I wanna get paid for hurting people, what are my options? bonus points for creativity.
Job options
Join ISIS or become a dentist.
night security, bouncer = low pay, low prestige, good vent for aggression
private security = high risk, high prestige, high security, can get fucking shady
military/police = high prestige, high risk, become the MICs attack dog for nothing but the elites geo-political shenanigans...
and then there's the black market stuff, but if you weren't raised in such a culture, i would not recommend it. you wouldn't be able to stomach it.
just keeping flipping fun bux and NEET it out, OP. It's all not worth it...
And if you need ot vent some frustration/anger, do it while working out/ bettering yourself, not beating people into a pulp while thinking you're a white knight, while behaving like a literal demon-incarnate...
invest other people's money into LINK
Prison guard
Make someone fall in love with you.
Give them everything they could ever ask for.
>Late night talks under the stars
>Early mornings in bed under the covers
>Timeless adventures and unconditional love
Slowly distance yourself at first, then all at once.
>Ultimately decimate their heart
Congratulations. Your heart turns to ice and the other person is always left to wonder what went wrong.
I wana hurt women so bad, be a DADDY nigga
just join the police in the US
Wtf. Too close to home, user
not ok
Margin trade crypto
police officer
3 years on the force
pros: Beating gypsies every week plus you get the bonus of writing tickets on people you don't like. plus my gobernment money and pension
cons: you have to be pretty buff so people can't talk jack shit , sallary is not that good
oh yeah you fucks.
Hurting someones feelings is not ok,
but that psycho OP is good to go?
I really hope he's a burger
forgot to mention we are on shifts 2 days on and off so sometimes you miss holidays
debt collector/prosecutor/police office/auditor
Id recommend debt collector. Probably the one of the most brutal jobs out there where you can BTFO normalfags daily.
I feel good about dropping out of the academy now
IRS Revenue Agent.
Fuck, beat me to it.
>file deleted
Now I'm curious.