>being this obtuse
obtuse? wait until it falls another 20% mwa ha HAHAHA bich
Do you really not know what happened at CMC? Jesus fuck.
lol buying a central coin that can be printed at will
Bithumb maintenance
It didn't actually drop; CMC just removed Bithumb from its listing, which was making the price look higher than it actually was. The price is stable in reality.
this, cmc only removed koreans from statistics
Everything is the same ;) fuck CMC
oh no it dropped ...
Lmao people here are really retarded
It didn't fall 20% you fucking brainlet. They did this to ETH, BTC, and BCH as well. Or were you really too stupid to notice that 50 fucking billion was wiped from the entire crypto market?
Buttcorners applauding themselves for no reason :D lmao
holdup, so you are telling me, there's an unsecured vent that leads straight to the main reactor?
Not the user you replied to, but what happened?
Coinmarketcap "removed" all Korean pricing from their listings. It's still there, it's just not actually figured into the average price anymore.
DESU I think it was a good thing considering how much Korean prices skewed the whole fucking market, but they should've put out a warning beforehand cuz they initiated a bunch of panic selling.
Oh right, that actually explains a lot
Thanks user
do koreans block out foreigners? why isn't arbitrage used
It has something to do with the rules & regs over there. Non-citizens can't sign up at their exchanges, it's all tied to Korean passports. And I guess there's a restriction on how much money a South Korean can receive from abroad - like $50k USD per year and there's all kinds of red tape bullshit, so arbitraging really isn't worth it.
This is just what I've read *shrug*
Last stand of buttcoiners... pull everything out of your hat to stop the massive XRP train.
This will be bloody
Trying to betray crypto after all it has given u, you’re scum, bootlicker piece of shit.
XRP going to $1 trillion market cap after their 3 household names announcement. Fucking cap this ye cunts.
I don't get how anons identify with certain inits of internet imaginary money when there's only one, maybe 2 that matter
Gloating over it adds to dat cringey sour grapes bullshit
>10x current price
>would literally have all my debt paid off, including my house and still have hundreds of thousands of dollars leftover
I'll take it. Don't lie to me user.
i sold 100% of my ripple stack yesterday lol
Not lying mate. Expect a huge pullback when that happens though. Be ready to pull the fiat or ETH trigger to get out. Again, cap this fuckers.
how can literally every 2nd of you retards have "debts"? I wasn't in debt my whole life expect a few bucks on my bank account. is this board just infested with burgerfags who can't handle money?
You think houses are free, cunt?
I have 28k student loan debt still to pay off :o)
>hurr durr, I have no money but I still want a house I can't afford, paying off humongous credit rates and in case of any unexpected event I have to get mortgages or lose my house, being even more in debt.
I will never get your mentality I suppose.
This user has won
Houses cost hundreds of thousands of dollars you fucknob. How many people do you think are walking around with that kind of money?
Let me guess, you're a dumbass renter who's literally paying someone elses mortgage. Cuck.
Guess you didn't quite grasp it, because of your low IQ. But enjoy not really owning anything your whole life until you drop dead and working 360 days a year, burgerfag.
>enjoy not really owning anything
The fuck are you talking about? My mortgage is probably cheaper than your rent. Fucking hipster loser.
Your house is also equity, which is something else he probably doesn't understand, living in his parent's basement.
Coinbase is loading cheap XRP
nobody gives a fuck about your mid western rural state. I could probably already buy 5 houses with my crypto money, yet I don't. 1 flat is enough because I could already AFFORD it and don't pay SHIT, especially not a credit rate. Guess you should do like basic maths from elementary school to see the difference.
>hurr durr still need a house while being in debt
Ok, go ahead and be in debt, poorfag. Also nice medical care. Enjoy that unfavorable event that might come and financially ruin you even more.
you know all those rumours of big banks you bought on? guess what....
a few of the smaller banks might be interested in ripple. oh shit buy now right? these are the rumours you've heard, that ripple staff have been milking.
and it's true, all of it. but guess what?
they're not interested in xrp. they're interested in ripples other blockchain products.
oops ripple didn't make that clear did they. why would they when they can bank on rumour and misunderstanding.
Ripples other products... Codius and Interledgerprotocol
Codius takes over etherium and interledger makes everything else useless ;) ILP uses XRP ;) ;)
ok so ripple is a bit shady milking rumours but whatever. you got that tweet saying three money transfer companies are interested in ripple right? surely thats not an exaggerated disappointment taken out of context like every other ripple rumour of the week
Ahh you're a britfag. Explains a lot.
>nice medical care
At least my hospitals aren't canceling FIFTY THOUSAND FUCKING SURGERIES because our healthcare system has been reduced to a 3rd world shitfest.
