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op you are a god

previous threads:

Why are you so racist user?

at least make these shitposts a little Veeky Forums related

everyone knows the stuff that gets posted, how can we use the info to our advantage is the question

You don't get your 50 dollars back by this spam. Trading isn't for dumbasses you know

hey guys what are the odds that the soyboy cucks actually try to form coherent arguments against my sourced facts and statistics, this thread?

i'm going to say 0% because they have no arguments

welcome back, reddit. are you going to pull your pants up and try to form arguments this time?

>how can we use the info to our advantage is the question
don't relax

top-tier gif mate

have anudda

Are you going to kill yourself because you're clearly a waste of oxygen? Did you fall for the BZC scam or something? It doesn't matter how many times you post, how many proxies you have, you'll be a miserable nocoiner. Must feel REALLY bad seeing 100k to 2M portfolios while you rot away.

That's the spirit. Gotta teach the fucking normies.

>0 arguments
top cuck. try again, sweetie


Heil Hitler.

Saved from last thread. We should have nigger hate threads more often here

source please

dont' forget the source

empire of dust. it's on youtube

Empire of Dust. Great documentary.

Fuck niggers


Yay last one 404'd
noe wan h8s Jews more than they h8 niggers am I right got a?

join the Shinobi pump discord gg/AHep3eG

come make some money faggots

Keep up the good work!


the nigger probably would have chimped out and attacked the chinese guy if the cameras weren't there, you can just see it in his eyes.

his response was probably something about white oppression

That looks pretty comfy desu

I replied.

lul that's just embarrassing for them, they're outdated pre-humans phylogentically

Friendly reminder that nig nogs are not humans.

nogs were a hard fork


Easily since none of that incorporates economic input.

Throw yourself in the trash

> filter threads
> 8,000+ unique IP addresses btfo in one easy step


also as a general announcement to the thread, i just decided to use my crypto gains to register for quite a few vpn services so i can continue to post this thread with op. i fucking hate the normie influx so much and i don't even feel the $300 i spent on all these shady vpns

Lmao this pol boy is so mad. I'm actually kind of sad for him, what he has Veeky Forums? And Twitter? That's really the only two places left for him to be a mad salty baby.

K, thanks for the bump :^)

>poorest white regions in the US have lower crime rates than all black dominant regions in the US
>m-muh economics deflection
You're getting rekt and denialism is your only avenue for escape.

I couldn't understand your broken english you fucking nog.

>Easily since none of that incorporates economic input.
i got that covered, senpai. pic related and this video:

Dr. Sowell completely destroys this argument in a lot of his research. Next.

And still have the highest rates of government assistanceship and opiod addiction/unemployment.


No lmao.

>Why are you here

>No lmao.
not an argument. you also disregarded my images. is this the game you're going to play

>make a statement
>someone counters your statement with sources, statistics
>lol no those don't count also i didn't see them whoops

if so them lmao

> doesn't know what sage is


>poorest regions
>government assistance and unemployment
Woah no shit user, how retarded are you exactly?

I'll spell it out for you since you're incompetent, poor whites commit less crimes and have higher IQs than middle-class blacks.

it goes in all fields

Sowell isn't valid and has been debunked so many times over the years it's kind of just embarrassing you cited him.

Please stop having a tantrum on biz, it's embarrassing that you are having a meltdown on an anonymous image board

Comfy /pol/lack & Veeky Forumsraeli thread

to be fair i'd be more ok with nogs being on gov assistance if they'd just commit less crime

>Sowell isn't valid and has been debunked so many times over the years
this is the part where you give arguments and sources you dumb fuck. you don't get to just handedly dismiss things here. this isn't reddit.

OP cant make gains, sees nigs on facebook going over 10x with shitcoins like tron and verge, decides to spread his polshit all over a clean board
Imagine being this pathetic.. Id probably kms

2 reddit-spaced sentences and you managed to form exactly 0 arguments

Having a meltdown on an anonymous image board is the lowest of the low desu

We'd all like to live in a utopian fantasy, but reality has hit us hard instead.
You clearly missed the huge thread about the normalfag influx onto Veeky Forums and creating non-PC threads to shoo shoo them away

That just sounds incredibly autistic.

