. G

Hope you make it my brother.
When UFR skyrockets we leaving you retards behind

jealous as fuck I only bought in at .42. Still comfy

Its not too late now is it?

God damn, they have a great meme campaign. I'm picking up some bags.

Where can I get UFR?

>Want more reasons than just the recent gains?

UFR aims to provide users a way to generate revenue by providing decentralized P2P filesharing. You can see it as the uTorrent or Limewire blockchain. Filehosts/seeders will get paid for their hosting services. This means that high quality seeders can provide files (think of games, movies, software) for a little bit of revenue. Every seeder will want to chip in on this, and users will want to get max-speed downloads for a small fee. There is no competitor in this sphere and URF is the first coin to propose this paradigm.

- High quality whitepaper
- Unique concept & execution
- Responsive development team
- Solid roadmap
- Not a fork of any other blockchain

Its been rising steady every day and it wont stop tomorrow

You can get it on Cryptopia

Or etherdelta

Ah, cheers. I set up an account on craptopia a while ago, haven't looked at it since. I probably have $50 balance there...

>what the fuck
My exact reaction when I remembered i bought it, went on coinmarketcap sometime in november to scope out if it got listed anywhere and it was at $0.13. Also my sustained reaction as i hodled to ~+5000% . Insane gains and more to come hopefully :)

I am feeling so comfy on this journey, however i'll be even comfier as I continue to accumulate, Cant wait for the future of this coin.

can't wait for UFRs inevitable moon once it hits more exchanges, it will be insane

Okay, I'm in. Let's go UFR!

How far do we think this'll go? 2x from here?

sitting comfy with 5k since .51

More. Probably like 5x leading up to the release.

dont act so smug i bet you're regretting putting in only 75 bucks
why the fuck did you not put more in

Sweet! I've only got chump change in it, but 5x would be fine by me.

What do you mean the release? UFR releasing something? I should probably research more..

Wish i wasnt jewish and threw more than $75 in desu. This was at the beginning of my crypto investing and i thought UFR was an awesome project, but i only had $350 total to put in. Threw $275 in LINK cuz of shills here instead at .25, which really hadn't worked out until recently - huge opportunity cost tho.

And good shit .42 is still a great entry price considering where we are at now

Poor college student only had $350 to throw at crypto when i started, bought UFR ico and got memed into link which ironically worked out

Yeah the alpha is coming by q1 and the devs confirmed that it's getting listed on more exchanges by end of Jan.

If you can't get in now at least get in before it gets listed somewhere else

Those who didn't get in in time posting pink wojaks soon lmao

Cool, thanks user

very /comfy/

how many more?


Was just looking at the UFR charts. WOW!

Where were you guys a week ago?! I needed to get in then, not now :|

Oh well, hopefully the trend continues.

Im with you. I think im gonna chuck a few grand and hope the wave is rising.

I was literally staring at the ED charts like 2 months ago wondering if I should buy in.

This has been shilled for at least a week now

Was on holidays and missed this I think

I missed it, I'm not on biz that often, let alone Veeky Forums

to the moon!

Get in or stay poorfags

UFR to the moon

The more I read about the project, the more I like it,
paying seeders on a decentralized torrent sounds dope as fuck.

Going to the moon? I'm already past moon with UFR, going to different galaxy with this shit

definitely going to buy more

fuck off you retarded discord PnD circlecucks, you're the cancer of biz

Seems legit guise

Idk user, biz has shilled some winners, but I don't like like how they just release coins arbitrarily.
I wish they had a more structured algorithm around coin release.

got in yesterday and already got +50%

too late? what is something else to look at which has similar market cap & growth potential?

Anyone not investing will regret it!

Ive chck around and looks like there still a bit of room for growth. I chucked $500 just in case anything does happen

Where do I store it?

missed it, def regretting it :(

>Want more reasons than just the recent gains?

UFR aims to provide users a way to generate revenue by providing decentralized P2P filesharing. You can see it as the uTorrent or Limewire blockchain. Filehosts/seeders will get paid for their hosting services. This means that high quality seeders can provide files (think of games, movies, software) for a little bit of revenue. Every seeder will want to chip in on this, and users will want to get max-speed downloads for a small fee. There is no competitor in this sphere and URF is the first coin to propose this paradigm.

- High quality whitepaper
- Unique concept & execution
- Responsive development team
- Solid roadmap
- Not a fork of any other blockchain

Its been rising steady every day and it wont stop tomorrow

Planning on buying some more, already got a nice stack, but I think this thing is gonna fly real soon.

Once the normies will get in, be prepared and buckle up, straight to Mars.