Kiss my American ass, cuck.
oh and is that good? a centralized scam coin that can be printed at will. not even a real crypto currency at all. replacing crypto?
great yeah. thanks. shows over everybody, forget the lambos. some small minded riptards want to crash the entire market and destroy everything.
enjoy your temporary gains
but im not sure how worried i need to be with rumour mill ripple they're kinda misleading. and their shillfag army is even worse since anyone shilling for ripple is basically fucking immoral
you hold ripple? you're poor anyways? fine i get it. but keep the dirty secret to yourself, its nothing to brag about. its an a evil coin that needs to be stopped
Ripple is baad
to fud ripple is self defense unless you want the entire point of crypto to be defeated, shooting yourself in the foot in the long run.
fucking overblown rumour mill scam coin at best, terrifying replacement of the entire market with a new insidious business model backed by the central banks at worst.
fucking why shill it? hold some fine, i get it. maybe you're desperate for the money, thats sad but ok. just keep it to yourself, you don't need to promote evil, what would that make you?
kill yourself you fucking fag
also that's baby gains gtfo
Damn XRP got trashed
No, I am not. I am not living in a cuck/arab-infested shithole, sorry. But yeah, feel free to be a 360day/year working shitcunt to pay off the debts you are in voluntarily with credit rate that is lower than rent? Nice house anyway.
I guess there is no use to explain you that this is not "equity" or an asset to pay off the debt of your burger/paper house in Wyoming. But this is just your mentality, buy as much things as possible spending as much money as possible on shit nobody needs or thought through, keep yourself busy with underpaid work to fuel the turbo-capitalistic system you're and never even think of calculating how much you have to work for the interest rate alone of your credit, due to bad decision making. But enjoy that house of yours and the ever choking debt. Also hope you never have serious maintenance on your house before you even paid off the credit. Oh boy, that would be bad to have an unexpected event which you can't handle financially.
Where? Send exchange screenshot lmao. Liarsss
Yes it is. Wondering how so many of you retarded newfags are appearing now, buying into this shit (which is ok) and not selling at peak expecting even greater gains (full retard mode) after a humongous x15 rally. Now we have armies of bagholders who will shill cripple at full force all over again, even though nobody ever thought of this some weeks ago because literally nobody fell for the XRP trap.
You literally have no idea what you're talking about. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Get the fuck out of your moms basement you fucking loser.
Lol butthurt much because I am right? I know I am right. You know it as well, but your coping only allows you to neglect the cold hart truth. Enjoy your debt. But good luck getting rid of it (which I mean seriously, because debt just sucks), but I will be righter after all. When you (mentally) grow up more, you will understand.
Also pro hint: XRP won't help you get rid of your debt at this point, also don't believe the shilling fags.
>you know I'm right
No, I know you're a millennial retard trying to larp. You know what gives it away? Your complete failure at terminology regarding home loans.
It is patently obvious you have no idea what you're talking about and are simply pulling shit out of your ass trying to sound smart.
Protip: you don't. you sound like an idiot.
bud are you defending ripple? they and a former owner own like 50 billion dollars (50 BILLION DOLLARS) of XRP, and they are selling it off. one of the owners who split frmo the company got sued to prevent him from dumping his XRP. the court case agreement was that he literally only got to sell off 1 BILLION DOLLARS per MONTH until it was all gone.
Read this in its entirety if you think Ripple is a good idea, or that XRP has some sort of future.
Are u using internet explorer or how do you get those "brandnew" informations? Lmao
>muh my native speaker terminology is better than yours as a 3rd language
Nice argument, burgerdimwit. I mean, if I was less secure I'd bother to show you my blockfolio, but I won't. It would depress you either way. It is not about terminology, it is about making smart financial choices. Taking credits is not one of them if you don't have a proper income and can't afford it easily. But then again, I am taking to a burger whose general mentality is to just buy buy buy buy buy buy buy and never save up any money.
>saving money
>doesn't understand that houses build equity
You are COMPLETELY out of your element, little boy.
Fuck what kind of whale was that?
fucking LOL at the anti XRP shills. sitting comfy on my 4000 ripples bought at 0.30. shill harder, cucks, you'll never cripple the ripple.
It wasn't a whale. read the fucking thread.
Jews raised them this way, pointless to explain.
it was sarcasm, i hate ripple
everyone does
for your sake longterm you'd make more money if ripple died. so hold your dirty fake coins in QUIET shame if you think its going up despite being mostly rumours and misunderstandings. and dont admit to anyone you have it or they might despise you
>pays credit rates
>no understanding of how interest works
>no understanding how much money he throws at banks for nothing
>no understanding that houses require maintenance as well and aren't really cheaper than rent and are only equity if you paid them off or for the part you paid off
>no understanding that they are only equity if you have them somewhere where people actually want to live
>no understanding the house will continuously drain the money he doesn't have yet and therefore prevents him from investing properly
>has no money left in case he needs any for emergencies other than selling house/taking a mortgage
>still thinks he is smart
Oh well.
Indeed. However I am still a bit surprised. I guess I still underestimated how relentlessly stupid they can be on purpose when it comes to think outside of their little BUY BUY BUY box/mentality/ideology. I mean I am all about explaining those fundamentals to make them smarter, but it is like they don't want to be smarter and rather live in their filter bubble.
reddit spacing
Been following ever since you won your still winning
It is a definition of zombie, nice that their media prepared them for future cleansing, but it also openly stated that there is no reverse process to undo zombification, only physical removal.
stop being such a mong.
Really? Mines all green.