No one cares Veeky Forums isn't a secret club. Did you just get here last year?

>your source proves me wrong therefore it's fake

It's either coordinated from that excuse of a board (/lolpol/), or it's one REALLY angry moron who got scammed and is joined by a few other losers ITT.

you're trying too hard

>on literally autism the website
>complains about autism
normal fag detected as if it wasn't already obvious after watching you get triggered by facts

God the shitposting on this board has reached new peeks since the peak of bitcoin


Eh, I've been on this website longer than every single person in this thread.

Don't really care :)

Happy to!

>antique farming equipment
you make me laugh

hey i destroyed your economic non-argument. i said next--as in, next argument, please.

Listen senpai, you going off for being a mad baby who can't get gains isn't going make you any less mad.

Good luck.

>le oldfag appeal
We're all anonymous here, newfriend. No postcount or account age to "pull rank" on others.
Got anything new?

oh yeah we got distracted by reddit and forgot that this is a NIGGER HATE THREAD

you forgot your argument again

That youtube channel is gold. Impressive what one man can do if he isn't a nigger.

>call everyone newfags or redditors
>excuse but I'm not exactly newf-
Pathetic worm

Except I didn't do any of that, user.
There is no need to get emotional here.


>Reddit get out reee my internet board is better than your internet board reee

Sounds pretty emotional to me

pls stop arguing with the furniture

Who are you quoting?
You know we have IDs here, right?

>You clearly missed the huge thread about the normalfag influx onto Veeky Forums
you mean since like june last year? but yeah whatever lets turn the board into a cesspit of gore and shit posting to scare le ebil normies away, they are threatening my gains this is a safe space for autists such as myself who discovered biz a few months ago, ree!

Then why aren't you going back to your hugbox on plebbit yet?

I'm glad someone had the balls to actually make our thread.

>but yeah whatever lets turn the board into a cesspit of gore and shit posting to scare le ebil normies away
if gore is anything but background noise to you then you are a fresh little baby

Because I've been here a decade. This thread is primo material for laughing at a mad incel


>Egypt, located on the isthmus of Africa, is an ideal region to study historical population dynamics due to its geographic location and documented interactions with ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia and Europe. Particularly, in the first millennium BCE Egypt endured foreign domination leading to growing numbers of foreigners living within its borders possibly contributing genetically to the local population. Here we present 90 mitochondrial genomes as well as genome-wide data sets from three individuals obtained from Egyptian mummies. The samples recovered from Middle Egypt span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the New Kingdom to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more ancestry with Near Easterners than present-day Egyptians, who received additional sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times. This analysis establishes ancient Egyptian mummies as a genetic source to study ancient human history and offers the perspective of deciphering Egypt’s past at a genome-wide level.

you're doing the lord's work user

which year?




This is nice board

>le ebin Veeky Forums gore and scat posting is so hardcore xD
I bet you have photos of prolapsed anuses saved on your computer. Utterly fucking disgusting.

thank you, genuinely thank you.

This is OP samefagging. He literally said he "has multiple IPs". I wonder why he would post these threads with "multiple IPs". Is it because he can't trade for shit and he doesn't understand that normie money is actually a good thing.
What the fuck does that even have to do with anything? KEK

When are we going to take what's our back? By this I mean, when are we going to reinstate slavery and abolish the five fiths laws? We have seen how bad the negroe has done with our economy and with deciding the fate of our great nation (almost as bad as women, ha!). We must reign them in once more, for they are nothing but chimps to be used for labor. Castrate them too this time, so they don't go after the missus or get any funny ideas again. The negro is less than even animal, for the animal has dignity and grace. All the negro knows to do is destroy all of our work and then proclaim innocence and ignorance of anything! How, my sapian brothers, can we once more do what is right by this nation and take control of this not-sapians? Is there a man among us who has had success in taming this beast?


is this you op? id understand why youre mad

>paying for vpns
>paying for "shady vpns"
Your computer banned, your phone soon to be, that just leaves your parents phone/computer.

2006. I was a sophomore I think.

Veeky Forums was the fastest moving website I had ever been on I didn't understand that Everytime I refreshed the page new threads would populate. It was highly dissorientating

Get the fuck out before I spam goatse nigger fuck

why u haff to be mad