Why aren't women investing in crypto? Do they really have no interest in being rich?
Why aren't women investing in crypto? Do they really have no interest in being rich?
women arent risk takers
They had no idea until recently.
Is that Vitalik passed out?
they're too busy investing in keeping their vaginas from smelling like a pump n dump
For 90% of women, their purpose in life is to leech onto a man until his financial resources are depleted at which point you crush his soul.
Why do the work when you can find some sucker who already did and claim half for yourself
where are such pictures even from? who are these girls?
Haaaaaaaaaaaaa ! nice
pathetic, you haven't dated many real women have you
It's Sergey's violent weight-loss region.
I gave my gf some Doge a few weeks ago.
Little did I know it went up by 100% in a week.
Shut up you dumb roastie. Go wash your filthy vagina.
this is the closest to a /r9kl/ post you will see from me. And it is 100x less cringe than dumb shit like
. But the answer is emotions. Women, for better or for worse tend to be more emotional in their decision making process than men. Making them sentimental to coins, prone to FOMO and FUD. like all the low test losers on this thread losing money in a market its almost impossible to do so in.
Why don't more women play the stock market? Why don't more women go into STEM fields?
Not really sure OP, I'm guessing risk aversion.
they would take one look at the exchange interface and their head would explode
Women are interested in socializing; men are interested in things.
Because they don't need money to get what they want.
But honest question OP, why do you care?
womens cant do nothing than just giving a good fuck, if they dont spend whole life on mastering one thing they are worthless at it
I asked my wife why she does not invest. She said that she does not have time for this bullshit
only dick takers
Audible kek
Look at these two faggot-ass pussies. Enjoy being a meal-ticket for some lazy-ass woman.
Never marry and always rent/lease depreciating assets like women who age like milk.
basic human evolution. they never needed to take risks and as child-bearers taking risks was actually fucking stupid...
now, obviously you can break out of that pattern in this society, but surprise surprise.
women still don't take risks and flock to the very conservative wage-cuck "patriarchy" (kek) they supposedly despise so much, NOT TAKING A FUCKING RISK... even tough, with 3rd wave feminism, you can actually bully whole economic sectors into submission... (as we've seen before)
but once again, instead of actually playing that game and manipulate the market to get us all a piece of the (((jewis))) cake they would rather whine around about how unfair the world is and how it ows everything ot them because of MUH OPPRESSION, all of course, without doing a lick of work for it...
>Female friend of mine got into crypto lately (just few bucks from her wagecuck job)
>spams me over normiebook few times / day
>told her what to buy and when to sell
>+120% in 2 weeks
>she is hooked
>its time to let her feel the crash
so biz, what will crash? What should she go all-in?
>people are an asset
Gee I wonder why none of your relationships are fulfilling.
Zclassic, dont tell her about the fork make her keep it in Cryptopia.
Sounds good, thanks.
why do you want your name attached to terrible advice user? why not just tell her to DYOR. or say you arent comfortable giving investment advice. That's been my strategy throughout the normierush.
we are in crypto, we just don't like talking to faggots
no they are not, my faince said she doesnt care about it and that crypto has consumed my life.
15 mins ago she said she doesnt love me anymore
i like money tho, i like it alot
that's real funny coming from a basement dweller who has probably never tried to get a girl's number before
Because crypto trading demographic is composed of NEETs, you better pray they don't all join in just yet. The FOMO they'll have by the time they decide to start investing is your cash out money fag
Most women under 30 make more money than most men...
fuck off to /pol/ ya loser
You go sista! It's so nice of you to defend the stacies that bullied you in middle school in the name of muh feminism
me on the right
They are. I am selling them mu bags from eay back in 2013
And that's when they stop trying to climb any further.
Conformist animals all of them.
all humans are conformists
>mfw I know a legit 9/10 female with CS master background
>working in IT and heavily invested in blockchain and A.I.
>she's ballsdeep into crypto
They don't look like it but they exist.
Women are investing in crypto... hello
women look for men who have taken the risks and won .. they do not have to take risks and still profit
Society exists to provision women.
Women at the level that most of us are - ie wealthy enough to have enough to have a computer, and the leisure time to research crypto and trade, simply don't need to do this.
They don't need to "get rich", that's not a priority to most women - most will always have the opportunity to be taken care of (by governments\corporations\local businesses\charities\beta-males), so most of them simply don't need to bother learning a specialised subject or about these technologies when these women could be doing other things that are more enjoyable to them.
Males are interested in crypto because males have to earn their status\value. Not necessarily because of physical or mental superiority.
Good goy. Don't have children either. They will cost you your shekels!
Because they have kids (kinda the most important part of continued species survival) and tend to value other benefits over money at lower rates of pay then men.
REEEE there's a girl in here
1. 30k member !!!pump group for easy daily profit join us
2. discord link ending -> qXpkdeZ
hodling link. HAHAHA prepare to lose it all
t. genetic dead end
Its simple, I'm asshole.
