I think I just lost $500 on EtherDelta. Does anyone know a lot about this site?

I think I just lost $500 on EtherDelta. Does anyone know a lot about this site?
>deposit .43 ETH
>autistic me accidentally closes out EtherDelta tab
>pull it up again
>transaction link does not show up in "orders"
>try to send all my ETH back to coinbase
>find the Etherscan link for the transaction and its been pending for 15 min
>my other transaction back to Coinbase is also pending

If it really is just pending, will it eventually show up in EtherDelta? It doesn't say there are any open transactions on the site, it only shows it on Etherscan.

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No idea if you lost anything, but supposedly the network is really slow right now.

Is there a way for me to cancel the order? It still shows my ETH in Metamask but I can't move it or touch it since it's in a pending order.

You fucked up mane

That's good to know I think.. I hope it shows up in my Etherdelta, because it doesn't say I have any pending transactions in there. It only shows it on Etherscan. Thanks.

I don't know if I should take you seriously or if you're intentionally fucking with me.. God I hate Etherdelta.

You'll be fine. You didn't nominate enough GWEI (do you even know what GWEI is motherfucker?) so you're basically last in line until someone picks up your transaction, which could be 2 hours judging from current Gas prices. If you had nominated 41 GWEI you'd be off and running by now.

At least you have a txID which means the transaction LIVES! Just wait it out bro.

Lol you just have to go to your coin's page again then it will show up. Make sure you're signed in to YOUR wallet because there are other wallets there too.

and for reference ethgasstation.info/

Only poor pajeets pay little Gwei. Pay the Gwei and get your transactions up and running faster bro. Nothing worse than wasting TIME. I'd rather waste money than time.

Yes I know about GWEI. I set mine to 15 so I fucked myself. Thank you. Also, i tried sending it back to coinbase so I technically have 2 pending orders now. What will come of it? Do I need to cancel the 2nd one somehow?
Follow-up.. Will my ETH show up in EtherDelta even though I accidentally closed the tab?

stick to coinbase you fuckin retard

One will pass and one will fail.

Keep both txID/transactions open in separate tabs and pray that at least one of them goes through.

Next time don't cheap out on Gwei when the network is congested. It's literally chump change.

Fuck you I made a whole $13 off of DOGE in 2014. I'm on my way to the moon stop shilling me your shit tier normiecoins.

did you use metamask???


Yeah, etherdelta is pretty shit. But because it's so shit, you tend to be able to buy and sell things outside market price. So there's that I guess.

wut. I just bought some UFR on it. Took forever and cost 10 cents more cause the interface is so shit, but I used it

I noticed the coinbase transaction only has "0x" for input data. Dunno if that matters. Also Coinbase transaction was 20 Gwei. I appreciate your help.

He's memeing

Okay so now it's only showing one the pending transactions. The Coinbase transaction is not appearing in my Etherscan, however I still have my coins in Metamask. What's also weird is the original transaction to Etherdelta says the transaction 13 min old and still pending..

>find the Etherscan link for the transaction and its been pending for 15 min
>my other transaction back to Coinbase is also pending

It is pending.
So it is on the ETH network
You good...
cross your fingers you don't run out of gas

Coinbase transaction isn't showing up on Etherscan anymore.
>Sorry we are unable to locate this transaction hash

The transaction to deposit it into Etherdelta is still there and pending, but the time (stopwatch thing) reset itself for some reason.

Thank you for your donation.

same problem for me

put 1 eth on idex and put half an eth on ethadelta. both transaction goes through but did not show up on both sites.

both are overloaded and slowly af at the time. all we can do is wait.

Good luck man

As long as it shows on etherscan, and the deposit address shown in etherscan is the same as on the exchange, just be patient. No idea how long it could take, have heard horror stories of up to 48hrs.

This weekend has been shitty for tx’s.

Is there any way I can create a new transaction which won't be pending while the other one finishes so I can buy other coins in the meantime?

Nvm it just showed up. Fuck I need to be more patient and less autistic.

There’s no worse feeling than currency “disappearing” between exchanges, even if it is brief.