Am I going to make it (~200k), biz?

Am I going to make it (~200k), biz?

My joints are aching from these XRP and XRB bags, and I'm missing out on moon missions left and right.

What do.

Other urls found in this thread:

Holding 10k XRP myself and its hurting

Shit hurts m8

> not having FUN
> not having fun

hmm no idea what your problem is, sorry mate

stay poor

get rid of xrp ripple and req. get eng link icn

Link is tempting, but I'm not chad enough to FOMO into link at an ATH by selling off XRP and REQ at a loss. Can you shill me on ENG and ICN a bit?

drop your XRBags. network is extremely centralized right now, nodes have to proactively distribute across representatives. if the XRB team's nodes get bogged, you're fucked

Piss off Pajeet.

We're similar OP

Man up and sell all XRP and DBC for link

You know it’s the right thing to do

You're pretty much what my better conscience would do if I listened to it. I have been contemplating XLM, VEN, and BAT for the past day but I don't know what to sell to get it.

You're probably right.
I don't know about selling DBC though, biz seems to think it's moon-material in the near future.
As for XRP, I kinda want to wait for 17000 sats before selling off ~2000 and buying LINK on a small dip.


DESU, I feel like I've missed the moon on that one and that it's likely just going to correct back down from the last pump from its initial binance release.

XRB and XRP are trashcoins kid. I love how in one breathe you say you have heavy bags and imply you are not happy but when someone says something about the coin you attack.

So which is it shill? You like your shitcoins or dont?

Because selling coins at a loss for something at an ATH is never fun. XRB and XRP are pretty trash, hence why I want people to shill me coins that are worth me selling at a loss for.

Dbc 1$

If you chase pumps, no, you're not going to make it. Also, dump those XRP bags and buy something with actual room to grow that you don't have to watch. DBC is a scam and will retrace to zero btw

Youre at the point with your stack that you dont have to chase these shilled x5 of the month coins anymore. Find a couple low cap

That's so bigdick actually...

Should I wait for a rise to dump? How many sats?
What would you say has room to grow if DBC is a scam? I was going to just ride it to $1 and then dump it for another up-and-coming kucoin coin.


no idea on XRP

Go buy some opus, storm, etc, if you want some high risk high reward shit but do it with what you can bear losing

Ya ive had these gains before and know it can halve any day now but if sia is back at 500 sats this thing should do well

That's fair. By wait, do you mean weeks? months? years? Do you have a general exit strategy amount (~10x, 50x, 100x, etc)?

also don't sell DBC yet. still room to grow

What about upcoming promising icos
10k each in 5 good icos

Yeah was thinking about holding XRB until 50 and then dumping around half of my holdings for something else.

Opus looks interesting but I'd have to get my etherdelta up and running first.

I was thinking about trying something like that if I got to 100k but I'd need to really find the perfect coin to do it on. The ballsiest I've done so far was 50/50 on XRP and XRB and it was okay overall but not as lucrative as I had hoped.

Yeah I've been wanting to try that but I haven't read up on any interesting or promising ones lately. If one comes around, I'd probably throw 5-10k at it.

Its up to you, whenever you feel comfortable. If you dump 5k into a coin and its at 2mil cap and then it goes to 100cap thats 50x, but still only 100mil cap so it could still reach 1billion. You just have to get a feel

I just started looking into this as well

creepy af when you're not used to it tho

Gotcha. I'll start slow with some coins that I see being shilled around first, and hopefully I get a feel for it soon. Just gotta get rid of these ripple bags first at the right time.

Use MetaMask, and i've had more success with idex lately.

increase gas price to whatever you can afford to lose so you dont go fucking insane wondering if its working

put it all in LINK and maybe you'll make it

Yes i know but its doabowl

1. 30k member pump group for easy daily profit join us

2. discord link ending -> qXpkdeZ


It's getting added to the JAP exchange DMM

I want to believe user, but every other instance of a coin with previous exposure being added to a major exchange has shown that it really doesn't increase the price that much overall (minus the initial rise and dip)




>buy some UFR

you could , if youd buy more ufr
or any ufr
or go all in on ufr
ufr ufr ufr ufr ufr ufr ufr
not shilling btw

Sell the DBC and buy URF, you wont regret it


Is it still worth getting into XRB today?

I hope XRP collapses to the ground. What a shitcoin. Can't believe you guys invest in that garbage.

Long term, yeah probably. Short term, I think there are probably better choices.

BBT- You'll be in the six figure club by the end of the month. Thank me later.

Get rid of Ripple lmao.

The banks already made out like bandits with that scam.