>saying “hodling”
Cause they could just marry someone rich. Even if they can't find someone a rich Chad there's still a shit ton of neet tech guys making 100k salaries that will take what they can get
Muh wage gap REEEEE
kek. Fair enough. godspeed user.
the greatest con job of the 21st century is the far right successfully brainwashing idiots into believing in partisan boogeymen like "cultural marxism"
It seems fair enough for women to give up their vags and time to make babies with alpha males only if they can charge big dollars for it. The problem is feminism's attempts to push women into male roles which has decreased everyone's happiness. There's no women in crypto same as there's no women in stem or the men's toilets.
Women suck dick for resources
Most woman expect YOU to come and ask for the number as they don't face the risk of rejection. You are just proving his point.
I was actually thinking if we could as a Veeky Forums community start accumulating women coin. Then we start to campaign it on reddit as the way for women to "conquer the crypto world"
After that tumblr etc shitty news sites campaign, "women are taking ocer the crypto world, up 500% last month". "crypto is 99% male here's how we change this: womencoin".
We do this for a good while until women coin is shilled to the top 50 coins are. Then we cash out 1000x profit and laugh on our way to the bank.
I mean Veeky Forums got the ladies to pisd their pants on twitter for feminism. I'm sure we can get them to start being "smart" with their money ;)
Who's in?
checked and kek'd would buy
Im a girl in crypto up 24k since september. Honestly the reason women arent in crypto is because theyre not exposed to it. I got into it through biz after browsing Veeky Forums my entire life. Unless you stumble upon it through Veeky Forums or at least plebbit, theres little chance to discover it properly. Honestly have u SEEN the normie crypto facebook groups? Al the tards jut own btc or if theyre feelig super egdy, cripple.
All my dumbass normie girl pals tag me in bitcoin memes and then get annoyed when I corrected them saying i dont own any btc. Their only info is bitcoin and they have no clue about blockchain, alts etc, I learned it all from lurking biz
Tits or gtfo
really if this gains traction I'll post a solid gameplan for us, after work I'll have some time. See you in 5 hours lets get the ladies empowerment train going.
would be a solid meme
A woman who will have your children and love them is the best investment you can make. And it’s not about money.
what is your number bby?
Your in every thread with your teeth
Girls hate mean things
The markets are very mean and scary.
Agreed. Also a girl. Met with some of my friends a few days ago and all they know about crypto is btc. They asked me how it worked and they could not wrap their heads around it at all. They couldn't even comprehend that there are coins other than btc. All they know is that btc's an "easy" way to get rich.
I like this idea.
This. They can manipulate other humans (especially men) with emotional tricks, but the market is cold and doesn't give a shit. That's why they avoid it, because they know they have no power here.
Girl I know is in the 6 figures with her crypto stack - they exist, but they are rare. I think if there were more role-models, it would be more common.
they can't use their vaginacard in crypto
also they're too dumb to even know what crypto is and what it means
Seen this picture 10+ times never seen kid in background.
Testosterone makes you more risk averse
It's Vitalik
lol why would they invest when your dumbass will do all the stressin memeing for em??
Because women have no ambitions.
the greatest con job of the 21st century is the far left successfully brainwashing idiots into believing in ''equality''
Women are, on genetic level, not risk-takers. They want to play it safe for the sake of their children, whether they have one or not.
The answer is in evolution biology.
Posting from phone, it's me, asshole user.
She tried daytrade by herself today. No need to troll her, she lost almost all of it.
while we're busy chasing pump n dumps they're chasing Chad who pump n dumps them
Every girl in 2018 is on instagram desperately trying to fraud her:
-genetic quality
-estrogen levels
with makeup, lighting, angles, filters, clothes, etc.. and are all advertising themselves on social media to get the attention of the 1% CHADS of the world.. the average girls life revolves around making herself more desireable for chad and she will not fucking give up until she gets him.... but she wont. it will be too late for her. she will have been pumped and dumped by all the chads because she thought they would commit and save her and turn her into a housewife. but none commited.. and YOU end up marrying her. and she hates her fucking life every day because she ended up with YOU.. you and your poor genetic quality. this is life for sub 8's in 2017. we are the ones who wife up used up, post prime females who have been passed around by chads like an OBJECT. every girl thinks shes special. every girl wnts chad. every girl will be used by chad. every girl with become a used up post prime hag for sale to a beta.
This is a massively popular peculiar type of self-hate and hopelessness here. Even if it were true it would be fair game, mates of approximately equal attractiveness being matched.
I would fully support this
So much armchair science in this moronic thread. I know seven women in my social circle alone who've invested. It's because you're retarded basement dwellers with minimal contact with women that you can only come up with baseless shit like this
Honestly, browsing Veeky Forums is like watching aliens talk about how they once saw a human put sharpies in his butt and that this obviously something all humans do
>women doing literally anything
They're talking about the majority.
Why are you nitpicking feggot?
i know some girls in crypto, only on coinbase though. most girls are normies which mean they are a lower %.
the girls are... YOURE MOM XD
guys i got him, give me (you)s.
I got in xrb
maybe im retarded but i'd buy this, better than 80% of the coins being shilled here